Chapter 157
Ever since they got the fake Hao Aiguo and successfully entered the underground palace, so far, they haven't done anything in this game, and they have easily found the water source.

Zhou Suyi seriously doubts whether this is poisonous water.

It is to take advantage of their eagerness to find water resources, and then wipe them out.

This is what this game can do.

Have to guard against.

Fatty Wang couldn't wait to rush over, looked at it, and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, there are fish in it, so it must not be poisonous, but even if it is poisonous, I will drink enough water first before talking about it!"

Then, this guy lay down by the river, like an animal, wishing he could stuff his head in to drink water.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Fatty Wang was satisfied, everyone confirmed that the water was fine.

Who could bear it, they all ran over and drank heavily.

"It seems that I think too much."

Zhou Suyi was no exception, she didn't even put it in a water bottle, she just held it with her hands and drank a few big gulps, and she was only satisfied when she was full.

After drinking the cool lake water and washing my face a few more times, I feel that the tiredness of these days seems to have been swept away, which is a comfort.

"Hey, comfortable!" Fatty Wang sat on the ground and patted his stomach, which was a beauty.

But suddenly, a blue light appeared in the middle of the lake.

"Fuck, look, why is the water still lit up?" He exclaimed.

Everyone looked up and looked ahead.

It's okay if you don't look at it, everyone is taken aback.

There was indeed a blue light in the middle of the lake, and the source of that light turned out to be a group of small bugs.

These bugs are like fireflies, densely packed more and more, and in just a moment, the entire lake is occupied by these glowing green bugs.


Zhou Suyi suddenly felt her stomach churning.

"Ahem, it's just bugs, it's okay, it's okay!" The corner of Hu Bayi's mouth twitched.

If you look closely, you will find that these insects moult in the water, and then grow wings and fly.

For a moment, the entire island in the middle of the lake was covered with spots of light.

It seems to be in the Milky Way, facing thousands of stars, this scene is actually a bit beautiful and spectacular.

"It's so beautiful!" Zhou Suyi couldn't help sighing, and didn't even mind drinking the bug's bath water.

"Oh my god, the Queen of Essence is really good at enjoying it, and she also raised a group of fireflies, she really knows how to enjoy it."

"It's so beautiful, it's like standing in the starry sky, surrounded by thousands of stars around them."

"So lovely."


Such a beautiful scenery, who can not sigh a few words.

Fatty Wang drank two more sips of water and sighed: "Don't say that women like it, even an old man like me thinks it is beautiful!"

Others are also admiring the beautiful scenery, and commenting on the water from time to time.

At this moment, a group of big mice rushed out from nowhere, jumped into the lake, and swam towards the island in the middle of the lake.

These big mice are all big, like big cats, they are not afraid at all when they see people, they rush to the island in the middle of the lake in a swarm, snatching those green bugs.

In the blink of an eye, the entire lake exploded.

Those fireflies that had molted their shells instantly became the food for those big mice. After a while, those big mice were eaten up like locusts crossing the border.

Then, the group of big rats didn't stop, they all swam away by stepping on the splash of water.

This scene happened so fast that it was unexpected.

The last big mouse reached the river, looked back at Zhou Suyi and the others, shook the water on his body, pouted his butt, and a bunch of small black particles fell into the water.

Zhou Suyi and the others were dumbfounded, and everyone trembled with the rat's trembling.

Then there is collective petrification.

Everyone's brains seemed to be short-circuited at this moment, and they stared blankly at the last mouse, which disappeared into the night.

"What just happened?"

"What did I see?"

"I'm dreaming, no, it's a hallucination, fake, fake, all fake!"

Zhou Suyi kept brainwashing herself.

But at this time, someone made a Yue sound, Zhou Suyi broke the defense instantly, ran to the side and vomited wildly.

After the others didn't hurry, they lined up in a row, spitting out.

If you can't spit it out, you just go straight to your throat, and you can't wait to spit out your whole stomach before giving up.

"Uh... I'm disgusted, have you guys?"

"Mom, does this count as bath water for mice?"

"It's not just bath water, it's...forget it, let's not talk about it."

"Sister Zhou is really miserable."

"Hahaha, the first person to eat crabs may not be all delicious, but it may also be bath water, the bath water of mice."


Netizens can't laugh or cry, they feel disgusted when they look at it.

All of a sudden, I feel sorry for Zhou Suyi.

As the No.1 of the game, it’s fine to help them find the way and find the strategy, and also help them taste the mouse’s bath water in advance. It’s so great and so selfless.

If Zhou Suyi knew what they were thinking, she would probably kill someone.

After vomiting for a long time, Zhou Suyi felt that she was about to vomit out the gall, but she still felt nauseous and had the urge to retch.

"Game, game, it's just a game!" She kept comforting herself in her mind and brainwashing herself.

It took a long time to recover a little.

"Damn it, I heard the sound of running water before, but this water is stagnant water, not flowing. I should have thought that there should be a source of water next to it. Unfortunately, I ignored this and wondered if the water is poisonous! "Zhou Suyi became even more depressed when she thought of this.

Things that could have been avoided, but due to poor consideration, were not avoided.

For a while, I greeted Lin Mu again in my heart.

It's too perverted to design such a disgusting situation. Isn't this sincerely disgusting players?

So angry.

Fortunately, with Zhou Suyi exploring the way, after other people know about it, they will definitely not drink the water here.

Otherwise, if thousands of netizens came to this pass together and drank the bath water of mice, I am afraid that they would really go to block the gate of the forest together.

After vomiting, no one wanted to mention the rat's bath water.

Hu Bayi hurriedly said: "Ahem, there is the sound of water flowing around, there must be an underground river, let's look for it!"

"Yes, look for it, look for it!"

"Go, go, go, let's go find it!"

Everyone nodded in unison, eager to leave this sad place as soon as possible.

Zhou Suyi even thought that she would just jump into the river and commit suicide, at worst, she would do it all over again, and next time she would not drink the water here.

But it's unnecessary to think about it. This is a game, not reality. Moreover, I have already drank it once. Even if I don't want to drink again, I have already experienced the feeling, and I can't help but deceive myself!


(End of this chapter)

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