Chapter 154 The fastest superposition method of favorability

When Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi heard Fatty Wang's words, they immediately had a black line. Could this guy be more unreliable?

So out of tune.

He was so sad, and he stabbed a knife in his heart.

From the looks of it, it was intentional to provoke these two people and collect tears there.

"I'm missing a great virtue!" Zhou Suyi couldn't help cursing.

Hu Bayi covered his face, "Let me tell you now, we don't know each other, is there still time?"

The two walked over.

Hu Bayi kicked Fatty Wang's ass, "Go, go, go, can you be sure!"

Fatty Wang shook the kettle in his hand triumphantly, "Old Hu, it's a little bit, would you like to take a sip?"

"Get out!" Hu Bayi was speechless.

He put Hao Aiguo's body down, and Professor Chen and the others rushed over when they saw Hao Aiguo's body.

Professor Chen hugged Hao Aiguo's body, crying so hard that he almost fainted several times.

"Hey, Professor Chen, my condolences. Professor Hao's dream is to find the ancient city of Jingjue. Now, we will bury him in the ancient city. He will be happy in the spirit of the sky!" Zhou Suyi comforted!

Hu Bayi also persuaded, "Let's all mourn, if Professor Hao is alive in heaven, I definitely don't want you to be so sad for him!"

Fatty Wang also stepped forward to persuade him a few more words, but was kicked away by Zhou Suyi.

Fatty Wang looked aggrieved, and shook the kettle in his hand, "Hey, isn't it kind of me? A little water is just a little water. It can really save lives in critical times!"

"Go away!" Zhou Suyi was really speechless.

"My mother, it was quite a sad thing, but this fat man made me break my guard and want to laugh."

"Fatty Wang is really out of tune."

"There's nothing wrong with it. It's a use of waste. This little water may really save lives."

"If it were me, I would definitely stand up and fight this guy!"


Netizens are dumbfounded, Fatty Wang is really out of tune.

Hu Bayi personally found a place with better geomantic omen for Hao Aiguo, buried Hao Aiguo, and everyone continued to explore.

Professor Chen's condition is a bit poor. He was already at the end of his strength, but now that he has suffered such a blow, he is in a trance.

This time, when everyone entered the temple and saw the jade eyeball, everyone except Fatty Wang seemed less excited.

Hu Bayi started deducing the stone pillar again.

This time there was no interference from the fake Hao Aiguo, and things went much smoother.

After figuring it out, he found four floor tiles, tapped and found that one of them was empty underneath.

These stone bricks are very large, about three meters square.

"Fuck, it's empty, there really is a secret door!" Fatty Wang suddenly became excited, and his mind was already imagining the countless treasures of Queen Jingjue.

Professor Chen and the others finally had a gleam of brilliance in their eyes.

Hu Bayi came to a stone pillar, "It should be this one!"

"I said Lao Hu, you have to be sure!" Fatty Wang said.

"Don't worry, it's definitely okay for Lao Hu to make a move!" Zhou Suyi still had absolute confidence in Hu Bayi.

Hu Ba smiled at her.

Chu Jian said from the side: "But, which direction should this thing turn, and, there are five sides, which side should it turn to stop?"

This is indeed a problem.

Even if the exact pillar is found, there is no one-sixteenth probability, but the two directions of the five faces below seem to be more combined when rotated.

Hu Bayi smiled relaxedly, "Although the culture of the Western Regions has its unique features, most of the things are borrowed from the culture of the Central Plains. Back to the door first, in case of danger!"

Zhou Suyi said: "Fatty, take them to the door and wait, I will stay!"

"This... well, then you have to be careful!" Fatty Wang said!
Seeing Zhou Suyi's insistence, Hu Bayi didn't say anything more, and his affection for Zhou Suyi grew a little more in his heart.

This is a man who is willing to accompany his companions on adventures.

[Hu Bayi Favorability +1]

The game gave a reminder, and the little favorability that was lost before came back.

Fatty took the others to the gate of the temple and waited nervously.

Hu Bayi glanced at Zhou Suyi again, "Aren't you afraid?"

Zhou Suyi smiled, "Don't worry, I believe in your ability!"

Hu Bayi smiled gratifiedly, turned his head to look at the base of the stone pillar, and muttered to himself, "Looking for a dragon from a thousand miles away, find the left and right, five steps along the Yang, follow one of the Yin, open!"

Accompanied by the sound, turn the base quickly.

Five times clockwise and one counterclockwise.

At this moment, everyone was extremely nervous.

Especially Zhou Suyi.

If Hu Bayi can't open this secret door, then she really doesn't know how to pass this level.

After tossing and tossing for so long at this level, he even got rid of the fake Hao Aiguo, and now this is the only thing he missed.

"Open, open, open!"

"Open it for me."

"Let's go, we are one step closer to my worm valley!"

"I already feel Her Lady Queen is waving at me."


At this moment, like Zhou Suyi, netizens are very nervous.

This turn affects the hearts of thousands of netizens.

After waiting for a moment, I heard the voice of Gada Gada.

Zhou Suyi looked at the stone slab, the huge stone slab turned, and a dark hole was actually revealed.

"It's done!"

Fatty Wang rushed over excitedly.

"Great, Lao Hu, you are amazing!" Zhou Suyi hugged Hu Bayi excitedly, jumping up and down.

Unexpectedly, Hu Bayi's face turned red instantly.

In this day and age, they are still relatively conservative about the affairs of men and women, how can they bear this kind of intimate contact.

Of course, Zhou Suyi didn't think about that much at all.

[Hu Bayi Favorability +5]

The game gave a hint again.

"Fuck, why are there so many?" Zhou Suyi was stunned when she saw the game prompt.

In the beginning, it was relatively easy to increase the favorability, [-]:[-], but later it was still very slow.

Who would have thought that the sudden increase of five points would be very surprising.

Immediately after seeing Hu Bayi's dark red face, his eyes instantly became strange.

"Well, this hug can actually add so much, otherwise, a few more hugs, maybe it can be filled up immediately." Zhou Suyi thought in her heart.

Fatty Wang looked at this scene and showed a motherly smile again.

When Hu Bayi saw Zhou Suyi's fiery eyes, an old man became even more shy, and hurriedly changed the topic: "Ahem, well, if Professor Hao is still alive, he will be very happy to see this secret passage! "

He really does not open which pot to lift which pot.

Professor Chen immediately began to cry again, and Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng also began to wipe their tears.

Fatty Wang sighed in his heart, "Old Hu, old Hu, Miss Yang gave you a chance, you are really useless!"


(End of this chapter)

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