Chapter 158 The Tranquility Before the Storm

Everyone didn't want to mention what happened just now, they felt disgusted just thinking about it, Hu Ba led the way, and everyone hurriedly followed.

The further you go inside, the greater the water vapor, the clearer the sound of the water flow, and fine droplets of water appear on the surrounding stone walls.

However, at this moment, everyone was not so excited when they saw the water, and instead felt a little nauseated.

On both sides of this road, there are many artificially excavated stone chambers.

There are iron fences on the outside, the iron fence has long been decayed, and there are still a lot of torture tools and dark traces inside. It can be seen that this place used to be a place where prisoners were held, but now it has become a rat's nest.

Rat droppings everywhere.

Seeing these mouse feces, everyone was disgusted again.

After walking for about a few hundred meters, everyone finally saw a river lying across the entrance of the cave!
This river is more than ten meters wide, and the current is rushing.

Hu Bayi saw this big river and said: "This should be the Zidu Dark River that has been flowing for thousands of years according to the legend and has never dried up. It is actually under the ancient city of Jingjue!"

Thinking of the previously speculated Feng Shui situation, the more I feel that Queen Jingjue is not an ordinary person, at least she has a profound attainment in Feng Shui.

When everyone saw this big river, none of them were excited, but rather apprehensive.

Fatty Wang yelled at the ground, "Grandma, is there any problem with the water?"

Hearing his words, everyone laughed bitterly.

Zhou Suyi retched again, but fortunately, everything in her stomach was completely vomited, and there was nothing to vomit any more.

Hu Bayi smiled, "Don't worry, this is an underground river, it's running water, and the water is so fast, no matter what there is, it has been washed away long ago, you can drink it!"

Even though he said so, no one dared to step forward.

Hu Bayi was a little helpless, so he could only step forward and take a sip by himself.

Seeing that he drank it all, everyone stopped hesitating and stepped forward to drink water in big gulps again, until they had replenished what they just vomited, and they were satisfied.

They fed Ye Yixin some water, and added some salt to prevent dehydration.

After drinking enough water, everyone regained their energy.

Zhou Suyi wiped her mouth, and shone the flashlight on the big river, and soon found out.

On the stone wall on the other side of the river, there is a huge cave, connected by a stone bridge in the middle. The bridge body is also that kind of huge black stone, flying over the swift Zidu dark river!
There is a heavy gate hanging above the cave, which looks extremely heavy, but there is a huge stone under it, supporting the gate. Obviously, someone has opened the mechanism and entered it!
"Grandma, it looks like we're not the first wave to come here. Damn, I hope those guys who go in know some rules and don't get ransacked. I said, let's leave quickly?" Fatty Wang cursed.

He was not worried about the destruction of the cultural relics, but worried that all the treasures inside would be taken away.

Hu Bayi said: "Don't worry, there are fish in this river, catch some fish first, and let's talk after filling our stomachs."

goo goo goo...

Zhou Suyi's stomach rumbled, she was really tired and hungry.

Immediately, everyone rested on the spot, and Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were responsible for fishing, which was not a difficult task for the two of them.

After a while, a few big fish were caught.

Fatty Wang laughed loudly, "Hahaha, Lao Hu, the fish here are a bit stupid. If catching fish is so easy, Fatty, I think we can make a fortune selling fish!"

Hu Bayao: "Haha, the fish here may be used to being comfortable, and because they have been in the dark environment all the time, their eyes have degenerated, so they are so relaxed."

Zhou Suyi took out the alcohol block to light the fire and started grilling the fish.

Fatty Wang simply cut off the fish meat and threw it into his mouth, chewing it.

"Well, it's no wonder I like to eat it raw when I was a child. It tastes really good, sweet and fresh. I said Lao Hu, the fish here is also delicious. It's the first time I have eaten such a sweet and delicious fish. Wait When we go back, we must grab a few more and take them back!" Fatty Wang ate with relish.

Seeing how delicious Fatty Wang's food was, the others swallowed.

Zhou Suyi also took a sip, her eyes lit up immediately.

"This fish is too delicious. It tastes fresh and sweet, the meat is compact, chewy, and has no fishy smell. Although there is no seasoning, it is definitely the best fish I have ever eaten. It is delicious in the world!"

She thought to herself, Lin Mu finally did a good deed.

It is really worthwhile to taste such delicious fish in the game.

Seeing that the food they both eat is so delicious, how can others wait.

Immediately, I couldn't care if the fish was cooked or not, and I couldn't wait to throw the half-baked fish into my mouth.

The fish here are all very big, each weighing at least a dozen catties, and thirty fish are enough for everyone to eat.

Everyone seemed to be hungry for a few days, gobbled it up, and ate a full fish, which was comforting and satisfying.

Netizens are a little hungry.

"Oh my god, can fish taste so delicious? I don't believe it. I hate river fish the most. It's too fishy!"

"It's over, it's over, what to do when I'm hungry, I decided to eat grilled fish today."

"Don't poison at night, the Lun family can't control Jiji!"

"Where have I seen it before? The fish in the underground river is not fishy at all, and it is very delicious. When I pass here, I must try it."

"It's not right, it's not right, it's been so long without danger, it feels very wrong!"


Netizens were so greedy that some even went directly to the archaeological team's live broadcast room to urge the archaeological team's progress, and then rushed to the underground river to catch fish.

It would be even better if you can drive a small yellow car.

After eating and drinking enough, everyone caught a few more fish, and directly roasted the fish into dried fish, as follow-up supplies, enough for them to last for a few more days.

Zhou Suyi sat obliquely on the ground, touching her slightly round belly with her hands, feeling very satisfied.

But staring at the hole on the other side of the river, I felt a little uneasy.

"Since entering the underground palace, except for the disgusting bath water of the mouse, we have not encountered any danger. We have also replenished food and water, allowing us to stay at ease for so long without any accidents. This is a bit inconsistent with this game. style!"

Zhou Suyi seriously suspected that if they had a rest and enjoyment during this period, what awaited them might be more dangerous plots.

This is the calm before the storm.

Now it has entered the underground palace, which is the core plot of the whole game.

I'm afraid the degree of danger here is definitely countless times higher than outside.

Thinking that I still have two high-explosive grenades in my hand, the boss that this thing has to deal with is definitely not an ordinary small boss.

Thinking of the celestial snake shadow in the background animation, Zhou Suyi became more and more worried.


(End of this chapter)

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