Chapter 150

Seeing Hao Aiguo's body in front of them, both Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi felt heavy.

No matter how much he doesn't like this old-fashioned guy, after all, he has always regarded him as a member of the whole team along the way.

Now that people are so confused and gone, it is inevitable to feel sad.

"Let's go, take the body back!" Hu Bayi carried Hao Aiguo's body on his back.

The two returned quickly with heavy steps.

Needless to say, Hu Bayi's physical fitness is really good. After so many days of tossing around, now he looks like carrying Hao Aiguo without any effort.

Zhou Suyi began to worry inexplicably.

She recalled the eye contact with that fake Hao Aiguo before she left, and she felt very uneasy.

Half an hour later, the two returned to the temple.

However, no one was seen.

"Fuck, it's not good!" Hu Bayi also had a bad feeling.


Suddenly, a scream was heard from inside the temple.

"It's over!"

Without saying a word, Zhou Suyi hurriedly ran to the temple.

As soon as you enter, people are numb.

There were strange snakes everywhere on the ground, and everyone fell to the ground, and the whole army was wiped out.

Only Hao Aiguo stood beside Yushi's eyeballs, raised his head slightly, and looked at them with complacency in his crazy eyes.

"Hehe, you two have already suspected me!" Hao Aiguo was very proud when he said this.

It seems that he sees everything through himself and is complacent about killing everyone in time.

Hu Bayi's eyes turned red when he saw the corpses on the ground.

"Fuck, I'll fucking kill you!"

He couldn't control anything and rushed over directly.

But among the snakes, it was impossible to rush over, and soon fell to the ground.

Zhou Suyi sighed, looking at the crazy Hao Aiguo in front of her, feeling a little helpless.

Go find the corpse by yourself, and this guy will take the opportunity to act and trick others into entering the temple. It is probably not difficult.

However, if he didn't go and let Hu Bayi go alone, something might happen to Hu Bayi.

In other words, going back to find the body, this is the wrong approach.

At the very least, it is absolutely wrong before killing this fake.

"Damn it, I'll be more ruthless next time, just wait for me!" Zhou Suyi said a ruthless sentence, and then resolutely walked into the snake group.

Seeing Zhou Suyi's calmness, that fake's complacent expression became a little weird. It seemed that he didn't expect Zhou Suyi to be so courageous and not afraid of death?

But the next moment, Zhou Suyi was still dead.

【game over】

After quitting this time, Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth and directly entered the game.

Once again, he flicked Fatty Wang's jade pendant, and then found Hu Bayi to discuss this matter.

Hu Bayi still suggested to go back to find the corpse, but Zhou Suyi shook her head directly, "No, we are leaving, this guy may cause trouble, I think we can act first, kill this guy first, and then go back to find the corpse , can also make it clear!"

Hu Bayi frowned slightly and looked at Zhou Suyi. For some reason, he felt that Zhou Suyi in front of him was very murderous.

The look of gnashing teeth seemed to be filled with hatred.

"But what if we guess wrong?" Hu Bayi was a little worried.

After all, everything is guesswork.

If you kill the person first and then make a mistake, you won't regret buying it.

Zhou Suyi said: "Don't worry, I will do it. If I make a mistake, I will take responsibility!"

"This..." Hu Bayi still hesitated.

No matter how you say it is also a human life.

[Hu Bayi Favorability -1]

The game suddenly had a prompt.

"Fuck me!"

Seeing this reminder, Zhou Suyi almost scolded her.

Why did this Nima lose a little favorability?

But she soon realized that maybe her decision was too hasty, and she would kill people every now and then, which was completely inconsistent with Shirley Yang's character.

"Hahaha, I lost my favorability, I laughed to death."

"Sister Zhou, you are too murderous, restrain, restrain."

"No matter at what time, when you directly think about killing people, you have already lost."

"It is estimated that sister Zhou was also pissed off by that fake product."

"That's not bad. If I were the old sister Zhou, I'm afraid she would just scold me as soon as she entered the game, and then go up and fight the fake!"


Netizens gloated a little when they saw Zhou Suyi losing data.

After all, as the progress of sister Zhou's game continues to increase, the chances of making sister Zhou suffer less and less.

If you can see it once, you must laugh a lot!

Zhou Suyi quickly calmed down.

"In this way, let's find a way to control him first so that he can't hurt anyone, and then go back to find the corpse!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly thought of a compromise.

Otherwise, if the data keeps falling like this, it will be troublesome.

Hu Ba nodded this time, "Well, I think it's feasible, let's trap people first!"

The two discussed the details again, and then walked back.

Fatty Wang watched the two murmuring for a long time, with a fatherly smile on his face.

"Well, my old Hu has finally grown up. Not to mention, the two of them are really a good match. If they can marry Miss Yang, it will really be smoke from the ancestral grave!"

Hu Bayai: "Everyone has almost rested, it's time to continue searching!"

When everyone heard this, they all stood up listlessly.

Hu Bayi and Zhou Suyi looked at each other.

"Professor Hao, you are too tired, let me carry the backpack for you!" Hu Bayi said, and he moved over.

"Let me come, my physical strength is not bad!" Zhou Suyi also joined in.

Fatty Wang next to him was depressed, "I'll go, you two must be full, why don't you care what this nerd is doing!"

He didn't know what Hu Bayi and Zhou Suyi wanted to do.

"No, no, you've worked hard enough, I'm fine, so I won't bother you!" Hao Aiguo waved his hands again and again, with an embarrassed expression on his face.

Seeing this expression, Zhou Suyi scolded her in her heart, "Damn, you can really pretend, if my mother hadn't known you were fake, who the hell would have been able to tell, if you don't become an actor, it would be a loss to the entertainment industry! "

"It's okay, we are young and have plenty of strength!" Hu Bayi had already reached Hao Aiguo, and he raised his hand to get Hao Aiguo's backpack.

On the other side, Zhou Suyi also arrived.

She was smiling like usual, but there seemed to be a knife hidden in that smile, the so-called hidden knife in a smile was nothing more than that.

"No, really no!" Hao Aiguo was still refusing.

But at this moment, Zhou Suyi narrowed her eyes and shouted, "Do it!"

The sound of making a move startled the others.

Fatty Wang was stunned, and subconsciously touched the gun.

A flash of surprise and madness flashed in Hao Aiguo's eyes, but it disappeared in a flash.

The next moment, Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi started together.

Hu Bayi clasped Hao Aiguo's shoulders and arms, and then put his hands behind his back, pressing Hao Aiguo's shoulders.

Zhou Suyi had already found out the rope and directly tied Hao Aiguo's hands.

The two of them moved so fast that after all this was done, the others were still in a daze, not knowing what was going on.


(End of this chapter)

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