Chapter 177 The Mystery of the Ghost Cave

Hu Bayi, Fatty Wang and the others were all stunned. They never thought that Zhou Suyi, who had explained everything just now, seemed to have seen through everything, and suddenly jumped off the cliff in a good way.

It was so sudden that Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang who were right next to him didn't stop him.

Professor Chen and the others were even more confused.

It's not just them, the netizens are all taken aback.

"What's the situation, why did he commit suicide again?"

"It's so difficult that the psychological pressure is too great, so I can't bear it and want to commit suicide? It shouldn't be."

"It shouldn't be. Shirley Yang's proficiency has reached 80% just now, how could she be so fragile."

"It's not right, it's not right, there must be something wrong."

"Crazy, crazy, I'm fucking crazy."


Stupid, dumb, still dumb.

The Npc was dumbfounded, and the audience was dumbfounded. Who could not be dumbfounded after watching this scene.

"Miss Yang!" Hu Bayi stood on the edge of the cliff and reached out to grab it, but it was in vain.

"It's over, it's over, Miss Yang, there is something she can't think about, why did she jump down." Fatty Wang was also anxious.

They watched Zhou Suyi disappear into the darkness, and they all began to feel sad.

But Zhou Suyi only felt that her body was falling rapidly, and that feeling of weightlessness made one feel as if she had unlocked all the shackles on her body, breaking away from everything in this world.

"What's going on, it's so difficult, I guessed wrong?"

At this moment, Zhou Suyi panicked.

This seemingly endless fall magnifies the fear in people's hearts infinitely, and it feels good.

"It shouldn't be, everything is reasonable, nothing can go wrong, calm down, calm down, calm down!"

Zhou Suyi forced herself to calm down, but her mind was as clear as ice, and the sky would fall without shock.

She even closed her eyes directly, completely letting go of her body and mind.

After a while, the feeling of falling seemed to disappear, and I seemed to be in chaos.

She opened her eyes and found herself lying flat on her back.

Then, she stood up, took out the flashlight and shone around.

There is nothingness around, even the ground under the feet is nothingness, but the feet are firmly stepped on it, and they don't fall down.

"Sure enough, it's exactly as I thought. This ghost cave has no bottom at all, or it doesn't exist at all. At least this one doesn't really exist in the world. It's also an independent space. Here, you can Reality concretizes everything imagined.”

Then, she heard someone talking above.

"It's over, it's over, what should we do now, Lao Hu, let's go down and look for it, Miss Yang is a nice person, even if she dies, you have to take her bones back with you as a friend!" This is Fatty Wang the sound of.

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes, thank you so much.

"Hey, that's all there is to it!"

This is Hu Bayi's voice, with sadness in his voice.

"Xue Li, Xue Li, why can't you think about it!" This is Professor Chen's cry.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly shouted to the top; "Old Hu, fat man, I'm not dead, I'm right below!"

The voice above stopped abruptly.

"Fuck, old Hu, you, did you hear the voice? It seems to be Miss Yang's voice!" There was a trace of panic in Fatty Wang's voice.

"Miss Yang, are you really talking?" Hu Bayi's voice was full of eagerness and surprise.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly shouted again: "It's me, I'm below, I'm not dead, this hole has no bottom!"

These words probably confused Hu Bayi and the others above.

If there is no bottom, why is it still not dead?

It's not scientific.

So where are you talking now, is it possible that you are talking while flying?

"Miss Yang, you, if you don't want to rest in peace, don't worry, if you need something, just tell me, I will burn it to you when I go back!" Fatty Wang shouted.

Zhou Suyi almost vomited blood angrily.

"Get out, keep it for yourself, I told you, I'm not dead, you will understand what's going on by jumping off yourself." Zhou Suyi shouted.

"Ah, jump down?" Fatty Wang's face changed, "It's over, it's over, Lao Hu, I heard that if the person dies, if he is not reconciled, he will find a substitute for the dead ghost and take him as a companion. Miss Yang must be looking for Let's take the place of dead ghosts."

"Fatty man, you keep talking nonsense, just wait for me." Zhou Suyi was furious.

"No, Miss Yang is dead, why is she still so angry, shouldn't she be coaxing us to go down and act as a dead ghost for him?" Fatty Wang said.

"I fucking..."

Zhou Suyi suddenly had the urge to hit someone.

"Fatty, don't talk yet!" Hu Bayi glared at Fatty Wang, and then shouted down, "Miss Yang, what's going on? Are you really not dead?"

"Of course I'm not dead, Lao Hu. Think about it carefully. If I'm not absolutely sure, would I jump down? Don't worry, this ghost hole has mysterious power. As long as you think that the bottom is the bottom, you will step on it to the bottom !" Zhou Suyi shouted loudly.

For a moment, Hu Bayi hesitated.

Having been together for so long, of course I know that if Zhou Suyi is not fully sure, she will not joke with her own life.

Then look at Hao Aiguo next to him, "Perhaps, everything Miss Yang said is true!"

"I said, old Hu, don't be fooled. You must not fall for this matter of looking for a substitute for the dead ghost." Fatty Wang hurriedly persuaded him.

I'm really afraid that Hu Bayi won't be able to think about it alone, and people will jump down too.

It's so high, wouldn't it just become dumpling stuffing if it fell down?

"I believe in Miss Yang!" Hu Bayi said after pondering.

Just like Zhou Suyi believed in him unconditionally before, at this moment, he chooses to believe in Zhou Suyi unconditionally, even if he gambles with his life once.

"Old Hu, I also believe in Ms. Yang, but, this, is this a matter of belief? If you really jump, you will die!" Fatty Wang persuaded from the side again.

Zhou Suyi pinched her waist angrily, "Well, you fat man, it's in vain that I trusted you so much before, just wait for me."

She thought for a while, then shouted again: "If you don't believe me, just tie a rope and get down one first, then you will naturally know whether what I said is true or not."

Now, the bottom she imagined has already appeared, that is, it already exists in this ghost cave, so Hu Bayi and the others can also touch this bottom.

This is the mysterious ability of this mysterious space.

"Hehe, if you break the rope halfway, you will die." Fatty Wang retorted.

"Fucking...%%" Zhou Suyi wanted to kill Fatty Wang now.

Talk about trust.

However, thinking that I watched Fatty Wang take the treasure before, this is also a kind of distrust. This fatty, it is not likely that he deliberately took the opportunity to retaliate.

"Just do what Ms. Yang said!" Fortunately, Hu Bayi still chose to trust Zhou Suyi, and directly took out the rope, ready to go down to find out.


(End of this chapter)

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