Chapter 182 The Guardian of the Snake God

No one thought that they finally came up with a way to deal with those strange snakes. Everyone was still excited, but the black shadow in the distance reappeared, giving people a great sense of oppression.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were a little nervous and stared there.

Hu Bayi's comrades-in-arms were also all nervous and took out their weapons.

They are ordinary fighters, where have they seen such a scene?

Zhou Suyi's heart was in her throat, and she greeted Lin Mu several times in her heart.

How many waves of monsters are there in this ghost place?

Are you playing Plants vs. Zombies here, and there will be more waves.

"It seems familiar." Hu Bayi said with a frown as he looked at the black shadows.

When he said this, Zhou Suyi also felt a little familiar, as if he had seen those things somewhere before.

As those huge black shadows kept approaching them, they finally saw clearly what it was.

It turned out to be a group of monsters, these monsters are three meters tall, with thick limbs, the upper body is human-shaped, the lower body is snake-shaped, and there are two thick animal legs, holding a sharp sword and shield, with hideous faces and staring eyes , a bit like the lizard people that often appear in movies and TV shows.

"This is the statues I saw on the fourth floor of the stone pagoda." Zhou Suyi recognized them at a glance.

"It seems to be true."

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, a total of eight, fuck it, it's okay, there are nine of us, one against one, and we will be rich!" Fatty Wang counted.

There are 8 monsters in total.

Although it is said that I deal with one by myself, the difference in this figure is really huge.

Each of those monsters is more than three meters tall, with thick limbs, and they look extremely brave. They also have sharp swords and shields. Can this Nima fight one-on-one?

Zhou Suyi felt terrified.

The hideous and terrifying faces of these tall monsters make people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

However, after hearing Fatty Wang say it was eight, she suddenly thought of something and looked at Hu Bayi's teammates.

Exactly seven people.

And there is a Hao Aiguo on it.

Is this the price?

Hu Bayi saw that her eyes changed again and again, and seemed to understand Zhou Suyi's meaning instantly.

"Do you think the eight monsters that appeared have something to do with their resurrection?" Hu Bayi asked quickly.

Zhou Suyi nodded, "It happened that 8 people were resurrected, and there happened to be [-] monsters here. I think there should be some kind of connection between them. It definitely didn't just appear out of thin air."

Fatty Wang smiled wryly, "Fuck, old Hu, luckily you only thought of seven. If you thought of 700, then we really have no way out."

"Why are you so poor at this time!" Hu Bayi glared at him, "Big guy, copy all the guys, these guys are just bigger, and they may not be very powerful when they fight."

Everyone laughed wryly, knowing that what Hu Bayi said was just to comfort others.

These monsters are not only big in size, but also ferocious in appearance.

Zhou Suyi nodded, and took out the two grenades directly. She thought to herself, these two grenades are reserved for these monsters.

She handed one to Hu Bayi, "Old Hu, take it!"

Hu Bayi's eyes lit up when he saw the high-explosive grenade, and he held it in his hand without any nonsense.

"Strike first to be strong, then strike later to suffer, you back off!"

Zhou Suyi saw that those monsters were still together, so throwing such a grenade would definitely have the maximum effect.

"Fuck, what are you waiting for if you have this good thing, hurry up!" Fatty Wang said.

Zhou Suyi nodded, without hesitation, she opened the insurance directly, and after waiting for a while, she threw it at the monsters.

"Lie down!" Hu Bayi yelled, grabbing Zhou Suyi and lying on the ground.

Hu Bayi's comrades-in-arms don't need to be reminded, they have all experienced the baptism of war, so they naturally know what to do at this time.


A ray of light suddenly appeared in front of him, illuminating the surroundings, and then there was an explosion.

It didn't feel like the ground was shaking, but the strong airflow still sent Zhou Suyi and the others flying backwards.

"This should kill you."

"This is a high-explosive grenade. The two big centipede monsters were easily killed by the explosion. This should be no problem."

"That's why it's impossible for carbon-based creatures to block the grenade. The earth dragon was so powerful before, so it was blown to death."

"With the grenade in hand, I have the world."

"Damn it, if one doesn't work, then two."


When the grenade rang, not to mention golden ten thousand taels, but it was enough to inspire and distract.

Zhou Suyi felt that her ears were rumbling, but she didn't feel at ease in her heart at all, instead she felt very nervous.

"Don't be nervous, even earth dragons can be blown to death, so I don't believe that these monsters can't be killed by blowing up." Zhou Suyi comforted herself in her heart.

Soon, when the storm passed, everyone got up from the ground.

This place is also strange, there is not even a little smoke and dust, if it is not for the buzzing of the ears, I have to think that I was just a dumbass.

"Have you killed these monsters?" Fatty Wang yelled, scratching his neck.

"Ah, what are you talking about? What fried chicken?" Someone shouted.

"Fart chicken, people say, blame him."

"Ah, not ugly, not ugly!"

The explosion at close range, coupled with the strange environment here, really made the ears unable to get used to it for a while, and the communication made netizens dumbfounded.

Zhou Suyi was still very worried, so she took out the flashlight and shone it there, her complexion suddenly changed.

In the place where the explosion just happened, there were huge shields in front of them.

The surfaces of those shields were blasted black, but they were not damaged.

It is like a wall made of King Kong, standing still.

When they saw the walls made of shields, everyone's expressions changed.

"Fuck, this is fucking unreasonable, a shield can block the explosion? How is that possible?" Fatty Wang couldn't believe it was true.

That's a high-explosive grenade.

If you can blow up a ten-thousand-jin boulder, why can't you blow up a few shields?

Even if the shield is very strong, who can block the shock wave of the grenade?

Zhou Suyi smiled wryly, "Reasonable? This is not a reasonable thing at all. If it is reasonable, how could these things appear."

bang bang bang...

Suddenly, the shields spread apart, revealing the eight huge monsters behind them.

A grenade didn't even hurt them, it was still intact.


Hu Bayi's comrades also gasped.

They are not afraid of going into battle to kill the enemy, but this thing really makes one's scalp tingle.

"I said, Lao Hu, don't be stunned, the one in your hand, hurry up and greet it." Fatty Wang said.

Hu Bayi shook his head, "It's useless, this grenade can't hurt them at all."

"Well, what should I do? I really want to fight. Fatty, I'm not afraid, but even grenades can't kill them. Can we really kill them with this little weapon in our hands?" Fatty Wang felt a little guilty.


(End of this chapter)

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