Chapter 170 Exploring the Ghost Cave
Just when Zhou Suyi saw the huge cave, the game prompt appeared again.

[Hidden missions open: Explore ghost caves]

[Task Description: Legend 1: In ancient times, the Zagrama people saw the shadow of a snake falling from the sky, and then found a bottomless ghost cave in the mountain. They rumored that this was the place where the snake god fell. If you understand the secrets inside, you can gain the power of the snake god. 】

[Legend 2: According to legend, the Queen of Jingjue came out of the underground ghost cave. She possesses mysterious power and her eyes can swallow everything. 】

[Legend 3: According to legend, the ghost cave does not exist, it is actually a mysterious place transformed by the snake god, and the ghost cave people are the creatures who walked out of this mysterious place. 】

[Task Reward: Snake God Remnant Eye (has night vision ability, and has a certain chance to open the channel of the imaginary space, you can try it once a day)]

A series of game prompts appeared, Zhou Suyi looked at them carefully, and quickly digested these things in her heart.

Of course, the first thing that caught her attention was the task reward.

The remaining eyes of the snake god.

"Not only can you have night vision, but it can also open the passage to the imaginary space. It seems that this should be similar to the eyes of the Queen Jingjue." Needless to say, this reward made Zhou Suyi very tempted.

Then she carefully recalled the three legends described in the mission.

Everything I learned in the background story before is story one, but now it seems that the existence of this ghost hole may not be that simple, and there may be other hidden reasons.

As for what it is, I am afraid that you can only know if you go down and have a look.

Zhou Suyi has been thinking about this here all the time, while the others looked at the dark and bottomless hole in front of them, all that was left was shock.

Fatty Wang stood beside him and glanced down. He was so frightened that he backed away, feeling his legs go limp.

"Oh my god, this, who the hell dug this, what are you doing digging such a deep hole, isn't this full of food!"

He has a fear of heights and it's pretty unfriendly here for him.

"Oh my god, how deep is this, this should be the location of the mountainside, how can there be such a deep pit, teacher, you said, the ghost cave clan really came from under this ghost cave, right? "Chu Jian said in shock.

Professor Chen stood by and looked down, feeling shocked.

He has been archaeological for so many years, and he has seen some big scenes. This is the first time he has seen such a spectacular scene.

When people stand next to the ghost cave, they have a feeling of falling into the abyss, which makes people feel frightened.

"If the ghost cave people really came from this ghost cave, then this is probably not a major discovery in the archaeological world, but a major discovery in human history."

Does he know what this means?
Over the past few hundred years, the theory of evolution has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it has almost become the consensus of everyone that humans evolved from monkeys.

But if a human being really walked out of this ghost hole, then the theory of evolution would be subverted.

Who would have thought of an archaeological operation, but now it has become a major operation that changes human thinking.

The scientists who watched the live broadcast this time, not only the scientists in space physics, were excited.

Some biologists and scholars of human evolution have developed a strong interest, and almost all of them are rushing here at the fastest speed.

"I said, Ms. Yang, the murals of jade eyeballs looking at black holes were all painted on the murals before. Try using this thing to see if you can see what's underneath?" Fatty Wang thought of what he saw in the cave before. of those murals.

Zhou Suyi also remembered.

And in the background story, it was this jade eyeball that peeped into the ghost hole and brought disaster, causing a large number of poisonous snakes to come out.

Now that she finally got this jade eyeball, she also became a little curious.

"Then, try?"

Although it may bring danger, Zhou Suyi is also very curious and wants to try it.

Everyone also became interested, and all looked at Zhou Suyi.

Zhou Suyi took a deep breath.

She took out the jade eyeballs in her backpack, held them in both hands and looked down.

The others also came up together, and all followed the huge eyeballs to look down.

But it was pitch black below, and nothing could be seen at all.

"Damn, those myths and legends are all lies. This thing is just a work of art, and it's useless." Fatty Wang cursed.

Although there was no danger, Zhou Suyi was a little disappointed.

At least now it seems that in the background story, those introductions may not necessarily be true.

But she had a feeling that the jade eyeball definitely had some purpose, but it was not for that purpose, but for other purposes, maybe it was set up to complete this task.

"Do you want to go down and have a look?" Zhou Suyi asked.

Everyone looked at each other, and to be honest, no one was not curious.

Now this mysterious ghost cave is right in front of you, and there are steps going down around it. It would be a lie to say that you are not curious.

"Ahem, that, it's not Fatty, I'm afraid of heights, it's just, I don't think it's necessary, isn't it just a big hole, maybe it's the lair of those mice." Fatty Wang felt a little guilty.

Either I'm afraid of something below, or I'm simply afraid of heights.

Chu Jian curled his lips, "It's not that I'm afraid of heights, fat brother, do you think you don't have 300 taels of silver here?"

"What the hell is 300 taels? Is it 300 taels? Fatty, if I have 300 taels, can I come here?" Fatty Wang is really uneducated.

Zhou Suyi looked at Hu Bayi again.

Hu Ba nodded slightly.

"So far, no Queen Jingjue's tomb has been found. Maybe his old man's tomb is hidden under here. We really have to go down and take a look."

"Professor Chen, what about you?" Zhou Suyi looked at Professor Chen again.

Professor Chen nodded immediately.

"I listen to you."

"Succeed, since we all agree, let's go down and have a look, everyone must be careful and try to walk along the stone wall!" Zhou Suyi was overjoyed, she didn't need to go down to explore by herself.

The more people you have, the more courage you have.

"I'll try to see how deep it is here first."

Hu Bayi took out a cold firework and threw one down.

Everyone saw that Leng Yanhua fell down like a meteor, and then disappeared from sight.

Everyone's faces changed.

How deep is it that you can't even see the light.

Fatty Wang felt even more guilty when he saw so deeply.

"Well, I think it's better to forget it. There may be a big pit below here. What's so good about it?"

Hu Bayi smiled, "Queen Essence has collected so many treasures, the funeral objects that she carries close to her body must be even more precious, so you don't want to look at them."

Upon hearing this, Fatty Wang's eyes glowed green again.

"Old Hu, if you say that, then I have to go and have a look. Well, I'm not doing it for any treasure, I just want to contribute to the perfection of the theory of human evolution."

"Ha ha!"

Everyone didn't bother to pay attention to him, and all gave him a hehe expression.


(End of this chapter)

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