Chapter 176 Doesn't Exist
The crowd continued to walk down, and another two hours passed, but they still hadn't reached the bottom, so Hu Bayi took out a cold firework and threw it down again.

The cold fireworks turned into a shooting star again and disappeared in a flash.

I walked back and forth for nearly five hours, but I still couldn't see the bottom.

"Forget it, let's go up!" Hu Bay said.

It's not that he's impatient, it's that in such a dark environment, people's hearts are already under great pressure, and there is a weird Hao Aiguo.

Under this kind of psychological pressure, problems will arise after a long time.

Moreover, there are not many batteries they brought. If you keep walking, when the batteries run out and the surroundings are completely dark, I am afraid that everyone will panic.

At that time, although you can return along the original path of the stairs, not everyone can withstand the huge psychological pressure.

"Let's go, let's go, I told you a long time ago, this is a big hole, what's there to see, go, go!" Fatty Wang was eager to go up quickly.

Even if you can't find the queen's mausoleum, it would be a pleasure to go back and see those mountains of gold and silver.

Professor Chen and the others also sighed and prepared to go back.

Only Zhou Suyi thought of something, she suddenly looked at Hao Aiguo, "Professor Hao, do you still remember the situation around you after waking up, or how long ago did you hear our voice after waking up?"

When she asked, the others also looked at Hao Aiguo.

In the tense situation, no one thought about this issue.

Everyone is under a lot of pressure.

Hao Aiguo thought about it seriously, "When I woke up, although I couldn't see it, I could feel that there seemed to be a flat ground around me. Then, I heard your voices. After that, I found the steps. It takes about 5 minutes to find you!"

"5 minutes, how is it possible!" Fatty Wang didn't believe it, "Don't just talk about it, you nerd, we've been walking for hours, and we haven't reached the end yet. You said you found us in the next 5 minutes?"

"This is true. Although the concept of time is vague, it will definitely not be too long, let alone a few hours." Hao Aiguo said firmly.

Hu Ba took a look at Zhou Suyi.

"Miss Yang, what do you think?"

There is a problem with this logic.

He really didn't understand.

Zhou Suyi thought for a while, and suddenly had a bold idea.

"Is it possible that this ghost hole actually has no bottom at all, but every place has a bottom."

"What do you mean? How can you have a bottom if you don't have a bottom? Aren't you contradicting yourself?" Fatty Wang didn't understand.

Others don't understand either.

Zhou Suyi thought of the previous legends.

One of them is that this ghost hole appeared out of thin air, and was transformed by the snake god. Is it possible that this ghost hole actually does not exist in reality, or in other words, it does not originally exist in reality.

It was a special way that created this ghost hole.

Therefore, this ghost hole has no bottom at all, it is just nothingness, even if you go down day and night, you will never come to the end.

However, Hao Aiguo came up from the bottom, which means that this ghost hole has a bottom.

Although this contradicts each other, isn't this thing originally a force that transcends nature?
Even Hao Aiguo can appear out of thin air, what is impossible.

"Snake God, it's the power of the Snake God!" Zhou Suyi said these words.

"Snake God? What are you talking about?" Fatty Wang looked confused.

"It is said that the power of Queen Jingjue's eyes comes from the snake god. The snake god is an ancient god. It can not only open the passage to the imaginary space, but also has the ability to transform the world. It can transform anything you have seen. , perhaps, this ghost hole does not really exist, or the real ghost hole is not here!"

"According to the legend of the Zagrama tribe, one day, a snake shadow descended from the sky, and there was a ghost cave here. Perhaps, this place should be the place where the snake god fell. Its remaining power transformed into this ghost cave. , so it doesn't really exist."

Zhou Suyi's remarks were summed up by combining the background story and the three legends she learned about the hidden mission.

Although it sounds bizarre, she feels that this may be the closest to the truth.

"Wait, what, it doesn't exist, it's transformed, Lao Hu, do you understand, why am I a little confused." Fatty Wang couldn't accept it for a while.

Hu Bayi's eyes lit up, "Like the mysterious space we encountered in the canyon before?"

Zhou Suyi nodded, "That's right, it's just that the mysterious power there is too weak, it was created by the Queen Jingjue stealing the power of the snake god, and this ghost cave is the source of all power, it may be the place where the snake god fell , is also the birthplace of the snake god.”

"So, him." She looked at Hao Aiguo, "If all this is true, then Professor Hao's resurrection can be explained. He is not really resurrected, but Professor Chen who entered here has been thinking about it all the time, triggering the death of Professor Hao. Hao Aiguo was copied only because of the ability to transform the world left by the snake god here."

"He is real, but he is also fake!"

Zhou Suyi felt that the clues in her mind became more and more smooth.

"Brothers, I'm a little dizzy, but I think it makes sense."

"Uh... To be honest, I'm also a little confused."

"Damn it, a game, why make it so complicated? My brain is not good enough, and I don't even have the qualifications to play games."

"Sister Zhou is amazing. I feel that since playing this game, Sister Zhou's IQ has skyrocketed."

"Don't say it, it's true, the old sister Zhou only knew how to fuck me, damn it, idiot..."

"It's the truth, brother."


Some netizens who watched were dizzy, but some also understood.

If you understand it, call it awesome 666, if you don’t understand it, you think it’s awesome, and it’s over.

"What do you mean, I, I am, a fake?" Hao Aiguo couldn't accept it.

Because in his own eyes, he is real.

"No, I'm confused, and then, what should we do?" Fatty Wang was still a little confused.

"If everything is true, then, maybe, I know how to explore the secrets here!" Zhou Suyi's eyes revealed a wise light.

At this moment, she seemed to have truly become Shirley Yang.

[Shirley Yang's proficiency reached 80%]

The game has hints again, although there are no rewards or anything.

But the proficiency of 80.00% already explains everything.

This is more affordable than rewards.

"What do you mean? How to explore?" Fatty Wang didn't understand.

Hu Bayi also half understood, he understood those things quite well, but he didn't know what to do next.

Immediately, Zhou Suyi came to the edge of the steps, facing the ghost cave, took a deep breath, her face was a little nervous, but her eyes were firm.

"Fuck, Miss Yang, what are you going to do, don't be impulsive, if you can't walk, I'll carry you on my back!" Fatty Wang became anxious, thinking that Zhou Suyi was going to commit suicide.

Hu Bayi was also anxious, and hurried forward to pull Zhou Suyi.

However, he was still a step too late, Zhou Suyi had already stepped out.


(End of this chapter)

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