Chapter 191 The last cg
Professor Zhong looked at the real-time images uploaded on the screen and felt very anxious. He just wanted to go in and see for himself. However, the higher authorities did not allow them to go in until the battle team had settled everything.

There are 36 people in the combat team, each of which has specially prepared weapons for the earth dragon.

It's good that the earth dragon doesn't appear, once they appear, they have enough countermeasures.

A group of people slid down the rope and came to the side of those mountains of gold and silver, and they still couldn't help feeling the shock in their hearts.

Several people exchanged glances and got ready, and then everyone took something, and immediately dispersed, waiting nervously.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and nothing happened.

"It seems that things like earth dragons don't really exist!" Su Xin said.

That earth dragon is too big and too long. If such an animal really exists, it will definitely subvert the cognition of the biological world.

"If there is no earth dragon, then maybe there will be no snake god!" Professor Zhong said.

He would like to see this result.

However, whatever you don't want to come can come.

At this moment, the ground began to shake, and the members of the combat team immediately became nervous.

Although the plan was made in advance, it is inevitable to feel nervous if you really face a monster of that level.


Not long after, the ground trembled and a huge monster emerged from the ground.

Although I was mentally prepared, I was still shocked to see it with my own eyes.

too big.

The body of this thing that rushed out was more than ten meters long, and the lower half did not come out at all. No one knew how long it was.


Although the number of 36 people was small, they were fully equipped. Although they were briefly shocked, they reacted very quickly. They immediately took out a special anesthesia gun and started shooting.

The shell of the earth dragon is extremely hard, they knew it from the game.

Therefore, the tranquilizer guns are all specially made.

A burst of gunfire, although the earth dragon's shell is hard, but it can't stop these special guns.

This thing can run amok in ancient times, but under the attack of modern weapons, it is still a bit worse.

The ground dragon had just rushed out and roared, when its body fell down heavily.

Under a large dose of anesthetic, this thing can't hold it at all.

Although not live.

But a lot of media followed and stayed on the periphery, and then they saw a huge special vehicle and various cranes and other special vehicles coming here.

Apparently, Da Xia Kingdom wanted to capture live earth dragons for research.

This matter has been exaggerated by those media, and many rumors have spread.

The day when Jingjue Ancient City will end is getting closer and closer.

Lin Mu released the last cg animation.

Zhou Suyi saw it early in the morning, but she didn't dare to watch it this time. After all, the experience of the last time comes first. I'm really afraid that I won't be able to sleep at night after watching it.

Early the next morning, I woke up and took a shower, and then I couldn't wait.

Turn on the live broadcast, open the game platform, and can't wait to click on the new cg animation.

This time, the picture was pitch black, and a small road emerged, surrounded by two large pits, filled with bones, as if it was a passage leading to hell.

Looking at this road, Zhou Suyi couldn't help but get goosebumps.

"Good guy, it really is hell. Fortunately, I couldn't watch it last night, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to sleep!" Zhou Suyi felt lucky.

The picture zooms in, and three bridges appear in front, crossing a yellow water, and then, a forest white palace emerges.


The door opens.

It made people nervous again.

Inside is a huge palace, the whole body of the palace is crystal clear, and it is actually made of white jade.

Then three coffins came into view.

The materials of the three large coffins are all different.

The closest to the gate is a bronze coffin, which was dropped in the air with a copper ring, which looks strange and inexplicable.

Hu Bayi's voice sounded.

"The sinking coffin, the bronze coffin, the horoscope is not hard to move forward, combined with the strange celestial phenomenon of the black pig crossing the Tianhe outside, this is the corpse king is about to be born!"

"Corpse King!"

Zhou Suyi felt a chill down her spine when she heard these two words.

The screen began to flash rapidly, and came to a gloomy wooden coffin.


There was a harsh sound from inside, as if something was scratching the wall with its nails.

It makes people's scalps explode.

The picture flashed again, and a mural of a woman appeared. The woman's face was as pale as paper, just like a real person, and she suddenly grinned, giving out a piercing smile.

In the end, a huge white monster with strange shape devoured everything around it, and then the picture became pitch black, as if everything had been swallowed up.

The animation ends.


Zhou Suyi swallowed, feeling a little nervous for some reason.

Suddenly, I felt that in front of "Yunnan Insect Valley", the "Exquisite Ancient City" I played was simply my younger brother.

"It's too hellish, but since it's about tomb robbery, it seems to be more in line with this theme than "The Ancient City of Essence". It's quite enjoyable to watch, that's right, hey!"

She wanted to say that it just felt a little scary.

Originally, I just passed a hidden mission and my confidence soared, but now after watching the cg animation, I immediately feel extremely hopeless.

"Forget it, forget it, why do you think so much, I don't know how many plots there are in "The Ancient City of Essence", let's talk about it after passing here first!"

Immediately, Zhou Suyi connected the device and entered the game again.

As soon as I entered the game, I felt pain all over my body, and a sense of weakness instantly swept through my whole body.

At the moment, they are all on the steps.

"Miss Yang, you finally woke up!" Seeing Zhou Suyi opened his eyes, Hu Bayi immediately became happy.

"Haha, let me just say, auspicious people have their own appearance, and Miss Yang will definitely be fine!" Fatty Wang was also very happy.

Professor Chen and others beside him also breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing their worried faces, Zhou Suyi felt warm in her heart.

"I'm fine, it's just a little pain, it's okay!"

With Hu Bayi's support, Zhou Suyi sat up.

In the game, as long as it is not a fatal injury, the recovery is still very fast. After Hu Bayi helped her with a lot of wound medicine, except for the pain, it didn't have much impact.

Of course, the action is definitely not as good as it was in its heyday.

"Miss Yang, I, Fatty Wang, have never convinced anyone in my life, especially a woman, but you are definitely the first one. I am really convinced!" Fatty Wang gave Zhou Suyi a thumbs up. He really admired Zhou Suyi Five-body cast.

[Fatty Wang's recognition +5]

[Hu Bayi recognition +5]

[Professor Chen's recognition +5]

For a while, the recognition rate reached an increase again. After breaking through half of the last time, it has once again increased significantly.

Zhou Suyi was quite relieved, but this was not what excited her the most.

The happiest thing is to get the reward of the hidden mission.

She couldn't wait to check the function of the Zombie Remnant Eye.


(End of this chapter)

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