Chapter 181

No one thought that they would be surrounded by countless densely packed strange snakes while they were reminiscing about the past.

What is the scarlet eyeball at the entrance at this glance?This is boundless.

Basically, if you look at it at a glance, it is a dead end.

So what did Fatty Wang say, no one suspected at the time?
It is basically powerless to rush out of this situation.

Zhou Suyi was a little depressed.

Although some discoveries have been made in this ghost cave so far, the real secret has obviously not been revealed by them, and the mission is not over yet, which is a bit uncomfortable.

Looking at the densely packed strange snakes, Zhou Suyi thought that she would be bitten a few times in a while, but fortunately, these strange snakes are very poisonous, one bite should be enough to kill her.

This would save a lot of pain.

Hu Bayi looked at those strange snakes, and suddenly showed a trace of relief.

"I couldn't be with you before, but now I can." It seems that he also gave up.

He didn't die with his comrades that time, but this time maybe everyone can really go on the road together, which may be a good ending.


Suddenly, someone slapped her across the face.

The person who beat him was Lao Ding.

Lao Ding's face was full of anger, and he couldn't argue with his anger.

"Hu Bayi, wake up, are you still the Hu Bayi I know? You didn't back down when you led us to deal with hundreds of people. Now these snakes make you give up? "

"If you die like this, how can you be worthy of our previous sacrifice?"

"Company Commander, stay alive, cheer up, you are Hu Bayi."

Unexpectedly, Zhou Suyi, Wang Fatty Hu Bayi and the others all gave up, but his teammates did not give up.

Hu Ba opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

"Company commander, cheer up, you can't die, you are a fool. You must have a way."

What they said made Zhou Suyi a little annoyed.

"Fuck, no one gave up, why did I give up?"

She also looked at Hu Bayi, Lao Hu, Lao Hu, the 10% increase in full capacity just now is not in vain, this must be the key.

"Old Hu, they are right, we can't give up, you will definitely find a way!"

Hu Bayi's eyes gradually recovered some fighting spirit.

"Well, you are right, you can't give up, method, method, what method!"

He pressed his temples hard, and suddenly his eyes caught a glimpse, and all the strange snakes stopped in the direction the flashlight was shining.

He suddenly thought of something.

"I figured it out!"

"Fuck, old Hu, have you really thought of a way?" Fatty Wang became excited.

Zhou Suyi also looked forward to it.

She looked at Hu Bayi's comrades-in-arms, with more respect in her eyes, as expected of a soldier of the Great Xia Kingdom, under such circumstances, she was able to wake up Hu Bayi and not give up, which is worthy of admiration.

Compared with them, she was really ashamed.

Hu Bayi quickly said: "Generally, the eyes of these creatures that grow underground gradually degenerate, and they are very sensitive to light. Look at the direction of the flashlight now, those snakes dare not approach at all, as long as we have stronger light , it will definitely be able to disperse these strange snakes."

Zhou Suyi looked at it, and sure enough, her eyes lit up.

"With flares, the brightness of the flares is as high as more than 40 candles, which can last for 30 seconds and illuminate a range of kilometers. No matter how many strange snakes there are, they can be enveloped."

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up!" Seeing that the strange snakes were about to approach them, Fatty Wang hurriedly urged.

Hu Bayi hurriedly took out the lighting gun from his backpack, and fired it at the sky.


A white light shot up into the sky, and the light illuminated the earth, like a rising sun rising in the dark night, dispelling all the darkness.

Under the blazing white light, those strange snakes seemed to be greatly stimulated, and all of them lost their ability to move.

Immediately afterwards, those strange snakes turned into streaks of black smoke and disappeared.

In just a moment of effort, all the strange snakes disappeared.

"Hahaha, it's really useful." Fatty Wang almost danced excitedly.

Zhou Suyi also jumped up happily, and hugged Hu Bayi excitedly.

"Old Hu, you are amazing."

Hu Bayi's face turned red again.

[Hu Bayi Favorability +1]

Although this hug was not as exaggerated as the increase in favorability before, it also added a little bit.

It can be seen that physical contact between men and women is also a way to improve affection.

When Lao Ding and the others saw this scene, they all showed gratified smiles.

Although each of them is a rough person, they are all smart people who know that they have died a long time ago, although they don't know how they came back to life.

But they didn't expect anything extravagantly in their hearts.

Now that I can see Hu Bayi with my own eyes and see Hu Bayi's friends, I feel that everything is worth it.

As for their relatives, they knew Hu Bayi's character in their hearts, and knew that Hu Bayi would take good care of them.

"Hahaha, this 10% increase in full power is really powerful, and I found the flaw at a glance."

"A hug can increase your favorability. Brothers, I suddenly have a bold idea."

"Mom, these comrades-in-arms are too kind."

"Only those who have served in the army can experience this kind of sincere friendship."

"I thought those strange snakes were awesome, but I didn't expect their weaknesses to be so obvious."


Seeing that the strange snake was wiped out by the whole army, netizens finally felt relieved.

All are happy.

But it didn't take long for them to be happy.

Fatty Wang, who had been bouncing up and down excitedly, didn't know what he saw, but suddenly stopped, and looked ahead with horror in his eyes.

"Damn it, brothers, something is wrong. Those damn snakes seem to have found their parents." His nonsensical words made everyone a little confused.

Everyone glanced in that direction.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but it's shocking to see it.

Several huge black shadows appeared not far ahead.

"Fuck, come again!" Zhou Suyi was extremely depressed.

How can this task be completed?

This wave after wave of things came, they are gods, and they will be consumed to death sooner or later.

"Then, what is that?" Lao Ding and the others were also extremely surprised.

At first glance, those huge black shadows were at least three or four meters high. They were stout and looked like human figures, but they didn't seem to be like them. They gave people a huge sense of oppression from a long distance away.

Hu Bayi narrowed his eyes, staring at the giant shadows, and vaguely thought of something.

"Fuck, I seem to know what these things are. This time, it may be really troublesome!"

Everyone looked at him.

Zhou Suyi watched the thing getting closer and closer, and the shape and size really made her feel more and more familiar.


(End of this chapter)

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