Chapter 161 is very unreasonable

So many treasures are still placed here safe and sound, which can explain some problems.

So, when Zhou Suyi saw these treasures, she was very excited, but she never let down her vigilance. Now, when she saw that Fatty Wang disappeared suddenly, she thought something happened, and she suddenly became anxious.

"Where's the fat man? Where's the fat man?"

Everyone looked around, but they didn't see Fatty Wang, and they were all anxious.

"Here, here, there is a rope ladder over here, I'll come down first to help you check the situation."

At this time, Fatty Wang's voice came from below.

Everyone was taken aback, and hurriedly looked down, only to see that Fatty Wang had already climbed halfway up a rope ladder.

Obviously this guy couldn't wait to meet those gold and silver treasures.

Zhou Suyi was so angry, "This guy, why is he so unreliable, he really wants to beat someone up!"

When dealing with the fake Hao Aiguo before, she thought that Fatty Wang was more reliable, but now she really wants to take back her previous words.

Hu Bayi was also a little helpless, "Damn, can you stop walking like this, and don't move around when you go down. It's probably not a good thing to put these mountains of gold and silver here!"

Obviously, Hu Bayi also noticed something was wrong.

"Hey, don't worry, I know Fatty!" Fatty Wang didn't take it seriously at all.

"You are a contestant who can't move when you see a baby, you have a fart!" Zhou Suyi cursed in her heart.

They came to the rope ladder.

Hu Bayi checked the degree of wear and tear of the rope, "This rope is still very new, it should be the same group as the corpses we saw at the mouth of the canyon."

Zhou Suyi said: "Since these people have found this place, but the treasure below is safe and sound, I think there may be something wrong!"

"Well, I think so too!" Hu Ba nodded.

"Hey, what's the problem? I think you're just thinking too much. There's so much here. It's not like they took it casually. You look at it intact. Maybe they have moved a lot!" Fatty Wang's voice came from below.

Zhou Suyi and Hu Ba looked at each other, both of them had the urge to hit someone.

"Hurry up, don't let him mess around." Professor Chen was also a little anxious.

To him, these are all cultural relics, and they all belong to the country. I'm afraid that Fatty Wang will secretly pretend to be some and take them back, then his crime will be serious.

Soon, Fatty Wang arrived below.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, old Hu, get rich!"

Fatty Wang's excited voice came from below.

Hu Bayi's face was darkened immediately.

He looked at Zhou Suyi with some embarrassment, "Ahem, Ms. Yang, this... a rural child, I have never seen this scene, so don't take it for granted that I am talking nonsense."

Seeing Hu Bayi trying to explain, Zhou Suyi couldn't help laughing.

She knew that these two people were actually Captain Mo Jin, but she didn't dare to say that she was Captain Mo Jin, and then, the fat man's words made it appear that they were tomb robbers.

This made Hu Bayi somewhat unable to explain.

"You still remind the fat man, it's best not to take the things here. I remember An Liman said that in this black desert, even a gold coin belongs to the Queen Jingjue. As long as someone wants to take it If you leave him, you will definitely die in the desert!" Zhou Suyi thought of An Liman's words before.

She felt that this might well be a hint as well.

This game will not arrange difficult levels for no reason. Many things have hints and signs. Every word of the npc must be taken seriously.

Hu Bayi also remembered this sentence, and nodded solemnly, "Don't worry, I will watch him, we will never take anything."

"That's good!"

Soon, everyone also climbed down the rope ladder.

When I got to the bottom, I saw Fatty Wang running around among the mountains of gold and silver, as excited as a fat man of two hundred catties.


He seems to really weigh two hundred catties.

Zhou Suyi thought of this stalk in her heart, and suddenly wanted to laugh.

"Be careful, be careful, don't damage the cultural relics." Professor Chen shouted anxiously.

When I was on the top, looking at these mountains of gold and silver, I didn’t feel big, but it felt different after a while. Every treasure mountain of jewels was at least five or six meters high.

The gold mountain made up of gold coins is estimated to weigh at least dozens of tons.

When these gold coins are taken out, the gold reserves of the Great Xia Kingdom will be upgraded to a higher level, which shows how far the Queen Jingjue searched the surrounding countries.

"It's amazing. No wonder so many people are risking so much to rob tombs. If you find one of these ancient tombs, you will live comfortably for a few lifetimes."

"You have to be able to do it. Here, whether you can find it or not, even if you find it, you will die [-] times when you get here."

"Don't you think it's strange? When this place was captured, how could these treasures not be taken away? It's unscientific."

"I don't feel right either."


Even netizens felt a little unusual.

Hu Bayi pulled Fatty Wang over and gave a few warnings. Fatty Wang looked reluctant, but he really listened to what Hu Bayi said.

Zhou Suyi also thought of that question, "Don't you think it's a little strange, we walked all the way, although we didn't see any corpses, judging from the houses and the utensils inside, it seems that the people of Jingjue Kingdom are not living well. Wealthy, and there are so many treasures here."

Hu Bayai: "I've read some legends, which say that Queen Jingjue is very greedy and likes to collect all kinds of treasures the most. Now it seems that it is likely to be true."

"Although Queen Jingjue exploited the surrounding countries, she didn't use the money she got for the people's livelihood and the army, but collected it all."

"Furthermore, judging from the situation outside and in the underground palace, there should have been a big battle here that year, and it is likely that the coalition forces formed by the surrounding countries broke through here."

Hu Bayi made a reasonable analysis based on some legendary stories he had read and what he heard and seen on the road.

"But if this is the case, it will be even more weird. If the coalition forces invaded here, why didn't they take these treasures away? They have been exploited for so long, and it is impossible for them not to be interested in these treasures. Since they did not take them away, then There is only one possibility, because they can't take it away!"

When Zhou Suyi mentioned this, he and Hu Bayi glanced at each other, their faces became serious, and they felt that this place was definitely not as simple as it seemed on the surface, and there might be some unknown danger hidden in it.

Perhaps, there is really something guarding this place, still inheriting the will of Queen Jingjue.

It's not that the coalition forces don't want to take it, but they really can't do it.


(End of this chapter)

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