Chapter 167

Although Professor Chen and the others are not important roles at the moment, if they can't be killed, they won't be allowed to die.

After convincing Professor Chen and the others, Zhou Suyi was the first to go off the cliff.

Soon, the trio came to the bottom of the cliff.

Fatty Wang looked at the mountain of treasures, his eyes glowed green again.

"Fatty, it's agreed, you can't take the things here." Zhou Suyi said again worriedly.

She had a guess before.

All levels have countermeasures, such as the jade eyeball at the door, as long as the method is used correctly, there is no need for danger.

In addition to what An Liman said before, she seriously doubted that if everyone didn't touch the treasure here, the earth dragon might not come out.

Of course, this was just a guess, that's why she kept a strict eye on Fatty Wang.

"Hey, Ms. Yang, from what you said, do you still have doubts about Fatty's noble personality? Just keep your heart in your stomach. If I take Fatty, I will write my last name upside down." Fatty Wang said Guaranteed, but the eyeballs are rolling around.

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes, and said to herself that you really think I'm stupid, and the word "wang" is not "king" if it's reversed.

"Okay, let's go."

The three of them walked forward, and Zhou Suyi followed Fatty Wang, staring at Fatty Wang all the time.

Fatty Wang was a little depressed, thinking that Ms. Yang came from abroad, how could she be so proficient in Chinese characters?

This little cleverness seems to be completely useless.

The three of them walked to the middle position, nothing happened, and the death worm did not come out. Zhou Suyi can be sure that Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi did not take anything.

Although Fatty Wang's eyes were glowing green, with Zhou Suyi watching, he had no chance of making a move.

"It seems that my guess is true. As long as you don't take anything, you can go there safely, and you won't provoke that death worm. That thing should be dedicated to guarding these treasures." Zhou Suyi thought in her heart.

Just as he was thinking, Fatty Wang who was next to him rushed out and grabbed Baoshan next to him.

"Fuck, fat man, your uncle." Seeing this scene, Zhou Suyi couldn't help but curse.

Hu Bayi didn't expect Fatty Wang to move so fast.

I saw Fatty Wang holding a bead in his hand, still emitting a faint white light.

"Hey, Old Hu, Ms. Yang, look, this is the night pearl, a rare treasure!" Fatty Wang looked at the fist-sized pearl in his hand, and he was very excited.

At the same time, he looked at Hu Bayi eagerly, his eyes seemed to be discussing with Hu Bayi, whether it would be okay to take this one out as a souvenir.

Hu Bayi glared at him, "Fatty, what did you say, put the things down quickly."

Zhou Suyi also stared at him, "Fatty, are you fucking farting?"

Zhou Suyi was really in a hurry.

Fatty Wang looked reluctant, "Hey, what are you thinking? I don't think it's too dark here. With this night pearl, at least it can be used as a flashlight to save some electricity!"

"Bah, ghosts will believe what you say." Zhou Suyi scolded.


At this moment, the ground began to shake, and it was obvious that the death worm was about to come out from below again.

"Hahaha, this fat man is really a troublemaker."

"When there is danger, the fat man is reliable, but when there is no danger, the fat man is the biggest danger."

"Sister Zhou's plan failed again. In the face of this mountain of gold and silver, it is too difficult to prevent the fat man from taking things."

"In my opinion, just let Fatty Wang die quietly outside. What is the meaning of this role?"

"Don't say that, she saved sister Zhou's life before."


Netizens don't know what to say.

When it's okay, this fat man is really doing things.

This guy is a plot booster.

"Fuck, fat man, you fucking..."

Zhou Suyi clenched her fists, she really wanted to give Fatty Wang a few big blows like before.

"Fuck, Miss Yang, what the hell does this have to do with me? Isn't this an earthquake?" Fatty Wang was still a little aggrieved.

Zhou Suyi said unhappily: "What kind of earthquake, below, there is a prehistoric giant death worm, as long as you take these treasures, he will come out."

"Death worm, is it real or not? A worm can make such a big noise?" Fatty Wang obviously didn't believe it.

In his opinion, the one who can carry the word worm is unbelievable, how big it can be, Miss Yang is so frightened and confused.

"Death worm?" Hu Bayi's face changed, "Miss Yang, I dare not joke about this. There really are death worms here, how do you know?"

Zhou Suyi said: "From what I read in the book, I doubted whether it was true or not, but now it seems to be true."


At this moment, a huge figure broke through the ground again, rushed out of the ground, and rushed more than ten meters high.

Professor Chen and the others standing on the cliff were startled.

The thing's huge mouthparts were open, almost level with them standing on the cliff.

Although far away, I still feel the shock.

"Fuck, this, this is a worm? Ms. Yang, don't you know something about worms? Let me tell you, you foreigners must have misunderstood the characters of the Great Xia Kingdom!" Fatty Wang raised his neck, Everyone is numb.

"I'm fucking &&...%..."

When Zhou Suyi heard Fatty Wang's words, she was so angry that she almost wanted to hit someone.

"Stop bickering, run quickly." Hu Bayi yelled hastily, and ran back.

Without his reminding, Fatty Wang had already gone a long way.


Zhou Suyi sighed, seeing the two running back, she could only keep up.

"I said, Ms. Yang, why didn't you mention such an important matter earlier." Fatty Wang shouted as he ran, complaining a little.

"Fuck, blame me?" Zhou Suyi was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood.

Originally in the game, Shirley Yang's character was almost compatible, but Fatty Wang's few words directly broke the defense, and the true character was directly exposed.

"Hey, then I didn't say it, but if you said it earlier, Fat Lord, I can't take that bead no matter what!" Fatty Wang said.

"Fuck, I'm fucking trying to kill someone, destroy it."

Zhou Suyi was really going to be blown up.

This fat man messed up things, and now he made it look like she was the one who made the mistake. He really took his shamelessness to the extreme.

"Hahaha, I feel like Miss Zhou is going to lose her temper."

"This fat man is really annoying. If I can't beat him, I really want to go in and beat him up."

"Absolutely, this is the first time this old lady wants to hit someone so much."

"If I were inside, I would have a heart attack."

"It's too shameful to be beaten. This is really shameless and shameless crying, shameless to death."


Not only Zhou Suyi was about to explode, but even the netizens were so angry that they wanted to hit someone after hearing those few words.

It can be seen that Fatty Wang really deserves a beating at this moment.


(End of this chapter)

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