Chapter 169 New Mission

Before departure, Zhou Suyi was still a little worried, so she met Hu Bayi's eyes uneasy, and Hu Bayi understood what Zhou Suyi meant.

He also nodded in response.

The two of them really have the same heart now, and they can understand what each other is thinking with just one look.

Fatty Wang was quite relieved to see the two of them winking, and smiled like an old father.

Immediately, Zhou Suyi stopped talking nonsense, grabbed the rope, and flew up the cliff.

She held the rope with one hand and walked upright at an extremely fast speed.

"Pretty, old Hu, how do you think Ms. Yang's skills are trained? Just this physical fitness, just this speed, she is much better than that professional." Fatty Wang praised.

Hu Bayi also smiled.

"I heard from Professor Chen that Ms. Yang is very fond of outdoor sports abroad. She has explored in many dangerous places, so she is naturally very skilled."

Fatty Wang's eyes are treacherous.

"I said, Lao Hu, along the way, have you noticed that Miss Yang seems to be interested in you? If you can take Miss Yang down, then our brothers will be safe in this life."

Hu Bayi's face turned red.

But this day, he was tanned in the desert for a long time, even if he blushed, he couldn't see it.

"Don't talk nonsense, she is Miss Returnee, how can we be worthy?"

Fatty Wang curled his lips, and said indifferently: "Hehe, what's not worthy, she is the eldest lady, let's touch the gold captain, the inheritance of thousands of years, now we are the only one, it is said that things are rare It's precious, we are not much more precious than the Sea King Eight."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, don't talk about this matter again, if Miss Yang hears about it, she will be upset." Hu Bayi said to Fatty Wang.

Fatty Wang shrugged, not taking it seriously.

He looked back again, seeing the piles of gold, silver and jewels, he couldn't help swallowing.

"Hey, what the fuck is the difference between this fmd and finding a beautiful woman to have a room with, fmd half asleep and not even taking off your pants?"

Fatty Wang's eyes rolled around.

He wondered if he would fool Hu Bayi to go back and get some together. Anyway, it was just the two of them now, and no one else was watching. They hid it secretly, at worst in their crotch, and he didn't believe that others would find it.

But before he opened his mouth, Hu Bayi said: "Don't look at it, fat man, this thing is not ours. It was agreed when we came here. If you continue to do this, we will break up in the future."

Fatty Wang became anxious when he heard that the partnership had broken up.

"Hehehe, what are you talking about? What are you talking about? Old Hu, fat man, am I that kind of person? I just think that if we can really take some out and sell it for money, we can give some to your comrades in arms, so that their families will be happy." Have a good time, don't you?"

Hu Bayi rolled his eyes, "Hehe, do you believe it yourself?"

Fatty Wang patted his chest, "That's necessary, I believe it."

Hu Bayi didn't bother to talk to him anymore.

He looked up, and Zhou Suyi had already climbed halfway.

He took off the probe claw, found a place to fix it, and then threw the probe claw upwards again, this time directly on the broken bridge above the cliff.

After trying it without any problem, I climbed up again.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Suyi climbed up the cliff, and there was indeed a hole behind her, leading to the unknown depths.

"Miss Yang, how is it? Is there a road up there?"

Seeing that Zhou Suyi had already gone up, Fatty Wang yelled from below.

Zhou Suyi responded immediately: "There is a way, you wait for me, I will fix the rope ladder here, and then I will go down to find you."

"Hey, don't bother, Ms. Yang, just wait here. Lao Hu and I will pick up Professor Chen and the others, and we promise nothing will go wrong." Fatty Wang shouted.

Hearing this, Zhou Suyi became anxious immediately, she said in her heart that I can believe your nonsense.

If you don't look at you, Baobuqi will make trouble for me again.

"Don't wait for me, I'll come down right away."

Zhou Suyi fixed the rope ladder and quickly climbed down.

Rope ladders are much easier than rope climbing.

Fatty Wang pouted, a little unhappy.

"I said that Ms. Yang doesn't trust people too much. Is Fatty Wang like that? Do you need to follow me and look at me like this?"

Hu Bayi smiled, "If I were Miss Yang, I would tie you up with ropes."

"Hey hey, old Hu, it's faded, it's faded, old Hu."

Zhou Suyi immediately climbed down, and then the three of them went back to pick up Professor Chen and the others.

I once again told Professor Chen and the others not to touch anything.

Seeing that they all agreed, everyone walked forward again.

The others were not that nervous, but Zhou Suyi was extremely nervous.

After all, for others, the death worm is just a legend told by Zhou Suyi, and it may not be true.

But Zhou Suyi is really sure that there is really a terrifying death bug here.

Fortunately, other people are much stronger than Fatty Wang. As long as they stare at Fatty Wang, no one will take anything. They just walked along curiously to see the past.

When they reached the cliff, everyone climbed up the rope ladder.

It wasn't until reaching the top that Zhou Suyi breathed a sigh of relief.

But she still has a doubt in her heart.

When I got three high-explosive grenades before, I knew that these things would be of great use in the future.

When seeing the death worm, you can indeed kill the death worm with the remaining two grenades in the three minutes.

But now that he found the trick, the death worm did not come out, and the two grenades were saved.

But is this really saved?
Or is there something more terrifying in the future that needs this grenade?
"It's so easy to come here, it feels a bit too easy."

"Oh, it's a pity, it's a pity, I still want to see the jewelry of the trio die like insects."

"I'm a little worried. If I don't get rid of this death worm now, I will be blocked when I come back. It may be more dangerous then."

"Fuck, fuck, bro, I think you might be telling the truth, take a screenshot first."

"Don't be nervous. This game focuses on thinking. Many places are actually very easy to pass. As long as you find the right way, it's not difficult."


Zhou Suyi passed this level safely, which surprised the netizens, who did not expect to come over so easily.

That terrifying death worm really didn't appear?

But there are also people who have the same worries as Zhou Suyi, for fear that there will be problems in the future.

Zhou Suyi and the others continued to set off.

In front is another section of deep corridor, only a few tens of meters away, and there is another cliff surrounded by big black rocks. From Zhou Suyi's point of view, this place should be in the hinterland of Mount Zagrama.

At the end of the cliff, there are many huge statues with giant pupils, and further ahead, there is a large circular hole.

This hole is really too big, the diameter is estimated to be 1000 meters away, the bottom is bottomless, and there is a spiral passage beside it.

[Hidden missions open: Explore ghost caves]

Suddenly, the game prompt appeared again, and Zhou Suyi was obviously taken aback.


(End of this chapter)

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