Chapter 155

Zhou Suyi's absolute trust allowed Hu Bayi to successfully open the underground secret door with all his skills, and everyone became excited.

Immediately, everyone entered the secret passage.

The steps are very long, and the first section is relatively narrow, which can only accommodate two or three people to pass side by side. But after walking for a while, the front suddenly opens up, and there is a corridor about five meters wide and three meters high!

There are brightly colored murals all over the corridor. Even after thousands of years, these murals are still brightly colored. Time has not erased the color of these murals, maintaining its original posture.

The most painted on the murals are eyes.

Big and small, open and closed, red, black, golden, all kinds, just looking at them makes people feel uncomfortable.

Zhou Suyi poked her arm, feeling a layer of goosebumps.

I always feel that there is a real person standing behind these densely packed eyes, and these people are secretly peeping at them through these eyes.

It felt very uncomfortable.

"Why, so many eyes?" Sa Dipeng was the least courageous, and his scalp was numb at the moment.

Professor Chen was very excited, "It seems that the Jingjue Kingdom really uses the eyes as their totem, and the eyes should be the most important thing in their eyes. This is definitely a huge discovery for us to study the Jingjue culture."

"This shit, isn't it the big eyeball outside?" Fatty Wang saw a mural of meat and eggs.

Everyone looked at it, isn't it?

A huge jade eyeball was painted there emitting light, and a black hole appeared in the sky, and a meat egg that looked like a giant eye fell out of the hole, just like the meat egg they met in the temple!
Zhou Suyi looked at the jade eyeball in her hand, and seriously suspected that the jade eyeball in the painting was the one in her hand.

"This thing can still perform some kind of ritual? It's so difficult that it can communicate with that mysterious imaginary space?" She thought in her heart.

Combining the content of the mural and the background story of the Zagrama tribe using jade eyeballs to cause snake disasters, perhaps, this thing is really a bridge to communicate with the imaginary space.

Although I don't know what use this thing will have next, it must be a very important prop.

Everyone continued to move forward, looking at those weird murals while walking.

Some paintings depict countless strange snakes crawling out of the eggs, biting a group of bound slaves.

There are also paintings of black mountain peaks, which are covered with strange black snakes, and all the people and beasts around them kneel on the ground and kowtow to these strange snakes!

This scene once again reminded Zhou Suyi of the scene in the background story cg animation.

Fatty Wang also seemed to feel a little uncomfortable, "Damn it, why do people from this country like to play with snakes!"

"Shh, don't talk nonsense!" Zhou Suyi was startled, and hurriedly reminded her.

How many times before he was killed for talking nonsense, why does this fat man have no memory at all.

Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi smiled wryly, she forgot that all of this happened after restarting.

Fatty Wang is still alive, so of course he has no memory.

"Hey, I'll just say a few bad things, maybe they can still come out..." Fatty Wang didn't care.

Seeing that no good fart came out of his mouth again, Zhou Suyi hurriedly said: "Shut your mouth and pay more!"

Fatty Wang's eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly closed his mouth.

Seeing him like this, Hu Bayi shook his head helplessly.

Everyone continued to move forward and stopped before the last painting!
This mural depicts a huge black hole, and a slender staircase spirals downward. The black hole is bottomless, as if it has no end, and it goes straight to the depths of hell. It is creepy to look at.

"This is the ghost cave!" Zhou Suyi looked at the ghost cave on the mural, and suddenly felt that her soul was about to be swallowed, and felt even more uncomfortable.

Hu Bayao: "The people of the Jingjue Kingdom are all from the ghost cave clan. This group of people can't really come from the bottom of this ghost cave, right?"

Professor Chen nodded, "Very likely, if the Ghost Cave Clan really came from underground, then those giant-eyed figures are likely to be their original appearance, with big eyes to be able to see clearly in the dark. That would explain why they worship their eyes so much!"

"My God, is there really such a weird race of people on this planet?" Chu Jian was surprised.

Fatty Wang couldn't help it, "Hey, monkeys can evolve into humans, so snakes and lizards can evolve into another kind of human, isn't that reasonable?"

Although Fatty Wang's words were out of tune, there seemed to be no way to refute them.

People in the conventional sense are also defined by people themselves, so it is indeed possible for another creature to evolve into a human being.

Especially in weird and evil places like ghost caves, where there are creatures with mysterious power like snake gods, everything seems to be very reasonable.

"No wonder there have always been legends of lizardmen. It seems that it is not impossible."

"Mom, I really want to go to the bottom of the ghost cave and see what it's like down there."

"Is it possible that it is a rather special small world?"

"It's not impossible. It seems that after entering the underground palace, everything begins to approach the real secret core. It is estimated that this game should not be far from the end."


Netizens began to speculate and look forward to it.

Professor Zhong's condition was not very good during this time, and Professor Zhong's heart couldn't stand it anymore. He discovered all kinds of secrets of the ancient city one after another, which made him excited again and again.

Team Li, who led the team, was even more worried at the moment.

He looked at the two teammates rescued from the canyon, feeling inexplicably panicked.

"Hao Aiguo in the game can be imagined, but what about the two of them? Could it be that they are all imagined, or that one of them is imagined?"

He thought about this question over and over again, and inadvertently tested the two of them. Although the result of the test was all right, he still felt a little uneasy.

Not only him, but the rest of the team are also a little worried.

What is most worrying is not this, but many experts and scholars from various fields have recently entered the canyon, and many people have encountered that weird space.

Although there is a way to deal with it, almost everyone can return safely, but are the returning people still the original people?

Originally, if there was no matter about Hao Aiguo, no one would think about this question at all, but now that there is a problem about Hao Aiguo in the game, it makes people feel terrified to think about it.

So many people have gone in, even if only one or two have problems, they are illusioned, and such people are mixed in the crowd, it is scary to think about it.


(End of this chapter)

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