Chapter 186
A group of people gathered in front of the jade eyeball to take a closer look, but unfortunately, they didn't seem to find anything except the glowing red one.

Zhou Suyi was a little disappointed.

"It's so difficult that I guessed wrong. In this level, you really need to defeat those monsters by force?"

She was just about to put her things away.

However, Lao Ding suddenly said: "Wait a minute, miss, can I take another look?"

Zhou Suyi looked at Lao Ding.

Lao Ding's face was scorched black, and his clothes were torn, but his smile was contagious, and he showed his white teeth when he opened his mouth.

"Of course!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly handed over the jade eyeballs.

Lao Ding took the jade eyeballs, looked at this side, looked at that side, let out a light sigh from time to time, and then rubbed his own eyes, as if wondering if he was wrong.

"Old Ding, what did you find?" Hu Bayi asked.

Zhou Suyi didn't have any hope at first, after all, these people don't really exist, they were concretized by Hu Bayi's obsession with the power of this ghost cave.

However, seeing Lao Ding's serious look, he suddenly felt that there might be something going on.

Lao Ding still stared at the jade eyeball, "Look, if you look at that jade pendant from this side, it will be different."

"It's different!"

Zhou Suyi's eyes lit up immediately, and she hurried over to check.

Sure enough, this look is really a little different.

Although the world is still a piece of red, but this time it seems that strands of silk threads can be vaguely seen floating in the air. These threads are very thin, and if you don't look carefully, you can't see them at all.

But in some places, there are a lot of silk threads gathered, and it becomes redder there, especially in one place, like a small rising sun, a piece of red.

All the threads seemed to emanate from the little sun.

"Fuck, this is kind of magical, I said, what are these, can't they be bugs?" Fatty Wang was a little worried.

"It seems to be a kind of energy!" Zhou Suyi thought about the wording, and came up with the word energy.

Her heart was beating wildly, and she felt that she had found the key to the problem.

The jade eyeballs can only be seen from one direction, through Fatty Wang's piece of jade, and this scene can be seen, and the little red sun must be hiding some secret.

"Yes, Lao Ding!" Hu Ba was overjoyed, and patted Lao Ding on the shoulder.

"Hey, company commander, don't forget, I'm the best scout in our company!" Lao Ding looked proud.

Zhou Suyi suddenly thought of something, held the jade eyeball, still at this angle, and then glanced at Hu Bayi's teammates.

Seeing this, his face became weird.

When I looked at it before, I couldn't see the existence of these people at all with Yushi's eyeballs, but now I can see them clearly from this angle.

How can there be those living people, those people are actually composed of countless red silk threads.

In the jade eyeballs, those red silk threads, like blood vessels, formed the outline of a human figure.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Zhou Suyi's ugly face, Hu Bayi hurriedly asked.

Zhou Suyi didn't say, "It's nothing!"

She looked at Lao Ding. Lao Ding had just turned around with the jade eyeballs. Zhou Suyi didn't know if he saw their own appearance or not.

Now, she couldn't be sure whether these people were good or bad.

Is it true that only the previous memories are kept, or is it the same as the previous Hao Aiguo, which may harm them.

Therefore, she didn't dare to tell her discovery easily, thinking of finding an opportunity to talk to Hu Bayi secretly.

When Lao Ding saw Zhou Suyi looking at him, he smiled slightly, his eyes were very clear, and it seemed that there were some complicated emotions.


At this moment, the sound of a snake spitting out a letter came from around.

"Fuck, old Hu, look quickly, we've fucking entered a snake's den!" Fatty Wang looked around, feeling numb.

Everyone's face changed, and they were surrounded again.

Zhou Suyi reacted quickly, and hurriedly said to Hu Bayi: "These snakes live underground all year round, they must be afraid of light, take out the flare gun."

"It makes sense!" Hu Bayi hurriedly took out the flare gun, no nonsense, just shot into the sky.

When the light dispelled the darkness, those strange snakes disappeared again.

Zhou Suyi didn't dare to waste time, she knew that the next wave of enemies would be more ferocious, so she had to hurry up and figure out the problem here.

"Go, go to that place to have a look, all the problems must be there!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly said.

"Okay, let's go together and follow!" Hu Bayi greeted.

Everyone hurriedly ran towards the position of the little sun.

Zhou Suyi took the opportunity to go to Hu Bayi and told what happened just now.

After hearing this, Hu Bayi's expression was a bit complicated, and Zhou Suyi couldn't tell what Hu Bayi was thinking.

"We have to be careful, so that we can be sure that things like that won't happen again!" Zhou Suyi reminded.

Before a Hao Aiguo had a problem, they had their group wiped out several times.

Now that there are so many people around, it would be difficult for them to deal with even if the other party directly fights with them.

After all, these people are soldiers, so they must be very skilled.

Seven of them beat three of them, which is a great advantage.

Hu Bayi looked at the backs of those people in front, "I trust them, they will not harm me!"

Zhou Suyi frowned, "Old Hu, you have to be clear, although they look the same as your comrades-in-arms, they may not be the original ones now!"

"No, I have a feeling, they are still them, I believe them!" Hu Bayi still chooses to believe those people.

"Hey, that's fine, but you still have to be careful. Those strange snakes can appear here, and I'm afraid there will be more dangerous things. We must figure out what is going on before that happens! "Zhou Suyi didn't persuade her anymore.

"Well, I know it!" Hu Ba nodded.

I don't know why, at this moment beside Hu Bayi, looking at Hu Bayi's firm eyes, Zhou Suyi suddenly felt a sense of security.

I feel that the man in front of me is trustworthy.

Soon, everyone got closer and closer to that area, and the closer they got, the clearer they could see through the jade eyeballs.

There was a glowing red area, as if hot molten iron was boiling.

Then, Zhou Suyi saw that the red threads boiled and began to intertwine, and finally formed eight huge silhouettes in front of them.

It was the monster that had appeared before that blocked their way.

These monsters, like Lao Ding and others, are all made up of those red silk threads. The jade eyeballs seem to remove the fake and preserve the real, and see their essence clearly.

This also shows that these things are not non-existent, but real. Therefore, the last time Zhou Suyi was attacked, she died without accident.


(End of this chapter)

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