Chapter 160 The source of the nightmare

Zhou Suyi was really surprised to find countless treasures in the underground palace.

But looking at so many treasures is enjoyable, but it makes Zhou Suyi feel extremely uneasy.

I was about to go down to see the situation, but was forced to log off by the game.

At this moment, it was already late at night, and she had played the game continuously for more than twelve hours, which was also one of the protection mechanisms of the game.

"It's so late!" Zhou Suyi looked at the time, and was a little surprised that it was going to be twelve o'clock soon.

I have been playing games, and I have eaten and drank enough in the game, and I don't feel it at all.

If there is no forced offline, it is estimated that many people are addicted to the game, and there will be physical problems.

"Okay, let's stop here today, and we will continue to explore tomorrow. I always feel that tomorrow's plot will be more thrilling and exciting. See you tomorrow!" After saying goodbye to netizens, Zhou Suyi downloaded the broadcast.

Netizens were also too focused on watching, and didn't pay attention to the time at all. Now they know it's too late.

Many office workers went to school and went to bed in a hurry.

Zhou Suyi originally planned to go to bed, but when she was about to log out of the game account, she found that the homepage of the wl platform seemed to have changed again.

Only then did I realize that just after twelve o'clock, Lin Mu uploaded the latest cg animation of "Yunnan Insect Valley".

"There again, it seems that my place is really close to the end!" Zhou Suyi became a little excited.

She couldn't wait to turn on the cg animation and watch it again.

This animation is a continuation of the last one.

At the beginning of the screen, it was still pitch black.

Hu Bayi's voice-over sounded.

"I thought that this journey has been extremely thrilling, and the degree of danger has never been seen in my life, but soon, I discovered that all this is just the beginning..."

Da... da da... da... da da...

There was a ticking sound, like the sound of a telegram, which touched the heartstrings, and made people's heartbeat seem to be synchronized with that rhythm.

The screen is pulled up.


There was another burst of crying, and suddenly, a huge strange face appeared on the screen.

The sudden fright made Zhou Suyi cry out.

The forest tree next door was about to go to bed after uploading, but when he heard the exclamation from the next door, he shrugged with a smile.

The strange face disappeared in a flash, like a ghost.

The picture zoomed in on the middle of the big tree again, and a tree hole suddenly appeared. The camera zoomed in, and a smear of blood suddenly appeared from inside.

The bright red color looked very strange, it was actually a coffin of blood.

The lid of the coffin was pried open, and a bright red liquid flowed inside.


Suddenly, a pale hand stretched out from inside and grabbed the edge of the coffin. At the same time, countless thin blood-red threads emerged from the coffin, like blood vessels, and like a blood demon dancing wildly in the sky.


Zhou Suyi screamed again in fright.

In the middle of the night, she regretted turning on the cg animation.

"Damn it, how does this game look like a more underworld than Jingjue Ancient City!"

Zhou Suyi poked her arm, and it was covered with goose bumps.

I thought that the ancient city of Jingjue was already terrifying, but compared with the cg animation released by "Yunnan Insect Valley", it is still far behind.

This game is the real game of the underworld.

This piece of cg is so short, less than 2 minutes, but judging from the content, it makes people curious and even more frightening.

Undoubtedly, early the next morning, the top search was once again occupied by the new cg of "Yunnan Bug Valley".

This topic is once again the subject of heated debate.

Looking at these, Director Zhang couldn't help giving Lin Mu a thumbs up. In his opinion, Lin Mu knows marketing.

Whenever the popularity of "Exquisite Ancient City" drops a little, he will release new content to draw the public's attention back again.

He has never seen any topic, which has been in the hottest position for two months, has not subsided in any way, and even has a trend of getting hotter and hotter.

Zhou Suyi woke up very late today, and it was almost noon before she opened her eyes while yawning.

After watching the cg animation last night, I really didn't sleep well all night.

After closing her eyes, her mind was full of that strange face and the blood-red coffin. She always felt that the blood thread in the coffin in her dream was tightly entangled her, making her unable to breathe.

Immediately afterwards, a blood-stained figure emerged from the coffin, and would wake up with fright.

"Damn it, this pervert Lin Mu, how did he come up with these scary things!"

Zhou Suyi complained daily.

After washing up, it was twelve o'clock by the time, so I hurriedly ate breakfast and started broadcasting in a hurry.

This day is the weekend, and netizens can't wait for it.

"Sister Zhou, have you watched today's new CG animation?"

"Fuck, I clicked on it last night, and then, I didn't fall asleep all night."

"Don't mention it, I still have two dark circles under my eyes. Fortunately, I don't go to work today, otherwise I won't be able to meet people."

"Sister Zhou, why is it so late today, hurry up, I'm just waiting for you to clear the level, I can't wait to play "Insect Valley"."

"I'm expecting the same, but I feel that the worm valley is more exciting, thrilling and scary. I'm a bad hearted person, so I'm a little scared."


Two consecutive cg breaks, although the total plot is only 3 minutes, but the excitement has already made netizens unable to stop.

The things that players on the entire network and fans of the Tomb Raiders series are most looking forward to are, firstly, Zhou Suyi's quick clearance, and second, the movie's release.

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes, "Damn, don't point at me all the time, you should go to the level by yourself, I'm so difficult!"

Of course, complaints are complaints. In fact, Zhou Suyi still enjoys this feeling of being watched by everyone.

Just this one game has increased her popularity countless times.

From tens of thousands of people watching it every day in the past, to tens of millions of people watching it every day now, it is a world of difference.

After chatting with netizens for a few words, Zhou Suyi directly entered the game.


Stand on the platform and look at the endless treasures below.

Although it's not the first time I saw it, I still feel inexplicably shocked.

Netizens are the same, they still can't help being excited when they see those treasures again, but when they think of their monthly salary of 3000 yuan, they immediately feel that the food in their hands is not delicious.

"Let's hurry down!" Chu Jian and the others were also very excited.

"Take out all the ropes!" Hu Ba said!
Zhou Suyi was going to get the rope, but she found that there seemed to be something missing around her. After a closer look, she found that Fatty Wang was gone.

"Where's the fat man?" she asked hurriedly.

I already thought there was danger here, but now that Fatty Wang suddenly disappeared, Zhou Suyi's heart suddenly rose.

When the others saw that Fatty Wang was gone, they also became nervous.

Could it be that there are some monsters that were captured by Fatty Wang quietly?

The more you think about it, the more terrifying it becomes.


(End of this chapter)

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