Chapter 168 Can I Really Be Safe?

Zhou Suyi was so angry with Fatty Wang's few words that her mentality was about to collapse.

At this moment, no matter what the death worm is, I just want to go up and beat the fat man to vent my anger.

Then, she took action and quickly chased after him, kicking Fatty Wang's ass.

Fatty Wang was running forward, and this kick made him eat shit like a dog.

"Fuck, Miss Yang, you're fucking crazy!" Fatty Wang became anxious.

Hu Bayi also felt a little refreshed when he saw this kick, and felt that Zhou Suyi's kick was normal.

Moreover, even Fatty Wang's favorability has not dropped.

It can be seen that this guy himself knows how much he owes.

"Crazy mother, next time, if you make trouble for me again, I'll fucking fight with you!" Zhou Suyi yelled.

"next time?"

Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi obviously didn't know the meaning of this sentence.

Then there is no doubt that a trio without tacit understanding and cooperation is not threatening.

In just a moment, the three of them entered the mouth of the death worm.

When she opened her eyes again, Zhou Suyi was still out of breath.

"This Fatty Wang is quite reliable at critical moments, why is he so annoying."

She took a deep breath, wondering if there was such an annoying character among Lin Mu's friends, otherwise, how could this guy create such a wonderful thing.

Seeing that it was still early, Zhou Suyi entered the game again.

This time, Professor Chen and the others were still settled in advance, and then he said: "I have read a legendary story, which seems to mention that Queen Jingjue has an ancient beast death worm, which helps Queen Jingjue protect Holding her treasure, no one is allowed to touch it, as long as you take the queen's things, the death worm will appear and eat everyone!"

After hearing this, Hu Bayi's face suddenly became solemn, "An Liman said before that everything in this black desert belongs to the Queen Jingjue. Even if you take a gold coin, you will die in the desert." Among them, if there are death worms, it is probably not groundless."

"Hey, there's no truth in a legendary story. Besides, isn't it just a worm? Fatty, I have two guns in my hand, and I'm still afraid of a worm?" Fatty Wang didn't care.

"Shut up." Zhou Suyi scolded directly.

Fatty Wang was stunned, feeling that Zhou Suyi's eyes could burst into flames when he looked at him.

"Let me say, Miss Yang, you... how many days have you arrived?" Fatty Wang looked at Zhou Suyi with strange eyes.

It is said that women are in a bad mood in those few days and lose their temper for no reason. It seems to be true.

"Fuck me!"

Zhou Suyi was so angry that she almost vomited blood again.

God damn those days came.

So annoying.

Hold back, hold back, don't be impulsive.

Zhou Suyi took a few deep breaths, and then slowly spit out four words, "Shut up, add money."

Fatty Wang immediately covered his mouth.

Seeing him like this, Zhou Suyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Anyway, no matter it's true or not, let's not touch anything, just go straight there, so as not to cause any trouble!"

"Okay, listen to you!" Hu Bayi immediately agreed.

Zhou Suyi came to Hu Bayi again, and whispered secretly: "Old Hu, you pay close attention to Fatty, I don't believe him, but with so many jewels, it's inevitable that I will be tempted, and I have a hunch that once you really take something , will definitely be dangerous."

"Don't worry, I'll watch him." Hu Bayi agreed.

People have said so, and he is not angry.

"That's good, let's go down."

This time, not only Zhou Suyi looked at Fatty Wang, but also Hu Bayi.

Zhou Suyi said about the death worm in advance, so Hu Bayi paid enough attention to it.

When he arrived at the place where the night pearl was, Fatty Wang's eyes lit up again, and he rushed forward, but was grabbed by Hu Bayi.

"Old Hu, what are you pulling me for?" Fatty Wang was suddenly dissatisfied.

"Nonsense, what did you say when you came down?" Hu Bayi said angrily.

Zhou Suyi was really helpless.

This guy is really open to money, but there's nothing he can do about it. This is the character setting.

"Hey, I don't want to take it. I just think it's too dark. We don't have many batteries. Here's a night pearl. It's just a flashlight!" Fatty Wang explained.

"Come on, I don't know you yet. Didn't Ms. Yang say that there is likely to be a death worm protection here. It is better to believe it than to believe it. Safety is the most important thing." Hu Bayi.

Zhou Suyi nodded, and Hu Bayi had to be the most reliable.

Fatty Wang looked reluctant, "Hey, you two are just worrying blindly, what's there to be afraid of a worm."

"Okay, just say a few words less, if you talk too much, I don't care if Ms. Yang deducts your money!" Hu Ba said.

Fatty Wang shut up immediately.


Zhou Suyi was very nervous.

She is not sure whether that conjecture is reliable, but at least so far, there is no sign of the earth dragon appearing

Soon, they came to the bottom of the opposite cliff.

Looking up at a glance, it is also about [-] meters high. This time there is no rope ladder, so we can only climb up.

"It's really okay, it's really okay, shit, feelings, I was tricked by Fatty Wang before!" Zhou Suyi gave Fatty Wang another look.

Fatty Wang felt baffled.

He felt it in his heart.

Well, it must be my aunt.

"Should we call Professor Chen over first?" Hu Bayao said.

Zhou Suyi shook her head, "Farewell first, let's build a rope up first, and call them after we're done."

"Well, that's fine!" Hu Ba nodded, "I'll go first."

I ate and drank enough before, and took a rest for a while. Although I am still tired, my physical strength is much better than before.

Although the 30-odd meters is a bit difficult to climb, it is definitely not difficult for them.

"Let me do it." Zhou Suyi took out the Yin-Detecting Claw.

She used this thing smoothly, although she couldn't climb up the 30-meter-high cliff in one go, it was definitely easier than Hu Bayi and the others.

"Then be careful!" Seeing that Zhou Suyi had taken out the pen-exploring claws, Hu Bayi couldn't say anything more.

Ms. Yang's strength is really strong, and she is as light as a swallow. She is really better at climbing up and down than them.

"Don't worry, I have a plan!"

At this moment, Zhou Suyi wanted to climb up and get out of here quickly.

That death worm was no joke.

Although, she is certain that she can kill the death worm together, but if not fighting can not only save energy, but also save a lot of trouble, why not do it.

Immediately, Zhou Suyi directly rotated the Yin-Detecting Claw, and threw it towards the top.

This time it was thrown at a height of more than ten meters, and the penetrating claws firmly grasped a stone.

Before taking action, Zhou Suyi took another look at Hu Bayi, her meaning was very clear, she was optimistic about Fatty Wang.

Hu Bayi understood it wholeheartedly, and nodded immediately, signaling Zhou Suyi to rest assured.

Whether it should be said or not, these two people have a very tacit understanding now, and they can understand what the other is thinking with a single look.


(End of this chapter)

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