Chapter 172 Hao Aiguo

Although the shouting voice was very low, it could be heard clearly. Moreover, the accent was very special, and Zhou Suyi felt very familiar, as if she had heard it often before.

Look at the faces of other people.

Professor Chen's body trembled a few times, almost fell down, and burst into tears.

Sa Dipeng's face was pale and pale, and his body was shaking like chaff.

Chu Jian also sat on the ground with a plop.

"Yes, it's the teacher, it's the teacher's voice!" Chu Jian said with a trembling voice.

"Fuck, don't talk nonsense, your teacher is dead, how could you come here to call your soul." Fatty Wang almost kicked him.

However, even though he said that, after being reminded by Chu Jian, he also recognized that it was really Hao Aiguo's voice.


Zhou Suyi swallowed and spit, feeling her scalp go numb.

That's right, she also recognized that it was really the voice of the dead Hao Aiguo.

"How is it possible? Although some parts of this game are outrageous, is it so difficult for a dead person to be revived?" Zhou Suyi felt like her heart was about to jump out.

In this dark ghost cave, people are already under tremendous pressure.

First footsteps were heard, and now the cries of the dead.

It's fucking frustrating for you.

"Don't scare me, it's night, don't make trouble."

"Oh my god, it seems to be the voice of Hao Aiguo. Could it be that Hao Aiguo is not dead, but crawled out to follow?"

"Grass, engage in the underworld mode at night, my little heart really can't stand this stimulation."

"It can't be really Hao Aiguo, if it is, it will become a supernatural game."

"Maybe it's because of the similar accent. So far in this game, there hasn't been such an outrageous thing."


With such a weird situation, netizens were all in a cold sweat.

Especially now that it's late at night outside.

It's okay if you have a companion to watch it with, but if you watch it by yourself, it will be scary.

The current situation of this show is definitely countless times scarier than horror movies.


I don't know whose sweat dripped on the ground, making a slight sound.

Zhou Suyi took a deep breath, "Calm down, maybe it's just that the accent is similar, we all miss Professor Hao, that's why we mistook it for Professor Hao!"

Her explanation obviously couldn't convince everyone.

Fatty Wang swallowed and spit, "Old Hu, tell me, could it be that Professor Hao turned into a rice dumpling and crawled out from below, and followed him all the way here?"

"Don't talk nonsense, even if you really become a zongzi, have you ever seen a talking zongzi?" Hu Ba said.

Fatty Wang shook his head, "I've never seen that before."

"It's... you... huh? Xiao Chu... Xiao... Sa..."

The voice came again, and it was obviously clearer than before.

What made people's scalp tingle most was that this time they actually called out the names of Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng.

Sa Di Peng's soul was about to fly away from fright, and he curled up on the ground tremblingly, as if he had been frightened stupid.

Chu Jian shouted with trembling voice: "Old, teacher, really, yes, is it you?"

"Patriotic, patriotic, is it really you?" Professor Chen burst into tears.

He was not afraid.

Excessive longing has long since made him forget all his fears.

"My mother, Lao Hu, have you ever seen such a wicked thing?" Fatty Wang was so stupid and bold that his hands began to tremble even holding the gun at this moment.

It's not that they haven't dealt with zongzi when they were in Niuxin Mountain.

That thing is scary, but it's not that scary.

Hu Bayi didn't answer, after all he had seen many strange things.

Especially the time at Huang Pizi's grave was also terrifying.

"Miss Yang, have you ever heard of such evil things abroad?" Fatty Wang looked at Zhou Suyi again.

It seems that only by talking to each other can this fear be weakened.

Zhou Suyi shook her head with an extremely ugly expression.

Now, she doesn't even know what to do.

I thought that I would encounter some dangers, but I never thought that I would encounter such a wicked thing.

She had never experienced such a dangerous thing, so she really didn't know what to do.

"Old Hu, what should I do?" She could only ask Hu Bayi, the only reliable NPC in the game.

Hu Bayi took a deep breath.

"Everyone, don't be nervous. I want to see if someone is pretending to be a ghost, or if Professor Hao is really resurrected. Fatty, get the gun, and at worst, fight him directly!"

Hu Bayi was afraid, but at this moment, he really gave everyone courage.

"Okay, grandma's, it's real rice dumplings. It's not like we men haven't made them before. Damn, don't worry, this time I brought black donkey hooves, enough!" Fatty Wang held a gun in one hand and took out a black donkey in the other donkey hooves.

At this moment, it doesn't matter whether the identity is revealed or not.

Professor Chen and the others simply didn't have time to think about this.

Da da da……

The footsteps came closer, intermittently, giving people a feeling of staggering, as if the person was really anxious and panicked at the moment.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Zhou Suyi's eyes became strange.

"Do you feel that this sound does not seem to come from above, but from below!"


Another gust of cold air rushed straight to the sky.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang listened carefully.

Hearing this, his face became even uglier.

That's right, the sound didn't come from above, but from below.

It was far away before, and the sound echoing in the ghost cave could not be heard clearly, but now it seems to be closer, and it can be heard more clearly.

"Damn it, it's him, what's going on, even if Lao Hao really climbed out, he can't be under us." Fatty Wang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and his breathing became heavy.

Hu Bayi also felt that his scalp was going to explode.

"There must be something playing tricks." Hu Bayi snatched the gun from Fatty Wang's hand, and aimed directly at it.

Zhou Suyi took out a cold firework and threw it down the steps.

Leng Yanhua drew an arc and flew down, illuminating everything around.

Then, they saw that it was about two or 300 meters away from them.

A figure was staggering towards them.

The man saw Leng Yanhua and raised his head.

With the light of the white fireworks, everyone could clearly see that person's face.

That face was extremely pale, whether it was due to the reflection of light or other reasons, there was no trace of blood, as if it was paper.

And the owner of that face was not Hao Aiguo, who else could it be.

When they saw the man's face clearly, everyone was stunned.

It seemed that the surrounding temperature had dropped several degrees, and they were all frozen into ice sculptures, motionless, and did not react for a while.

Hao Aiguo down there seemed unable to see them, and under the strong light, he narrowed his eyes slightly and covered them with his arms.

The exposed hand was as pale as his face.

This is not like a living person, more like a paper doll.


(End of this chapter)

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