Chapter 175 Extreme Method
The fake Hao Aiguo appeared once before, so no one believed that the Hao Aiguo who appeared this time was real.

The most important thing is that Hao Aiguo is dead, and they buried it with their own hands.

Fatty Wang said: "I said, is it possible that the corpse you brought back was actually a fake, deliberately confusing the public, and the real one fell into this ghost cave through a secret passage? "

Fatty Wang made a bold guess.

Zhou Suyi shook her head directly, "Impossible, let's not talk about such a high height, it is impossible for people who fall to survive, and besides, this Hao Aiguo doesn't know us anymore, and only remembers the previous things, which is also very weird."

"Then it's an evil door. I think it's probably not alive. Maybe it's a soul. Maybe this ghost cave leads to the underworld!" Fatty Wang's eyes lit up. No, I still have baby urine here, let's try."

"You can try it." Hu Bayi nodded immediately.

Although he doesn't believe in this thing, but now the facts are in front of him, there is no room for him not to believe it.

Zhou Suyi's eyes were strange, and she felt a little disgusted, but there was no good way to do it now.

"Then try it!"

"Come on, look at me!"

Fatty Wang walked over cheaply, "Hey, old Hao, you really don't remember me, think about it again, I, I, Fatty Wang."

As soon as he spoke, he had already reached Hao Aiguo's side.

Hao Aiguo looked at him with a confused look on his face.

"I really don't know you."

"Think about it again, I have taken care of you a lot this way, Fatty Master, you must not forget Fatty Master's kindness!" Fatty Wang began to hook Hao Aiguo's shoulders.

"Shameless!" Zhou Suyi said in her heart, she was really afraid that Fatty Wang would say it suddenly, Professor Hao, remember to pay back the money you borrowed from me before.

Then I saw Fatty Wang touching Hao Aiguo's forehead with his hand.

Zhou Suyi felt sick for a while, but watched nervously.

Hu Bayi also had a nervous face.

However, nothing happened.

The hand that was stained with the boy's urine did not do anything to Hao Aiguo.

"Fuck, it doesn't make sense!" Fatty Wang was also dumbfounded.

"What, it doesn't make sense?" Hao Aiguo looked confused.

"Ah, it's okay, I just want you to think about it again. You borrowed 500 yuan from me before, remember to pay me back!" Fatty Wang changed the subject.

"Ah, I, I borrowed money from you?" Hao Aiguo was anxious.

Zhou Suyi was speechless.

"Old Hu, what should we do now?" Zhou Suyi looked at Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi smiled wryly, "What else can I do, a big living person can't be killed directly, take it first, he said he woke up down there, let's go see what's down there, is it true or not , there will always be a result."

"Well, that's the only way to go." Zhou Suyi nodded, she really had no good solution.

"Okay, let's go on, Chu Jian, take good care of your teacher!" Hu Ba said.

"Ah, me, me!" Chu Jian panicked.

"Nonsense, that's your teacher, not my teacher. By the way, remember to tell your teacher that he still owes me 500 yuan, so he must remember." Fatty Wang was still indifferent.

Everyone continued to walk down, but Hao Aiguo, who clearly knew it might be a fake, was followed by the team, not to mention how unreliable he was.

Fatty Wang and the others walked in front, looking back from time to time, afraid that this fake would say something wrong again, "Oh, it's so uncomfortable, if you want me to say, let's just kill him and forget what happened to him. It made me feel uncomfortable all over."

Zhou Suyi also had a feeling of being stabbed in the back, in short, she also felt very awkward.

She has been thinking carefully about where the problem lies, and she has some clues in her mind, but she can't put them together.

"Hehe, look at the situation. If you really kill him, Professor Chen and the others will probably fight you hard again!" Hu Bayi said helplessly.

Fatty Wang looked back again, isn't it? Later Hao Aiguo asked about the situation of Ye Yixin and Sa Dipeng with concern, as if he was a patient with amnesia.

Even Chu Jian was not as scared as before.

Professor Chen was also afraid of making a mistake, so he would ask about things from the past from time to time, but Hao Aiguo answered them fluently.

If it is true or false, it is understandable to know what happened here, but it is impossible to know what happened before, which cannot be explained.

"I'm really confused, brothers, what's going on with Hao Aiguo."

"This feels so awkward. I know there must be something wrong with Hao Aiguo, but I still carry it. It's a bit inappropriate."

"Just kill it. It's useless to keep it anyway. They dare to resist Sister Zhou. They have guns. What are you afraid of?"

"You are not good. Why do you want to kill people directly? Even in games, killing people is not a normal thing."

"Besides, if you kill him directly, you will definitely lose various values. I think this time, Hao Aiguo is not as simple as before."


Netizens also looked very awkward.

Because everyone knew that there was something wrong with Hao Aiguo.

There is no doubt about this, he is definitely not the real Hao Aiguo, yet he knows everything about Hao Aiguo, which cannot be explained.

Zhou Suyi walked down, thinking about this all the time.

When she stepped down, she almost stepped on the air and fell, and Hu Bayi next to her hurriedly supported her, otherwise if she fell, it would be a catastrophe.

"Miss Yang, what are you thinking about?" Hu Bayi asked.

Zhou Suyi came back to her senses, and was afraid for a while.

"Thanks, I was wondering what the hell was going on."

"Don't think about it, wait until the bottom, maybe there will be an answer."


Although Zhou Suyi agreed, she still couldn't help thinking about it, but she couldn't figure it out.

All the way down, and walked for more than an hour.

However, this ghost hole is really like a bottomless pit, no matter how you can't reach the bottom.

"I said, when will we go here? If the hole is really bottomless, we will keep walking, and we will die of exhaustion sooner or later." Fatty Wang complained.

Hu Bayi also felt that this was really not the case.

"Then go for another two hours. If we still can't see the end in two hours, let's go back, how about it?" He looked at Zhou Suyi.

Zhou Suyi frowned. Although the hidden mission was to explore the ghost cave, it didn't mean that the ghost cave really had a bottom.

This is also a misunderstanding.

"Okay, just two hours!"

She agreed, but what she thought in her mind was that if after two hours, if the bottom was really not visible, then some extreme methods should be used to study it.

For example, if you jump directly, you can definitely test out how deep it is.

If Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang knew about Zhou Suyi's thoughts, their jaws would drop in shock.

However, to Zhou Suyi who had died hundreds of times, this was nothing.


(End of this chapter)

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