Chapter 173

If you heard Hao Aiguo's voice, you could still say that someone was pretending to be a ghost, but now seeing Hao Aiguo's face with your own eyes, everyone was numb.

Really scared numb.

What kind of terror is it for a dead person who has been buried and now appears in front of them.

Moreover, even if the dead Hao Aiguo chased him from above, it could also explain that Hao Aiguo might have faked his death at that time, and later came back to life.

But Hao Aiguo, who came from below, really can't explain it.

So weird.

"My mother, I'm numb. Is there a little brother to accompany me? I'm too scared to go to the bathroom."

"What kind of childhood shadow series are weak, this is my adult shadow."

"Help, I can't hold it anymore, and I don't dare to go to the bathroom, ah, ah, I regret it, it's the middle of the night, what the hell am I doing?"

"Oh my god, what the hell is going on? How did Hao Aiguo survive, and how did he come up from below."

"Do something, fuck it, is this trying to scare me to death and inherit my three-digit inheritance?"


In this situation, the tens of millions of netizens in the live broadcast room were all frightened.

This thing doesn't make sense at all.

It's so hard, is there really a ghost?

Su Dipeng was so frightened that when he rolled his eyes, he passed out.

Zhou Suyi was almost scared into the healing mode, and went directly to Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf.

Hu Bayi's hand holding the gun began to tremble.

"Damn it, this fucking Xiemen is crying while hugging Xiemen, Xiemen is really dead." Hu Bayi cursed.

Fortunately, the light of the cold fireworks disappeared in a flash, and it was dark again below.

If there is anyone present who is not afraid, it may only be Professor Chen.

"Patriotic, patriotic, is it really you?"

Professor Chen was so excited that he staggered and ran down.

"Professor Chen, don't go there!" Zhou Suyi shouted hastily.

But Professor Chen has already run away.

"Fuck, isn't this adding to the chaos?" Fatty Wang cursed.

"Come back, Professor Chen!" Hu Bayi also shouted.

However, Professor Chen ignored them at all and followed them staggeringly.

"Now, what should I do?" Zhou Suyi really had no backbone.

She had never seen such a strange situation.

It is the horrible things that have been encountered in the canyon. Compared with the great horror here, it is simply not worth mentioning.

At this moment, Teacher Ma watched the live broadcast and suddenly felt a little lucky.

He had always wanted to surpass Zhou Suyi, and the progress was indeed almost there.

But seeing such a scene at this moment, he was suddenly a little thankful that he was lazy at night and did not broadcast live.

Otherwise, the news about him peeing his pants may be the most searched topic tomorrow.

Hu Bayi hesitated for a moment, then said: "Go, follow up and have a look, I don't believe it, there really are ghosts and monsters, if there are, then shoot them!"

Although Hu Bayi is proficient in Fengshui of the five elements, he has never believed in the theory of ghosts and gods.

At this moment, although this matter seemed extremely evil, he still decided to bravely find out what was going on.

"Grandma, it's done, we even killed the zongzi, and we were afraid of the hair, and the dead eggs were in the sky. 18 years later, the fat man will be a good man." Fatty Wang also said a tough word to embolden himself.

Zhou Suyi is so depressed, if you don't know how to say it, don't say it, what happened is the same as dying generously.

"Go, I don't believe that Professor Hao can really come back from the dead!"

Zhou Suyi also gritted her teeth.

Immediately, they carried the unconscious Sa Dipeng and Ye Yixin on their backs, pulled Chu Jian and followed.

Fatty Wang carried Sa Dipeng on his back, covered his nose, "Grass, why does it smell like urine?"

He was a little disgusted, and grabbed two handfuls of Sa Dipeng's pants, and immediately became even more disgusted, and almost threw Sa Dipeng away.

Hu Bayi hurriedly said: "This kid doesn't have a wife yet, what he pissed on was a child's urine, to ward off evil spirits."

Upon hearing this, Fatty Wang rubbed his hands on his pants again to expand the contact area.

"Old Hu, do you want some for you?" He was going to wipe Hu Bayi's face.

Hu Bayi hurriedly dodged in disgust, "No need, I have strong firepower, and all evil will not invade."

"Miss Yang, would you like some?" Fatty Wang went to wipe Zhou Suyi's face again.

Zhou Suyi was thinking about what happened to Hao Aiguo down there, so she was smeared by Fatty Wang.

She froze for a moment, and then she was about to collapse.

"Fatty Wang, you are so fucking ugly!"

This blow almost made Zhou Suyi so angry that she almost vomited out of disgust.

But this way, it's not so scary anymore.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, I'm doing it for your own good, I'm talking nonsense, to ward off evil, to ward off evil!" Fatty Wang hurriedly explained.

"I'm fucking fighting with you." Zhou Suyi was really anxious.

Who can be relieved to be pissed on the face instead?

Fatty Wang hurriedly avoided, "Don't, don't, don't get excited, just kidding, kidding, it's not pee, I don't have it on my hand, I really don't have it, I don't believe you, I just saw everyone so nervous, and liven up the atmosphere."

Fatty Wang stretched out his hand to Zhou Suyi.

When Zhou Suyi opened it, she really didn't smell anything strange.

She took a deep breath to calm herself down.

Should I say it or not, after Fatty Wang made such a fuss, the tension eased a lot again.

This guy is also useful, but this method of alleviating the atmosphere is really weird and disgusting.

"Stop messing around, look!"

Hu Bayi in front suddenly stopped.

Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang hurriedly looked forward, and saw Professor Chen holding Hao Aiguo, and they were already crying together.

"Patriotic, patriotic, it's really you, patriotic, you're not dead, it's great, it's great." Professor Chen burst into tears.

Then Hao Aiguo was crying too.

"Teacher, where have you been? I have been looking for you for a long time!"

"Teacher, is it really you?" Chu Jian looked at Hao Aiguo in front of him with extremely strange eyes.

Frightened, confused, confused...

All kinds of emotions are not enough to describe his mood.

Because no matter how you look at it, the person in front of you is Hao Aiguo.

It's just that his face and skin are very pale, and he doesn't look like he has stayed in the desert for so many days.


Fatty Wang swallowed again, and poked Hu Bayi, "Old Hu, do you see what's going on? Tell me, is this guy the same as the previous one? He's all fake? He just wants to mix in with us." , came to trick us at a critical moment."

Lesson learned once before.

Fatty Wang brought out a fake Hao Aiguo from the canyon.

Hu Bayi didn't speak, he probably couldn't figure it out.

Zhou Suyi said: "If this is the case, then there is no need to come down from below, because we will see through it immediately. It's okay to do this kind of thing once. When we know that Professor Hao is dead, we can do it again. That's just stupid."

"Miss Yang is right. I think there must be something wrong here." Hu Bayi agreed with Zhou Suyi's statement.

But what is going on, but I can't figure it out.


(End of this chapter)

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