Chapter 149 is really dead
Zhou Suyi entered the game again.

The matter of Hao Aiguo had to be settled outside the temple, otherwise, once he entered the temple, those strange snakes might be released again.

Once those strange snakes are released, they will almost die.

She first bought Fatty Wang's jade pendant in a common way, and then pulled Hu Bayi aside.

"Miss Yang, what's the matter?" Hu Bayi asked.

Zhou Suyi said: "Old Hu, do you feel that there is something wrong with someone in our team!"

Speaking of this, Hu Bayi was not too surprised, but instead asked: "You also feel it?"

Zhou Suyi was stunned, as expected, Hu Bayi said that before, she really saw something.

"Well, a little bit, but I'm not sure!" Zhou Suyi looked at Hu Bayi, "Tell me what you think, who do you think is wrong?"

Hu Bayi shook his head, "I'm not sure who it is, but since I came out of the canyon, I have always had a very bad feeling, as if someone is staring at me from behind, and when I looked over, everyone's reaction It's all normal again!"

Hu Bayi was born as a scout, so his senses are extra sensitive.

Zhou Suyi gave Hu Bayi a thumbs up in her heart, she said to herself that among these people, Hu Bayi must be reliable.

She didn't directly say that something went wrong with Hao Aiguo, so there was no way to explain it. Instead, she said, "I've asked other people. In the canyon, everyone feels different dangers, but there is one thing in common."

"You mean, the fat man called Professor Hao at that time?" Hu Bayi also remembered this incident.

After they came out, they talked one by one about what happened in the canyon.

They all fantasized about the most obsessed things in their hearts.

But they all heard the voice of Fatty Wang calling Hao Aiguo, and at that time, they all felt that the rope was constantly being pulled back.

Zhou Suyi nodded, "That's right, if someone had a problem, it must have been at that time, and there is a high probability that it is Fatty and Professor Hao!"

Hu Bayi didn't refute, probably he had the same thoughts as Zhou Suyi.

"I'm sure, Fatty should be fine. We've known each other since we were young. If there's something wrong with him, I can tell right away!" Hu Bayi was very firm.

In fact, what I said is very clear.

Hu Bayi also felt that something was wrong with Hao Aiguo, but after all, Hao Aiguo was with Zhou Suyi and the others, so he couldn't say it out loud.

Zhou Suyi's eyes lit up, and she silently praised Hu Ba in her heart again.

It's also an npc, how can they be so smart.

"Actually, I also think something is wrong with Professor Hao. I even suspect that the one in front of us may not be Professor Hao anymore. Or, it is very possible that Professor Hao was already dead when the fat man called him. What we brought out is just the Hao Aiguo that Fatty imagined in that mysterious space!" Zhou Suyi said.

Hu Bayi's eyes also brightened, "Miss Yang and I have the same thoughts. You said that in that space, you can imagine things with deep obsessions in your heart. If Fatty really wanted to save Hao Aiguo, his obsession must be very deep. Therefore, it is normal to fantasize about Hao Aiguo, if that is the case, this mysterious space will be too scary!"

"What do you think, what should we do now?" Zhou Suyi said!

Hu Bayi glanced slightly at Hao Aiguo's place. Hao Aiguo was sitting on the ground resting, and nothing unusual could be seen.

"You can't scare the snake away. Even if Hao Aiguo really has a problem, we have no evidence and no one will believe it, especially his two students, they will definitely not believe it!"

Zhou Suyi nodded, "I also have fears in this regard. There is no evidence. Once we find out, we will startle the snake."

Hu Bayi thought about it seriously, "Actually, it is not difficult to prove that this is a fake, as long as we go back and bring the real thing back, we can explain the problem!"

"This is also a method, so let's go together?" Zhou Suyi also felt that although this method was a bit tiring, it was the most convincing.

"Well, it's done, let me tell Fatty a few words, let's find an excuse and go back and have a look!" Hu Ba said.


Hu Bayi called Fatty Wang and explained a few words to Fatty Wang. Fatty Wang immediately patted his chest and promised, "Don't worry, we will never wander around!"

Zhou Suyi looked at Hao Aiguo, not knowing why, but still worried.

Hao Aiguo also looked at her, and nodded slightly at her.

Zhou Suyi quickly looked away.

Soon, Hu Bayi came over, "Everyone rest in place, Miss Yang and I will go around and see if we can find a water source!"

No one suspected anything.

After all, they are really tired now, if they can rest and let Hu Bayi and Zhou Suyi find the water source, they would be more than happy.

The two of them left without being in a hurry. After they were out of everyone's sight, they quickened their pace and walked towards the city gate.

Fortunately, the canyon is not very far from the ancient city.

In less than half an hour, they had entered the depths of the canyon.

Even though it was daytime, the canyon was still pitch-black, and with the fact that something had happened before, the two of them were still quite nervous.

"Only unlucky people will encounter false imaginary space, I should, not so unlucky?" Zhou Suyi thought in her heart.

Just thinking about it, I heard Hu Bayi curse: "Fuck!"

Zhou Suyi was taken aback, and hurriedly looked ahead.

I saw a person lying on the ground not far ahead.

Looking at the clothes, he is really Hao Aiguo.

The two quickly ran over, and when they got close, they were silent, and their faces were extremely ugly.

Conjecture is guesswork, seeing with one's own eyes is another feeling.

Isn't it Hao Aiguo who fell on the ground?

Hao Aiguo's eyes were wide open, and he pinched his neck with both hands, as if he had strangled himself to death.

Hu Bayi stepped forward to test his breath and arteries, "He's dead!"

He raised his hand to close Hao Aiguo's eyes.

Zhou Suyi was not surprised, because she had thought of this a long time ago, but looking at Hao Aiguo's body now, she still felt a little scared.

After all, after spending so long with that fake Hao Aiguo, it's scary to think about it.

"I'm so stupid, I'm really dead, my god, it looks like I strangled myself to death, it's too scary."

"That's okay, but, what the hell is that fake one?"

"This ghostly place is indeed a place where devils live, every step of the way is frightening."

"This thing is too good at disguising, it's clearly no different from Hao Aiguo."

"What an outrageous place!"


Netizens were also shocked when they saw Hao Aiguo's body, and an inexplicable fear swept over their hearts, although there was no frightening scene like in the movie.

But this matter, when you think about it carefully, is a high-level fear. Just thinking about it makes people feel creepy.


(End of this chapter)

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