Chapter 164
Zhou Suyi ran to the bottom of the cliff where she came, shouting loudly to attract the death worm's attention.

How can this death worm stand it.

In its eyes, human beings are probably nothing more than reptiles, and they swallowed several reptiles in one go just now, how can they allow reptiles to be so arrogant in front of themselves now.

Immediately, the huge body rushed over.

The huge mouthparts are open, and the densely packed teeth are creepy.

Zhou Suyi vaguely saw that there seemed to be a thigh stuck between the teeth of the death worm, which had been pierced with countless holes.


Rao has seen many big scenes these days, but this scene still made Zhou Suyi feel extremely uncomfortable.

However, the Death Worm didn't give her time to calm down, and she was already approaching.

Fortunately, Zhou Suyi was well prepared, so she rushed to the side.


The huge death worm directly hit the cliff.

The cliff trembled a few times, gravel rolled down from above, and the broken bridge at the head of the bridge shook a few times before falling straight down.


The broken bridge fell on the death worm.

The broken bridge weighs at least hundreds of kilograms, and the bridgeheads are all made of big black stones, which look heavy.

Moreover, if it falls from a height of tens of meters, let alone a human being, even an elephant will be sucked flat.

But looking at the death worm again, it was just that the body was slightly smashed and sank, and the hard shell was completely intact, and it was still intact.

And the broken bridge was completely broken into countless pieces.

"Fuck, how dare you beat me up." Zhou Suyi cursed again when she saw this scene.

A monster of this level cannot be resisted by manpower at all.

"Damn it, old Hu, I feel like the explosives are hanging too." Fatty Wang shouted.

Hu Bayi had already climbed a long way on the death worm.

This thing is several meters wide, and its body undulates like ravines, so you don't worry about falling when you get up.

"Don't talk nonsense, wait for the opportunity, I let you detonate it, and you detonate it." Hu Bayi was sweating profusely, obviously exhausted his energy.

And after such a short time, he was only seven or eight meters away from the death worm's head.

Fortunately, the death worm didn't go straight into the cliff, but its huge tail swept towards Zhou Suyi again.

Zhou Suyi's face changed, and she wanted to hide on the ground like Fatty Wang just now.

But who would have thought, this death worm is not stupid, this time it directly sweeps the ground.

The piles of treasures on the ground were swept away, even if a big rock hit them, they would be crushed immediately. If they fell on the ground, they would probably become dumpling fillings.

Seeing that the big tail had swept over, Zhou Suyi hurriedly took out the pen-exploring claw, and threw it towards it.

The Yin-exploring claws were stuck on the cliff, Zhou Suyi ran a few steps quickly, stepped on the cliff and ran up.


The tail almost swept past her thigh, and a large long pit was smashed out at the bottom of the cliff in front, and the rocks on it rumbled.

clap clap clap...

The cliff was directly smashed and collapsed.

Zhou Suyi's complexion changed, her feet fell into the air, and she immediately lost her balance and swayed in the air.

The pen-exploring claw on the top was also unstable, and fell off after shaking a few times.

Zhou Suyi didn't panic.

No matter how many times I have experienced danger, I am no longer the one who was so frightened and cried when something happened.

The moment he fell, his feet slammed on the stone wall in front of him, and the person flew back.

"Fatty, light the fire!"

At this moment, Hu Bayi was already near the mouthparts of the death worm.

"Okay, listen up!"

He ignited the gunpowder, and threw it directly along the middle half of the death worm that was in the soil.

chi chi...

The gunpowder burned rapidly, and then a loud noise was heard.


The entire underground space vibrated accordingly, and large stones fell from the top of the head one after another, as if this place was about to collapse.

Looking at the location of the explosion, a huge deep pit was blasted out. Although the shell of the death worm was hard, the explosion also made the bloody flesh there.

The surrounding carapace cracked in a large area, and a blood pit with a diameter of about one meter appeared at the location of the explosion.

However, such a serious injury is fatal to a human, but to the death worm, perhaps it was just a small bite accidentally, and it was not fatal at all.


The death worm seemed to be suffering from pain, its huge mouthparts were all opened, and a green liquid was spewed out from it, and it looked like it had been severely injured.

And Hu Bayi just arrived at the top, pulled out the safety of the grenade in his hand, and threw it directly towards the death worm's mouth.

Zhou Suyi just landed on the ground, watching this scene nervously.

As long as the grenade is accurately thrown into the mouth of this thing, it may really be able to kill it.

Although the shell of this thing is hard, the inside cannot be as hard.

If the bomb explodes in his body, it's hard to believe that it can't kill him.

All eyes followed the high-explosive grenade.

It was too close, even if the death worm knew the danger, it couldn't dodge it if it wanted to. The high-explosive grenade drew a perfect arc and entered the death worm's mouth accurately.

"Pretty!" Fatty Wang jumped up excitedly.

Zhou Suyi shouted, "Awesome."

At the moment, she is really excited.

Such a perverted monster, if they really let them handle it, what kind of feat would it be.

It is estimated that it will be directly on the trending search tomorrow.

"Fuck, awesome, the cooperation between these three people is getting better and better."

"If this monster is killed, sister Zhou can really play for a lifetime."

"It feels a little relaxed."

"It's easy, Professor Chen and the others are all dead. If it weren't for the tacit cooperation between them, they would have died a long time ago."

"Awesome, sister Zhou is awesome."


At this moment, netizens became excited.

If a monster of this size is really killed by them, it will undoubtedly give all players a reassurance. Otherwise, subsequent players may really dare not pass it when they arrive here.

The next moment, a blazing light shone in the death worm's mouth, as if it had penetrated the hard shell, as if a bright light appeared inside the death worm's body.

Then there was a deafening explosion.


This time, the explosion was significantly more violent than the explosives just now.

The high-explosive grenade sent out by the system is very powerful.

Zhou Suyi even forgot to cover her ears, she just stared at it, and then saw that the death worm's head exploded.

The upper half, which was about three meters in length, was all exploded, and countless pieces of meat were scattered, and those sharp teeth were ejected like bullets.


(End of this chapter)

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