Chapter 183 Unmatched
A monster that can't be killed by a grenade, who would be confused?
Fatty Wang is not afraid, but feels that the grenade is the most powerful weapon in their hands now. If the grenade can't kill those monsters, what can they use to kill them?

Go up and fight with others with your fists?

Their fists the size of sandbags can kill them with one punch.

And their fists are probably soft when they hit someone, not like fighting, but flirting.

Hu Bayi's face was ugly, "With these shields, it is impossible to hurt them. But these things must have shortcomings, just like those strange snakes before, but we haven't discovered it yet."

Fatty Wang's eyes lit up, "Old Hu, you have discovered their shortcomings again, tell them quickly."

Hu Bayi smiled wryly and shook his head, "Not yet."

Fatty Wang's face drooped immediately.

"They're coming." Lao Ding picked up his gun.

They were simple rifles, they had been around when they were resurrected, and they were obviously still usable today.

"Grandma, if you fight with them, you'll be a good man in 18 years." Fatty Wang also raised his gun.

Zhou Suyi was speechless for a while, are you speaking harshly or frustratingly?

"There is no other good way, I can only fight recklessly, at worst, I will start all over again!" Zhou Suyi also said.

She said in her heart, I am the one to speak hard, because I can really start all over again.

The big deal is to remind Hu Bayi when he comes down next time, so that he doesn't think about it.

It’s just that I miss my comrades too much, you can think of one or two, don’t make so many.

dong dong dong...

Those monsters approached, knocked on the shield, and made a sound like beating a drum, which gave people huge psychological pressure.

"Damn, shoot them in the eyes!" Hu Bayi ordered.

"Okay, mother, do it!"

Fatty Wang couldn't wait any longer and shot directly.

His marksmanship is excellent, and the bullet flew straight to a monster's eye.

However, the monster reacted extremely quickly and raised its shield directly.

There was a crisp sound.

The bullet hit the shield, leaving only a faint white mark.

dang dang...

There were a few more crisp sounds, and all the bullets were blocked.

And the monsters seemed enraged.

There was a chirping sound in his mouth, he held up his shield, and rushed towards them.

"Fuck, get out of the way."

Everyone hurriedly moved to the side.

These guys are definitely much more violent than the buffalo collision. If they are hit, the bones of the whole body will be smashed.

Zhou Suyi rolled on the spot and hid far away. She didn't give up. Even if she would fail, she must figure out what the weakness of these things is.

Otherwise, the next time you come in, you will still face these things, and you will still have trouble getting through.

Standing up, those monsters just rushed over.

Zhou Suyi quickly ran behind a monster, only to find that the back of the monster's head also had a huge eyeball-like tumor, like those strange snakes, it looked very awkward.

"It's hard, is this his weakness?"

Zhou Suyi thought of this possibility.

When she got behind the monster, she flew up directly, and flew upwards as soon as her feet stepped on the monster.

At the same time, the monster punched and swept backwards.

Zhou Suyi's expression changed.

Feeling the strong wind coming from in front of him, but he still didn't give up, and threw the penetrating claw in his hand upwards, wrapping around the monster's neck in an instant.

Zhou Suyi borrowed her strength again, and her body flew upwards again.

The big hand almost swept past her soles.

As long as you slow down by half a minute, I'm afraid this leg will be useless.

The next moment, the other hand took out the paratrooper knife and stabbed at the sarcoma.


This was very straightforward, like a knife was inserted into the pork, without any hindrance.


The monster let out a scream, and stretched out another hand from above, grabbing Zhou Suyi.

The big hand was like a cattail fan, with sharp claws on it.

Before Zhou Suyi could wait to be happy, her complexion changed.

He quickly let go of the rope, stepped on the back of the monster's neck forcefully again, and his body flew backwards.

This set of movements all happened in a very short time, which is called a fluency.

"I'll go, are war reporters so good now?" Xiao Li exclaimed.

Lao Ding scolded: "Fucking war reporter, this is the company commander's friend, brothers, he is not afraid of a woman, we are afraid of the bastard, take up the weapons, fuck him!"

"Fuck him!"

For a moment, Lao Ding and the others were excited and dispelled the fear in their hearts. The seven people did not disperse, but formed a group, dispersed to a monster, and began to besiege.

Hu Bayi did not run, but rushed towards a monster.

When he got close, the big sword in the monster's hand slashed at Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi hurriedly dodged to the side, dodging the blow, and then, the monster's foot arrived and kicked Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi felt a strong wind coming from his eyes, and his body suddenly jumped forward.

This time, it just flew past the big foot, passed through the monster's crotch, and cut off the hamstring of the monster's other foot with the paratrooper knife in his hand.


Although this cut went in, the skin of this thing was rough and thick, and it seemed that it only cut through the outer skin.

"Wipe, it's so hard."

Hu Bayi cursed.

Immediately, the monster raised its foot and stepped on it, Hu Bayi hurried forward to dodge, danger abounded.

Fatty Wang dodged left and right, pulling the trigger from time to time.

bang bang bang...

Not to mention, a few bullets really hit the monster's face, causing the monster to howl in pain, but the damage was really limited.

Zhou Suyi fell from the air, rolled on the spot and lost her strength.

Needless to say, now she has almost inherited Shirley Yang Jiucheng's strength.

"Damn, why is there nothing wrong!"

She thought that the tumor-like thing was the monster's weakness, but the knife didn't seem to have any effect on the monster.

The monster was so angry that it turned its head and rushed towards her, slashing with the giant sword in its hand with strong winds.

Zhou Suyi quickly dodged.

Now, their only advantage is that these things are too big and their movements are not so sensitive.

However, the monsters are thick-skinned and have countless chances to make mistakes, but if they make one mistake, they will definitely die.

For a while, Zhou Suyi could only keep dodging.

But if this goes on, it will consume a lot of physical strength, and when the physical strength is exhausted, it will definitely lead to a dead end.

"What to do, what to do? Lin Mu won't set up checkpoints that can't be cleared. There must be loopholes, and there must be a way to crack them. What is it, what is it?"

Zhou Suyi frowned, thinking carefully while dodging.

I feel like I never racked my brains like this when I was in school.


(End of this chapter)

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