Chapter 174 Straight to Hell?
Professor Chen hugged Hao Aiguo and cried until his nose burst into tears, completely ignoring other things.

But Zhou Suyi, Hu Bayi and the others stood on the steps and watched vigilantly, not daring to take it lightly.

After crying for a long time, Fatty Wang became a little impatient.

"Hehehe, I said, can we stop crying? Professor Chen, don't get too excited. Although this guy is a bit like Old Hao, he is definitely not the same. Professor Chen, don't forget, Professor Hao, but you buried it with your own hands!"

Hearing this, the atmosphere at the scene became tense again.

Professor Chen froze for a moment.

After crying for so long, the emotions in my heart have been vented, and I have calmed down a lot.

"This..." For a while, he also couldn't figure it out.

But looking at Hao Aiguo in front of him, he didn't feel scared at all.

Hao Aiguo was a little confused, "You guys, what are you talking about, what do you mean? What, you buried it with your own hands?"

Fatty Wang sneered, "Hehe, I'm pretty good at acting."

"I, what am I playing? What are you talking about? Who are you? And who are you?" Hao Aiguo looked at Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi in confusion, and they didn't even know each other.

Fatty Wang laughed immediately, "Haha, don't you know us? Haha, that's great, you've exposed yourself, Professor Chen, come here quickly, we won't be able to save you in a while."

Professor Chen also frowned, and really stepped back a few steps.

Chu Jian also backed away in fright.

Hao Aiguo was even more confused, "You guys, what's going on with you, teacher, Xiao Chu, what happened, what exactly is this place, why am I here?"

Hao Aiguo seemed to have a headache, and covered his head with a painful expression.

Professor Chen looked at Hao Aiguo, "Aiguo, this is an ancient city, don't you remember?"

Hao Aiguo pressed his temple hard, as if he was trying to remember.

"Jingjue Ancient City? How is it possible, aren't we looking for someone? Haven't set off yet, how did we get to Jingjue Ancient City?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Zhou Suyi frowned, thinking carefully.

If the other party really came to harm them with something, then this way of disguising is too clumsy.

Fatty Wang sneered, "Hehe, you guys saw it. This is a counterfeit. I don't know anything. It must be fake. I guess it's the same as the previous counterfeit. Hu, shoot, I'd rather kill the wrong than let it go." However, we were cheated once, but we can’t be cheated a second time.”

Hu Bayi held the gun, hesitant.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot!" Professor Chen hurriedly stopped them and looked at Hao Aiguo again.

Hao Aiguo clutched his head in pain.

"What's going on, I seem to have forgotten something, what have I forgotten? Why am I here, am I dreaming?"

He muttered to himself, raised his hand and slapped himself in the face.


This slap was so powerful that it directly turned half of his face red.

"It hurts, it's not a dream!"

Everyone was stunned.

What kind of hand is this Nima playing?

Zhou Suyi hesitated for a moment, and then said to Professor Chen: "It's easy to verify the authenticity, Professor Chen, you ask him a few questions that only the two of you know, if he can answer, it's true, if he can't answer it, That’s fake, there’s something fake.”

"That's right, that's a good idea. I've watched the episode of Monkey King, True or False." Fatty Wang nodded in agreement.

Professor Chen hesitated for a moment, thought for a while and asked, "Patriotic, do you still remember the scene when you went to the grave for the first time?"

Hao Aiguo recalled it for a while, and immediately said: "I remember, yes, it was an ancient tomb in the Ming Dynasty. At that time, in order to let me practice courage, you asked me to open the coffin. I remember that I was the same as Xiao Sa at that time, all, all I was so scared that I vomited, and I didn’t eat a good meal for a week.”

"Damn it, look at a dead body and you'll be scared to throw up? You're so cowardly, what about lying to ghosts?" Fatty Wang sneered, "I said Professor Chen, what he said can't be true, can it?"

Then I saw Professor Chen nodded, "That's right, that's right at all."

"I'll wipe it!" Fatty Wang couldn't believe it.

Chu Jian's eyes were strange, and what he suddenly thought was, Teacher, you were so scared at that time, so you still have the nerve to talk about us.

"Teacher, do you still remember, when I was working, I was afraid that I wouldn't be selected, so what did I do?" Chu Jian also asked a question.

Hao Aiguo smiled, "You, at that time, you were afraid that you wouldn't be selected, so you went to my house to give gifts and brought me a few bottles of wine, but you told me to run away."

"Is this true?" Fatty Wang looked at Chu Jian, "You kid, did you want to go through the back door at a young age?"

Chu Jian was a little embarrassed, "This is also true, teacher, you, you, really are not dead."

"Dead? How could I die? What's going on? Is this really the ancient city of Jingjue? Why am I here? Why are you here?" Hao Aiguo became even more confused.

Everyone is more confused than him.

"I said, Old Hu, Miss Yang, are you ignorant or not? Anyway, I am ignorant. This guy knows all about it. It's a bit evil. Otherwise, let's take this guy to the west and let the Lord Buddha appraise the truth. Fake it." Fatty Wang said.

"Shut up and get you!" Hu Bayi said angrily.

No matter what time, this guy is still so out of tune.

After answering the two questions, Chu Jian and Professor Chen obviously did not doubt Hao Aiguo's identity, but they also did not understand.

"Teacher, you have forgotten us, we..."

Chu Jian quickly told the whole story.

Hao Aiguo was surprised after hearing this, "Impossible, how is it possible, I remember, we are still looking for someone, teacher, you said that you want to find someone who is proficient in Tianxing Fengshui and has experience in desert survival as a guide, this is too demanding Gao, it was hard to find, and later, Da Jinya recommended someone, and we are waiting."

Everyone looked at each other again.

"How does it feel, the memory of Professor Hao in front of me seems to have stopped before we set off." Hu Bayai said.

Zhou Suyi also nodded, "Professor Hao, do you remember why you are here?"

Hao Aiguo shook his head, "I don't remember, I just remember that when I opened my eyes, there was darkness around me, and then I heard a sound, and I wanted to find the source of the sound, so I found a step, and I started to go up Climb, and then came here!"

"Damn it, what the hell is going on!" Fatty Wang scolded, "Old Hu, let me see, this big hole might lead to the underworld. This guy is probably the ghost of Hao Aiguo. Climb up again!"

When he said this, everyone really felt that it made sense.

Apart from this, there seems to be no other explanation.


(End of this chapter)

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