Chapter 165
Even though the death worm has rough skin and thick flesh, it can't handle the high-explosive grenade exploding inside.

It has to be said that Hu Bayi has rich experience.

When I saw this thing, the first thing I thought of was to blow up the interior with a high-explosive grenade.

And with the cooperation of three people, it really succeeded.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly took out the diamond umbrella and blocked it in front of her.

bang bang bang...

Those tooth fragments hit it, making a jingling sound, which shows that the force is not small. If it hits a person, it will definitely not feel good.

Fatty Wang was beaten and jumped, almost getting hit several times.

But Hu Bayi is fine.

He hugged the death worm tightly, but it didn't affect him.

The explosion sound lasted for a while, and the huge body of the death worm kept shaking. It took a long time before it seemed to lose all its strength, and the huge body fell directly from the sky.


There was another loud noise, and a big hole was smashed out of the ground.

"Hahaha, grandma, aren't you awesome? Didn't you die in the hands of your fat man? Come on, get up, let's fight again!" Fatty Wang yelled.

Zhou Suyi let out a long breath.

The entire head of the death worm was blown up, and it seemed that it was dead and could not die anymore.

Hu Bayi jumped down, "Are you all okay?"

"It's okay, Old Hu, well done!" Fatty Wang laughed.

"Miss Yang, are you alright?" Hu Bayi asked worriedly seeing Zhou Suyi was a little lost.

Zhou Suyi smiled wryly, "I'm fine, it's just a pity, Professor Chen and the others... hey!"

Speaking of this, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang also fell silent.

Although they killed the death worm, everyone else died. This kind of victory really made people feel less inclined to celebrate the fruits of victory.

"Awesome, awesome, awesome."

"It's really killed, shit, Audio-Technica, this is so awesome."

"I thought it was so powerful, but I didn't expect it to be killed so easily."

"The trio's cooperation is becoming more and more tacit. If any part of them makes mistakes, it may fail."

"This is the experience created by cooperating with the wind and rain countless times."


For a while, netizens were all excited.

After this level has passed, it is basically equivalent to seeing the dawn of the insect valley beckoning to them.

However, when the whole network was boiling, no one noticed that the tail of the death worm slowly lifted up.

Immediately afterwards, the tail was split into three parts, and there were densely packed teeth inside.

This thing has two heads.

"Hey, don't think about it, it's already a miracle that we could get here. They are dead, we can't give up, we have to take a good look for the dead, what is it like inside!" Fatty Wang said!
"Hehe, fat man, your awareness has finally risen once!" Hu Ba said.

"Hey, Fatty, I'm very enlightened for a while, okay?"

Zhou Suyi looked at the high-explosive grenade in her hand, she didn't expect that there was one left, but it might be used later.

"Hey, if you're careful and let everyone else wait behind, maybe you can all pass the test safely!" Zhou Suyi felt somewhat regretful.

Although those people died, the game didn't end directly, which meant that those people were dispensable supporting roles in the game, but after all, they had been together in the game for so long, and they really had some feelings.

At this moment, Zhou Suyi suddenly felt that something was wrong, and there was a stench coming from behind her.

The smell was very familiar, as if I had smelled it before.

"Fuck, don't mess with it."

She turned her head abruptly, but as soon as she turned around, she gasped and her hair was about to explode.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang also felt that something was wrong, so they hurriedly turned their heads to look.

"Fuck, why isn't this thing dead yet!" Fatty Wang exclaimed.

Behind them is the tail of the death worm, but at this moment it is the head of the death worm. It has quietly arrived behind everyone, with its bloody mouth wide open.

Without giving them any time to react, they took a bite.

Although the three of them had experienced many battles, they all thought this thing was dead just now. Who would have thought that the ass of this thing could be used as a head, so they didn't pay attention at all.

When I saw it, it was already too late, and there was no way to avoid it at such a close distance.

Zhou Suyi only felt that the last ray of light was swallowed up, and then she was enveloped by a stench. In the end, she felt as if countless knives had been stabbed into her body.

The pain and pain were so unbearable that she couldn't help but want to yell, but the sharp teeth had pierced countless holes in her throat, and she could no longer make a sound.

Zhou Suyi once again unlocked a new way of dying.

【game over】

Zhou Suyi suddenly opened her eyes, panting heavily.

Although she had died hundreds of times, the way she died just now made her feel suffocated, hopeless, and too painful.

Fortunately, the feeling didn't last long before the game failed.

"Damn, isn't this monster a shit?" Zhou Suyi cursed.

Who would have thought that both ends of this thing are actually heads.

Is it really hard to just eat and not pull?Is there such a magical creature?
But speaking of it, this thing has only appeared in legends, and no one really knows much about it.

Netizens who were still excited just now became listless in an instant.

"Fuck, it's okay. Sister Zhou is right. Doesn't this thing fucking shit?"

"Is it possible that there is not enough food here, and people pull it here, and then eat it back immediately."

"I wipe, you disgust me."

"It's a bit wronged to fail. If I had known earlier, when this thing fell down, I would have put another high-explosive grenade in it first. I don't care if it still has a third head."


No one expected the result to be like this.

archaeological team.

The support was in place in one day, and the scientists continued to study the mysterious space in the canyon.

But I don't know if there were too many people or what, the mysterious space never appeared again.

Professor Zhong and the others safely passed through the canyon with electromagnetic interference equipment.

When they passed by, they couldn't help but marvel at the densely packed hanging coffins on the canyon.

Seeing it in the game is one thing, seeing it in real life is another.

After passing through the canyon and arriving at the ancient city of Jingjue, Professor Zhong was not so shocked, because everything that should be seen had already been seen in the game.

But even so, Professor Zhong still took a few Suxiao Jiuxin Pills.

The gate was opened, and the crowd went straight to the temple.

When they saw the jade eyeball in the temple, everyone was shocked.

It's not just shock, but also puzzlement and doubt.

Has Lin Mu ever been here?
If it had really been here, how could the jade eyeballs still be there, and the scarlet eyeballs hidden in the darkness seemed to be there too.

If you haven't been here before, then all this is so difficult that you really saw it from the book?
Even if it is seen in the book, someone should have been there.

"Teacher, we don't have that jade pendant, what should we do?" Su Xin was really afraid that Professor Zhong would get excited and grab the jade eyeball, so she hurriedly reminded her.

In the game, if you don't have the jade pendant, you can't get the jade eyeball, and the snake egg on it will burst.

This made everyone a little uncomfortable.

Could it be possible to find Fatty Wang and get that jade pendant in reality?

(End of this chapter)

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