Chapter 185
Zhou Suyi opened her eyes again, feeling a little complicated. She was cut in two by the big sword just now, and she unlocked a new way of death, but she couldn't figure it out.

"It shouldn't be. If it's something like a virtual hallucination, it's impossible to kill me, let alone cut me in half!"

"But if it's not virtual, then why can't you see anything through the jade eyeball? I guess, the jade eyeball is likely to see through something, so the remaining power of the ghost cave will bring down the snake disaster and let Zagra People of the Ma tribe dare not look into ghost caves with jade eyeballs."

"If this guess is reasonable, then what is it that Yushi's eyes see through? Simply seeing that those things don't exist? But those things can kill people, they are real people, not fake people. Obviously, there is no way to stop them like this. meaning."

Zhou Suyi was thinking about it, but she couldn't figure it out.

It's getting late, so I can only sleep first, and wait until tomorrow when I wake up.

At night, Lin Shu slept very late.

He is also paying attention to Zhou Suyi's live broadcast, "It looks like the level should be cleared in a few days!"

Then, at twelve o'clock, he released a cg animation of "Yunnan Bug Valley".

Of course, many sharp-eyed people spotted it immediately.

Zhou Suyi found out when she was preparing for the live broadcast the next morning.

These days, I don’t know what’s wrong. Although I go to bed very late, I wake up very early, and when I go to bed at night, my dreams are all about games.

In her dream yesterday, she had been fighting monsters all night. When she woke up in the morning, she felt very tired, as if she had really fought all night.

Then, after getting up and washing up, I thought about going live.

But as soon as he opened the game platform, he saw the new cg animation of Yunnan Chonggu, and Zhou Suyi was surprised.

"Damn it, Lin Mu didn't post these notices at all. Besides, how much content does this "Yunnan Insect Valley" have? It feels much richer than Jingjue Ancient City!"

The previous cgs have shown enough content.

But people thought that was all the time, only to find that they still underestimated trees.

Zhou Suyi couldn't wait to open the cg animation.

This animation is a continuation of the last one.

In the picture, the clothes of the three people are in tatters, and they are a little embarrassed, as if they have experienced a big battle.

The three of them looked up at the sky, the sky was full of colorful clouds, and a huge palace stood in the clouds, with carved beams and painted pillars, just like a heavenly palace.

"Why is this palace in the sky? A fairyland?" Zhou Suyi looked surprised.

How could this subject of tomb robbery be turned into cultivating immortals?

The screen flashed.

They appeared in a palace.

The palace is magnificent.

At the front is a huge throne, behind which is covered with murals, a red dragon is lifelike, although only the head and tail are exposed, combined with the painted murals, it is as if it is alive.

The two are combined without the slightest abruptness
In the mural, there are clouds and mists, and the fairy air is ethereal. There are fairy palaces hidden in the heavenly palace, and the red dragon steps on the clouds and drills into a crack in the sky.

A king wearing a crown, surrounded by his officials, stepped on a red dragon and walked towards the sky.

On the king's crown, there is a bead inlaid, which looks like an eye.

"That can't be Muchen Bead, is this the ancient tomb dedicated to the king?" Zhou Suyi looked surprised.

The background of the whole story is the story of the Zagrama looking for the muchen bead, so when she saw the bead, Zhou Suyi immediately felt that it must be the muchen bead.


Just thinking about this, suddenly, a voice of sly laughter sounded out of nowhere.

The voice was so sharp and sinister that Zhou Suyi was so frightened that she almost fell off the stool.

Not counting that, a figure in red clothes with disheveled hair suddenly flashed across the screen.


This time, Zhou Suyi was so frightened that she fell off the chair, her heart beating wildly.

"My mother, it's so early in the morning, don't you want to be so exciting!" Zhou Suyi wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, thinking that Lin Mu is a pervert.

At the same time, I feel a little lucky, fortunately, I fell asleep before twelve o'clock last night, otherwise, I would have fallen asleep after watching this cg animation.

It is estimated that his mind is full of the female ghost in red.

"Good guy, I can confirm that this "Yunnan Bug Valley" is definitely a game from the underworld."

"Hahaha, you're all scared. I watched it last night, and it scared me so much that I didn't sleep well all night. Hey, if I talk too much, I will cry."

"Is that a female ghost? I rub it, it feels more exciting than Jingjue Ancient City."

"I'm looking forward to it. I feel that Yunnan Chonggu is more exciting than Jingjue Ancient City."


Although the netizens were frightened, it did not affect their expectations.

Fear is something that you will be afraid of when you are alone, but when there are many people, you will not feel so afraid, but look forward to it.

This cg is very short, it is a scene in a palace.

Zhou Suyi took a few deep breaths to ease her emotions, "I have to work harder, and try to get it done as soon as possible, which makes me look forward to this Yunnan Worm Valley."

Zhou Suyi didn't talk nonsense, and entered the game again.

I didn't sleep well last night, and I thought about it a lot. Although I don't have a clue, I still have to keep trying.

This time, Zhou Suyi persuaded Hu Bayi not to think about his teammates in advance, but after some enlightenment, Hu Bayi said that he was relieved long ago. As a result, after a while, seven teammates, one of them was quite a few, all turned into illusions come out.

Zhou Suyi was speechless for a while, thinking that the man's mouth was indeed a liar.

She didn't waste any time, before the two waves of monsters appeared, she quickly took out the jade eyeballs and looked around.

It is still a piece of red, as if it has come to the underworld.

"I said, Miss Yang, what are you looking at? What can you see with this thing?" Seeing her looking around with her eyeballs, Fatty Wang immediately leaned over and stretched his neck to look.

"Look, through these jade eyeballs, the world you see is different." Zhou Suyi said.

She couldn't find a clue, maybe someone else could.

Moreover, Hu Bayi's overall ability has increased by another [-]%. Zhou Suyi feels that this [-]% must be the key. Perhaps, only Hu Bayi can break this game.

They all gathered together and looked at it differently, and were a little surprised after watching it.

"Hey, this thing is really amazing. It's obviously made of jade, but it turns red no matter how you look at it!" Fatty Wang was surprised.

"Old Hu, what do you think?" Zhou Suyi asked Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi touched his chin, shook his head, but didn't have any clue.

"Except for the color change, I can't see anything for the time being!"

Hearing this, Zhou Suyi was a little disappointed.

She thought to herself, there is really no solution to this level.


(End of this chapter)

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