Chapter 156 Extreme Luxury
Everyone continued to move forward, and after walking about a few hundred meters, suddenly there was no road ahead, only a stone pillar blocked the middle of the road, which seemed rather abrupt.

"Why is there no way?" Chu Jian was a little anxious.

Fatty Wang said: "Young man, why are you so restless? There is a stone pillar here, and there is a stone wall in front of it. It's so difficult that you can't understand it?"

"See what?" Chu Jian didn't understand.

"Hey, children can't be taught!" Fatty Wang looked smug, "This stone pillar is obviously the hub of the mechanism, and this stone wall must be opened!"

"Okay, stop showing off, why don't you go and see if you can open it?" Hu Bayi gave him a blank look.

Fatty Wang waved his hands again and again, "Don't, don't, don't, with you Commander Hu around, there's no reason for me, a big soldier, to step forward and show off. It's up to you, old man!"

Zhou Suyi also looked at Hu Bayi, "Old Hu, I'll leave it to you!"

The definition of Hu Bayi's role means that no matter what kind of mechanism, he will definitely be able to open it.

This is the purest Captain Mojin.

Hu Ba nodded, "Let me try!"

He came near the stone pillar.

This stone pillar also has a polygonal base, Hu Bayi stepped forward and turned a few times, and then heard a rattling sound in front of him, and the front wall split from the middle and slid to both sides.

"Brother Hu is amazing!" Chu Jian applauded excitedly.

Professor Chen was also quite relieved, feeling that he really found the right person this time.

In today's age, it is very difficult to find a person who is good at the five elements of feng shui.

Thinking of this, there was a sudden burst of sadness, and I thought of Hao Aiguo again.

Beams of flashlights shone into the gate, and everyone couldn't wait to go in to check the situation.

Seeing this, everyone was taken aback.

In front is a grand and magnificent hall with huge space and carved beams and painted columns.

They were located behind a throne carved from jade, and the stone gate was closed, so it was impossible to see that there was a secret door behind the throne.

The most exaggerated thing is that the floor of this hall is all made of jade, but except for the jade, most of the surrounding things have been damaged.

Various vases and jars and other decorations in the surrounding corners have been damaged, and there are still a few big mice walking freely in the corner!

On the surrounding ground, there are many scattered weapons, which have long been rusty. It seems that a violent fight has taken place at the scene, but like the outside, there are no bones left.

Zhou Suyi opened her mouth wide, "This should be the palace of Queen Jingjue, my God, this... this is a bit too extravagant, it's no worse than the Golden Luan Palace I've been to before!"

She was really shocked.

Jingjue Country is just a small country in the Western Regions, just like the ancient city of Xiye they have seen before.

Those poor people in Xiye Ancient City didn't even have any funerary objects in the tomb of the last generation of kings.

But Jingjue Country, which is also a small country, has such a luxurious palace, which shows how Queen Jingjue exploited other countries back then.

Fatty Wang's eyes were glowing green, and he wished he could lift a few pieces of the jade floor and take it back.

However, Hu Bayi pulled him and said something to him in a low voice, Fatty Wang reluctantly didn't do anything.

"This is too extravagant, my God, the Queen of Excellence is too good at enjoying it."

"It's no wonder Xiye Kingdom is so poor, it's because it was exploited so hard by Queen Jingjue."

"Good guy, the floors are all made of jade. This level of luxury is rarely treated by the emperors of the Central Plains."

"This gate is hidden a little deep. It's actually hidden behind the throne. Who would have thought of that?"


Although the palace is now dilapidated, the remaining traces can be seen how luxurious it was back then.

Netizens had thought about what the palace would look like, but they never expected this place to be so luxurious.

Fatty Wang didn't look at the jade, but put his eyes on those big rats again, and he clicked his mouth, looking hungry.

Seeing him like this, Zhou Suyi felt her stomach churn and almost vomited.

"This guy, doesn't he want to eat mice?" Zhou Suyi thought in her heart. Although she is very hungry now, if she is asked to eat mice in the game, she will definitely not eat them.

Don't eat even if you're starving.

Although the palace was luxurious, most of the things were destroyed. It can be seen how angry the people who attacked here at that time destroyed everything.

Only the throne is the most complete.

The throne is also made of jade. On the top is a red jade eye, like some kind of gemstone, shining brightly. It looks extremely precious. The whole body of the throne is inlaid with gold and silver. It is carved with fairy mountains, clouds, flowers, birds, fish and animals. Exquisite, the most important thing is that it is well preserved and has not been damaged.

"Old Hu, how much do you think this thing will cost if it is moved out?" Fatty Wang whispered.

Hu Bayi glared at him again, "I said you are obsessed with money again, didn't you? What did we say when we came here?"

Fatty Wang sneered, "Hey, look at you, can't I just imagine it? Don't worry, our quality is so high that we will never move the common people!"

Suddenly, Zhou Suyi's ears moved, "Did you hear the sound of running water?"

When it comes to water, everyone is very excited, even more excited than seeing these treasures.

If they were asked to make a wish now, it would definitely be water that they could never finish drinking in a lifetime.

For them, what they lack the most is water resources.

"It seems like the sound of water flowing!" Hu Bayi's eyes lit up.

"Great, great, we can finally have water to drink!" Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng swallowed wildly, almost crying with excitement.

Fatty Wang poured out some of the tears collected in his water bottle in disgust.

Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng's faces turned dark from this scene, if they couldn't beat them, they really wanted to go up and beat the fat man up.

"Go, go and see!"

Hu Bayi immediately followed the sound of the water and looked for it.

They walked quickly to the apse, finally passed through the apse, and passed through the sleeping hall.

Everyone was amazed at the magnificence of this underground palace, which was much bigger than they imagined.

Finally, a cave appeared at the end of the main hall, which seemed a bit inconsistent with the palace.

The terrain of this cave is very low, and after going down very deep, everyone discovered a natural cave the size of a football field. In the middle of the cave, there is a small underground lake.

There is a small island in the lake, forming the shape of an island in the middle of the lake, which looks very unique.

"My good fellow, this exquisite queen really enjoys it. It's really good to build an island in the middle of the lake!" Fatty Wang said with emotion.

Everyone's thirsty throats were already smoking, and when they saw the lake, they wished they could plunge into it and throw a few punches.

Zhou Suyi looked at the lake water, feeling a little worried, based on her understanding of the game.

The water that is so easily delivered to the door probably has problems. Moreover, since entering here, the game has not been finished yet. She doesn't believe it is so simple!
"This lake water looks stagnant, isn't it poisonous?"


(End of this chapter)

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