Chapter 166 The Mysterious Field

The jade eyeball is placed there, and there is really an irregular groove behind it, which looks exactly like the one in the game.


It is obviously impossible to find Fatty Wang in reality, and the possibility of getting that jade pendant is even more impossible.

Fortunately, however, they have a little advantage.

With the game as a guide, for the sake of safety, everyone is fully armed and put on protective clothing. Even if the scarlet eyeballs on them really fall, they will not be in danger.

"Are you ready? I'm going to see if I can take this thing down!" Team Li said.

There is no jade pendant in the game, so the jade eyeball cannot be removed. It is probably because of the needs of the plot. This may not be the case in reality. At least try it.

However, Team Li didn't dare to touch it directly with his hands. If he touched it and really couldn't take it off, it would be troublesome.

He used a tricky method, planning to use a bag to cover the jade eyeballs and try to see if he could take them off.

Everyone was nervous.

The team members are all armed and ready to fight.

Li Dui took a deep breath, came to Yushi's eyeball, put the bag on it, tightened the mouth of the bag, and pulled it upwards.

Pulled a bit, did not move.

Twice, still not moving.

Increased strength, still did not move.


Everyone didn't know what to say for a while.

"Could it be that the jade eyeball and the base are connected together?" Su Xin asked!

Li Dui shook his head, "Impossible, I just checked, there is obviously a gap underneath, it's not a perfect fit!"

"That's strange, what kind of power is binding it!"

Everyone couldn't figure it out, even the scientists who followed up curiously couldn't figure it out.

"Is it possible that it is also a special magnetic field, just like the positive and negative poles of a magnet, firmly attracting each other?" A scientist analyzed.

Su Xin said: "But, why do you bring the jade pendant, or put the jade pendant in, so you can take it off easily?"

"Maybe, the jade pendant is some kind of blocking device that can disrupt the mutual influence of these two fields." The scientist continued to analyze.

The other scientists nodded, feeling that this conjecture is not unreasonable.

After all, in the canyon they entered, they detected an extremely strong special magnetic field.

Although the Jingjue people don't understand this principle, they can obviously master this application.

In many cases, the research principle is infinitely more difficult than the application.

"If there is such a special field, if it can be studied clearly, it may bring about a technological explosion, with unlimited applications!" Those scientists began to get excited.


At this moment, a team member exclaimed.

Everyone subconsciously looked at the scarlet eyeball above, which swelled rapidly and then burst.

Mucus was splashed everywhere, and countless strange snakes with eyeball-like tumors fell out of them. As soon as these strange snakes fell, they began to frantically attack the surrounding crowd.

It's a pity that everyone is wearing protective clothing. Although these strange snakes are fast and poisonous, they can't damage modern protective clothing.

The people around immediately took out the various tools they had prepared and started killing the snakes, and at the same time caught some live ones waiting for follow-up research.

After all, this is a new species for them.

The strange snake was quickly swept away, but the jade eyeball could not be removed.


Zhou Suyi let out a long breath.

When I faced the death worm for the first time, I couldn't bear the slightest thought of confrontation, but with the experience of killing the death worm's head for the first time, I didn't feel so scared in my heart.

As long as they cooperate well, two grenades are enough.

So, without hesitating for long, she entered the game again.

This time, she didn't let Professor Chen and the others go down, but let them wait on the cliff.

"Why is that? Why can't we go down?" Chu Jian was obviously dissatisfied.

Anyway, it's all treasure down here.

They belong to the archaeological team, they have principles and integrity, but who can guarantee whether others can.

Even if it can be guaranteed that Zhou Suyi will not take things, can it be guaranteed that Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang will not take things secretly?

Especially Fatty Wang.

How greedy this guy is is obvious to all along the way.

In fact, Professor Chen frowned slightly. Like Chu Jian and the others, he was also worried about Fatty Wang.

"Hey, what do you mean, don't you understand people's words? Miss Yang is also thinking about your safety, don't you know what's good or bad, kid." Fatty Wang was immediately unhappy.

Although Chu Jian was a little afraid of Fatty Wang, he still said, "In case, you... who knows if you will steal something, these are all cultural relics and belong to the country!"

Hearing this, Fatty Wang immediately became furious, rolled up his sleeves and was about to beat Chu Jian.

"Hey, you little bastard, say it again, see if Fatty will beat you up."

Chu Jian hastily hid aside, still a little unconvinced, "Hehe, we all saw clearly along the way, Miss Yang and Brother Hu will definitely not take it, but you, you can't guarantee it."

"Hey, okay, come here, I won't kill you, Fatty." Fatty Wang was so angry that he was about to get angry.

"Okay, fat man, stop making trouble!" Hu Bayi scolded.

Fatty Wang still had an angry expression on his face, "Old Hu, listen up, listen up, what you say is so hurtful, why should you believe both of you and not me? This is slandering my noble personality."

Hu Bayi couldn't help rolling his eyes at these words.

He said in his heart that others don't understand you, but I still don't understand?

This means that there are outsiders watching. If Professor Chen and the others weren't there, you probably would have gone down to get the sacks.

Zhou Suyi gave Fatty Wang a middle finger in her heart, full of contempt.

Noble personality, do you have that thing?

"Okay, stop messing around. We analyzed so much before, indicating that there is a high probability of danger down here. You stay here for your safety. Professor Chen, don't worry, we won't take anything Yes, I can vouch for them both."

As soon as this remark came out, Professor Chen and the others naturally couldn't say anything more.

On the contrary, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were a little relieved that Zhou Suyi trusted them so much.

[Hu Bayi Favorability +1]

[Fatty Wang Favorability +1]

In a word, it represented absolute trust, and gained two favorability points again.

Zhou Suyi was also quite pleased.

"What are you talking about? If you didn't take care of us along the way, we would have died in the desert. You must be careful when you go down. The most important thing is to stay alive!" Professor Chen said.

Speaking of being alive, the eye circles turned red again, apparently thinking of Hao Aiguo again.

"Look, listen, how else is he a professor, you two little brats, study hard!" Fatty Wang said!
"Ha ha!"

Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng didn't dare to say anything.

"Okay, let's go!" Zhou Suyi didn't say anything more, she found the rope ladder next to her, and was the first one to climb down.


(End of this chapter)

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