Chapter 162 The Worm of Death
The more people analyze it, the more they feel something is wrong.

Fatty Wang, on the other hand, looked indifferent, "Hey, I think you are just trying to scare yourself. Look, there is such a large area here. Maybe the coalition forces have moved a few treasure mountains. Do you think it is the Allied Forces of Eight Nations? , the wild goose has plucked its hair!"

"If you talk again, the money will be deducted." Zhou Suyi said.

The character introduction also said that this fat man is bold and careful, and he has a thin hair.

"I don't think it's suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave quickly!" Zhou Suyi said.

Hu Bayi also agrees.

This matter cannot be analyzed, and once analyzed, I feel extremely uneasy in my heart.

This ghostly place has seen strange things several times, and it is not impossible for something to happen here.

Fatty Wang was a little reluctant and wanted to say something, but when he saw Zhou Suyi staring, he immediately covered his mouth reluctantly.

Professor Chen and others naturally had no objection.

A group of people are going to continue to move forward, and then climb up from the front.

But halfway through, the ground began to tremble slightly, and something rolled down from the treasure hills, making a clattering sound.

"Fuck, it won't be an earthquake, will it?"

Everyone was surprised.

Hu Bayi's face was extremely ugly, and Zhou Suyi felt that the moth of this game might be coming.

"No, run away!"

Zhou Suyi shouted, and hurriedly ran forward.

Although the others didn't know what was going to happen, Zhou Suyi ran away, and they all followed suit.

"I'm afraid, maybe even a small earthquake or a big earthquake, we can't run away. It's better to be with these treasures, and you will be a rich ghost after death!" Fatty Wang shouted while running.

Everyone was speechless for a while.

Hu Bayao: "It's not right, it's not an earthquake, it seems that something is coming out from below."

"Fuck, old Hu, don't be joking, what can make such a big noise?" Fatty Wang also became nervous for a moment.

Hearing Hu Bayi's words, Zhou Suyi's first thought was that snake shadow reaching the sky.

If it was really that thing, then all of them would probably die here.

The difference in body size between them is too great, it is impossible to fight well, even if there are high-explosive grenades, it is estimated that they will be hanged.

"Fuck, really, don't scare me."

"There won't be any living things down there, right? Oh my god, could it be that we are guarding these treasures for Queen Jingjue?"

"It's very possible that these treasures are safe and sound and have not been taken away. It's definitely not without reason."

"Can cause a small earthquake, it can't be Godzilla."

"Godzilla is all in the sea, probably other ones."


For a while, netizens became nervous.

Based on their understanding of the game, they can guess that they haven't done anything for so long, and if they do, it will definitely be a big deal.

Now it seems that it is really big.

The vibration became more and more violent, and people stepped on the ground, as if they were doing a foot massage. If there is no danger, it is quite comfortable and relieves fatigue if you taste it carefully.

But now who dares to stop, they all ran forward desperately.


At this moment, the ground in the distance exploded directly, and the gravel flew. The scene was extremely terrifying, as if a bomb had been buried underground.

A horned dragon-like creature emerged from the ground.

The huge body directly rushed out more than ten meters, but its body was not completely exposed to the ground.

Everyone was stunned, almost fell down, and quickly stabilized their bodies.

They stared wide-eyed, staring at the rushing monster in a daze.

The monster's body is as thick as a water tank, but it has a crumpled dark red carapace, like a layer of hard armor, and the top is like a tapered drill bit, but then suddenly separated, and a huge three-petal mouth appeared. The esophagus is the same as the abyss.

Each mouthpart is densely packed with layers of sharp teeth.

In front of the sharp teeth, the hard gravel was instantly crushed and turned into slag.

Zhou Suyi raised her head, looked up at the rushing monster, her heart was already filled with huge waves.

Although this is not the Babel Snake Shadow in the background animation, it is scary enough.

The body that comes out is more than ten meters long and three to four meters wide. Who knows how long the underground part is.

"Oh my god, this, this, what is this?" Sa Dipeng only felt his legs go limp, and he had collapsed to the ground.

Chu Jian's body trembled like chaff.

Fatty Wang was so stupid and bold that he was dumbfounded.

"Damn it, did the boa constrictor go off the rails, or did the beetle split his leg?"

Hearing this, Zhou Suyi laughed angrily.

This guy has a really big heart.

Hu Bayi's face was extremely ugly, "It's the insect of death, also called the earth dragon. This thing once appeared in Tibetan myths and legends. It lived in the desert and often devoured cattle and sheep. According to legend, Genghis Khan raised it I caught an earth dragon, and no one can stop it. I didn't expect that it was such a thing that guarded this place, and this is troublesome."

"Insect of death, this thing really exists, I seem to have seen it in the book."

"My good fellow, the Queen of Essence is amazing, and there is such a backer, no wonder these treasures are safe and sound."

"It's over, it's over, how is this shit going? How can this thing be killed."

"Isn't this the final boss of the entire game?"

"It shouldn't be, I haven't seen the Jingjue Queen yet!"


Seeing the huge monster, the netizens were also stunned, and they all sweated for Zhou Suyi.

At least in terms of size, this thing is unrivaled, it can swallow them all in one bite.

After Su Xin and Professor Zhong saw the endless treasures inside, they decided to speed up their progress and enter the canyon, and the follow-up support troops also came.

Everyone is full of anticipation, waiting to meet those golden mountains and silver mountains.

However, the appearance of monsters in the game disrupted their plans again.

I suddenly felt that although the security force has increased several times, can it really deal with monsters?
That thing, not to mention the bullets, even if it is bombarded with rpg, it will be very difficult to kill it.

Although he was not sure whether this monster existed in reality, he immediately called for support and asked for more powerful weapons and equipment.



Just when everyone was in a daze, Hu Bayi yelled to bring everyone back to their senses.

Only then did everyone think of running for their lives.

Sa Dipeng and the others got up from the ground, and ran forward like shit.


The earth dragon opened its huge mouthparts and vibrated slightly, making a whistling sound, and purring, puddles of green mucus flew out of its mouthparts like its saliva.

The disgusting slime fell on the ground, immediately corroding the ground into deep pits.

Some cultural relics were stained with green slime and corroded immediately.

Zhou Suyi dodged to the side, almost being touched by the slime, and a large pit of more than one meter was corroded on the ground.

Zhou Suyi was stunned, how the hell can she beat her up.

People can melt them with a single spit.


(End of this chapter)

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