Chapter 187 Has it Been Realized?
Jade eyeballs remove the fake and keep the real, and see through the essence of those things. They don't exist, and they don't seem to exist in reality. They are just made up of those strange red silk threads.

When the others saw the monsters, they panicked.

But Zhou Suyi didn't panic, but looked forward carefully, through the gap between those monsters, she finally saw the source of the red sun.

There is a huge egg in there.

The whole egg was about five or six meters high, and it was also glowing red. Those red threads seemed to emanate from the gut.

Vaguely, Zhou Suyi also saw a snake shadow sleeping in that big red egg.

"Snake God!"

Zhou Suyi almost blurted out, the first thing that came to mind was the snake god.

Then, her brain began to work rapidly.

"Before, I suspected that there might be something hidden in this ghost cave, because jade eyeballs can separate the fake from the real and discover this secret. Therefore, the Zagrama people use jade eyeballs to spy on the ghost cave, which will lead to disasters!"

"Also, the basic background story and several legends of this mission prove that my previous speculation is true. This place should be the place where the snake god fell and the birthplace of the snake god. I was born in a cave, and when I fell, I used my ability to concretize this ghost cave, and I look forward to being born again from this ghost cave in the future."

"But now it seems that it has almost succeeded. As long as the snake egg is successfully hatched, the snake god may come back to life again after hearing about this method. In a modern society, an existence of this level suddenly appears, dare not Imagine!"

Zhou Suyi felt in her heart that it was fortunate that this was in a game.

If the snake god really exists in reality, then as long as it is resurrected, it will definitely have a huge impact on modern society. Who knows what kind of disaster it will bring.

At this moment, not only she understood this, but many netizens also understood it.

Especially the archaeological team outside Jingjue Ancient City at the moment.

Today, this place is highly valued, and a large number of military police have surrounded it, and many scientists have noticed the seriousness of the situation.

Although this thing sounds outrageous, so many outrageous things have happened before, and it is not impossible for it to happen again.

It is better to believe in something than to believe in nothing. Once the worst kind of thing happens, there must be sufficient countermeasures.

"Teacher, nothing serious will happen this time, right?" Su Xin was worried.

Professor Zhong was no longer as excited as before, and instead looked a little worried.

Today, the live broadcast here has been interrupted, and the country has taken over and attached great importance to it. Many things related to that field cannot be known to the public casually.

"Hey, I hope not!" Although Professor Zhong said so, he probably felt that it was entirely possible.

As a professor of archeology, I know the most about ancient and modern history.

And their well-documented history is only a few thousand years, but this planet has existed for billions of years. In these billions of years, has there really been no magical existence?

Just like electric eels today.

If you didn't catch an electric eel and study it yourself, would anyone believe that any animal can release such a high voltage?
The live broadcast of the archaeological team was interrupted, but it aroused heated discussions among netizens. Almost everyone was discussing this matter.

"You say, does the snake god really exist?"

"I don't know if it exists or not, but since the live broadcast was cut off, it proves that something must have happened."

"Fuck, if the snake god is really resurrected, it won't be the end of the world, no, I have to quickly paint the few hundred dollars I have left."

"When that day really comes, remind me quickly, I'm going to buy a big lobster to try, it's worth it in this life."


Not only the netizens are discussing it hotly, but even Lin Mu himself is a little confused.

"Fuck, it can't be so serious!" His eyes were extremely weird, and he seriously doubted that these things existed in this world.

Or is it because of the emergence of the system that after the game was created, it was reflected in reality?
very panic.

Get a fortune.

And Zhou Suyi was still in the game, staring at the giant egg, "Old Hu, come and see!"

Hu Bayi hurriedly went over to check, and was surprised when he saw the giant egg.

"what is this?"

Zhou Suyi said: "If my guess is correct, this is the egg of the snake god!"

"Snake God? What are you talking about?" Fatty Wang asked beside him.

Lao Ding and the others were extremely curious.

"In the legend of the Zagrama tribe..." Zhou Suyi quickly said about the snake god and her guess.

Everyone was even more shocked after hearing this.

Fatty Wang didn't panic, and scolded: "His grandma, what are you waiting for? Before this god of fart has hatched, let's act first and kill him directly."

Lao Ding and the others also gritted their teeth, "Company Commander, let's fight him. We are soldiers, so we should guard this place and fight him!"

Hu Bayi was still calm, "I'm afraid it won't be that easy. There are eight monsters in front of us. We have to pass this level first!"

Zhou Suyi thought of a way, "We have to find a way to hold these monsters, and then find an opportunity to throw the grenade there!"

"Good way, blow him up, I don't believe it, a grenade can't handle him." Fatty Wang scolded.

They discuss a course of action.

But those monsters would not give them time, so they rushed over collectively.

Eight huge monsters, in front of them, Zhou Suyi, Hu Bayi and others are like a child who has no strength to restrain a chicken.

However, a few people did not panic at all.

They spread out directly to the surroundings, scattering these monsters.

There are only eight of these monsters, but there are ten of them. Even if each of these monsters chases one person, they still have an advantage.

Sure enough, the eight monsters immediately dispersed and chased after the people around them.

Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang were not chased by monsters.

"Good opportunity!" Zhou Suyi was overjoyed, took out the grenade and quickly ran towards the giant egg in the middle.

Those monsters seemed to realize something, they all turned around suddenly, and rushed towards Zhou Suyi.

"Fuck, we can't let them go back!" Hu Bayi's expression changed.

If these monsters were all chasing Zhou Suyi, even if Zhou Suyi successfully detonated the grenade, she would not be able to escape, and would definitely die by then.

"Damn it, come back to me!" Lao Ding yelled, but the monster just ignored him.

Lao Ding's eyes turned red immediately, and he cursed, "Fuck, I will fight you!"

After finishing speaking, he rushed directly towards the monster, then jumped on it, hugged the monster's thigh, and stabbed the monster's thigh with a bayonet in his hand.

When the others saw him like this, their eyes were red, and they all jumped up like that, using their bodies to block the pace of these monsters going back.


(End of this chapter)

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