Chapter 159 Jewelry
How comfortable it is now, Zhou Suyi feels how uncomfortable it will be in the future.

The game is so difficult at the front, there is no reason why it should become easier at the most critical moment.

After eating and squinting for a while, I feel that my energy has recovered a lot.

Hu Bayao: "It's almost time to rest, it's time to continue!"

Zhou Suyi took a deep breath, and there was a long way to go.

"ready to go!"

Everyone packed up their things and came to those stone piers.

These stones are about one meter square, and they are all spaced apart, with a distance of about one meter between each other.

Below is the Zidu Dark River. Although the current is not very fast, it may not feel good to swim back after falling down.

"Be careful, everyone, don't fall!" Zhou Suyi reminded.

Immediately, she was the first to jump up, without stopping, ran forward all the way, jumped forward, her body was flexible, like an elf, and she came to the other side in a short time.

She passed so easily, giving the people behind her some confidence.

Others jumped onto the stone pier one after another.

There was no surprise or danger, and everyone came safely to the giant gate on the other side of the river.

The huge stone gate looks extremely heavy, weighing at least a few thousand catties. Fortunately, the stone gate is open and there is something under it, otherwise it will be another trouble.

Professor Chen sighed again and again, frowning, "I hope those who go in will not cause damage!"

Fatty Wang muttered: "Grandma, if you eat meat, you have to leave some soup for the fat man, otherwise you will be too careless."

Hu Bayi glared at him, "Go, let's go in and have a look!"

Inside the stone gate is a long corridor, relatively rough, surrounded by excavated stone walls, but there are no murals or other things on it.

After walking about a few hundred meters, the front suddenly opened up.

There is a section of the broken bridge at the very front, and only the head of the bridge is left. The middle seems to have been blown off, surrounded by a platform, and below is the abyss.

Hu Bayi walked to the edge of the abyss and stared into the abyss. Seeing this, he gasped.

"What's wrong? Is it dangerous?"

After entering this stone gate, Zhou Suyi's nerves were in a highly tense state.

She always felt that danger might be coming soon.

So seeing Hu Bayi's face suddenly changed so much, he thought it was really dangerous, and put his hands into his backpack, ready to grab a grenade.

"Come and see for yourself?" Hu Bayi didn't seem to know how to describe it.

When he said this, everyone became curious and came to the bridge to look down.

Hu Bayi took out a cold fireworks and threw it down.

When the light dispelled the darkness, everyone gasped, without exception.

"Damn it, Fatty, didn't I just squint to sleep so I didn't wake up?" Fatty Wang's eyes turned green, and he slapped Chu Jian's face next to him a few times, making a crackling noise.

Chu Jian was about to cry, "Fat brother, are you dreaming, why are you patting my face?"

"Does it hurt?"

"Nonsense, try it yourself!" Chu Jian was annoyed.


Then Fatty Wang really tried it, but instead of shooting himself, he patted Chu Jian again, "Well, my hand really hurts, it's not a dream."

Chu Jian was a little mad, clenched his fists, thinking in his heart that he was too fucking bullying, if he couldn't beat you, Lao Zifei would have to fight with you.

Below this is a big pit with a depth of 30 meters, in which densely packed gold and silver treasures are piled up.

There are mountains of gold coins, all kinds of jewelry, gold and silver utensils, and jade curios. There are several mountains piled up, which are countless.

That is really a veritable treasure mountain of gold and silver.

Under the light, these treasures exude jewels.

Everyone just felt that their eyes were about to be dazzled.

"Oh my god, this, this, this queen is too rich. Why is there such a big gap between countries?" Zhou Suyi was amazed again and again.

Looking at Xiye Ancient City, the poor don't even have a single funeral object.

Look at the exquisite country, the palace halls are all made of jade, carved beams and painted pillars, and gold mountains and silver mountains are hidden here. It is estimated that after all the things inside are brought out, it will be enough to open several museums.

Su Xin, who was watching the live broadcast, saw this scene, her hands trembled and she almost dropped her phone on the ground.

She was so excited that she didn't know what to say.

The first time I wanted to take the phone to Professor Zhong to take a look, but I stopped after running two steps.

Good guy.

Professor Zhong was very excited about those murals before, and she was really afraid that if Professor Zhong took the phone, Professor Zhong would just yell.

Netizens are even more excited.

"Oh my god, do you think there are so many treasures in reality?"

"If there is, it will be awesome, and this game will be recorded in history."

"It seems that there are at least hundreds of thousands or even millions of gold coins, and there are countless treasures. Moreover, in terms of age, the Jingjue Kingdom should have a history of more than 2000 years. The treasure of this era, my god, no Dare to think."

"This is definitely the biggest discovery in the history of archaeology. Who would have thought that a small border country would be so rich."


Netizens were really shocked.

They have experienced what it means to be jeweled.

It turns out that with so many treasures piled up together, they can really shine like jewels. The ancients did not deceive me.

This scene also spread to Kimchi Country.

People in Kimchi Country were not calm at that time.

"The protest, this is ours, should be brought to the United Nations to prevent them from continuing to excavate."

"Yes, the Western Regions are ours, and the Jingjue Kingdom is also ours. Hurry up and apply for the world heritage, or it will be over if it's too late."

"Protest, strongly protest, the people of Great Xia quickly retreat, that is ours."

"I think it should be jointly developed with the Great Xia Kingdom, and the Great Xia Kingdom must agree."

"Can you be more shameless? Where is the Western Region? Where are you? Return yours. Shameless!"


Looking at the speeches of those netizens from the Kimchi Kingdom, many netizens from the Great Xia Kingdom couldn't help it, and directly turned back.

Although the archaeological team has not yet entered the ancient city of Jingjue, this matter has caused an uproar in the archaeological community.

Not only the archaeological field, but even the country has paid attention to it, and sent a large number of security personnel to the desert.

If there are so many treasures in Jingjue Ancient City, they must be treated with caution, and no mistakes are allowed.

Not only at the national level, the eyes of those tomb robbers are even red.

After the first wave of tomb robbers rushed to Insect Valley, a large number of tomb robbers went to Insect Valley again.

They all felt that with so many treasures in the ancient city of Jingjue, the insect valley must be indispensable, and they must be ahead of others, but how did they know that the insect valley was the cemetery of tomb robbers.

At that time, Chen Yulou, the leader of Xiling Mountain, took all the warriors of Xiling Mountain to go, but only one person came back, which is enough to show the degree of danger there.


(End of this chapter)

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