Chapter 192 The Queen's Coffin

Remnant eyes of the snake god (has night vision ability, and has a certain chance to open the channel of the imaginary space, try once a day).

Zhou Suyi thought of the description about the snake god with disabled eyes.

Now she can clearly see things in the dark, this feeling is amazing.

But she has not tried to open the channel of imaginary number space.

"Would you like to try it now?" Zhou Suyi couldn't wait to try it.

This is not the first time she has heard of such things as imaginary number space. She really wants to open the passage and go in to see what the so-called imaginary number space is like.

But looking at the ghost cave next to him, he thought about it and gave up.

"Forget it, this place is evil, one thing more is worse than one thing less, let's try again after leaving here!"

"It seems that the tomb of Queen Jingjue is not here at all. We must have found the wrong place. This ghostly place is very evil. I think, since Miss Yang is awake, let's get out of here quickly!" Fatty Wang said I don't want to stay here for another minute.

Who knows if there will be some ghosts and ghosts popping up again in a while.

The others nodded again and again.

Zhou Suyi also nodded, but she was puzzled, "If there is no queen's tomb below here, where would it be? It's so difficult, it's not here at all, then my task, wouldn't it be impossible to complete!"

"Well, let's go, Miss Yang, I'll carry you!" Hu Bayi volunteered to carry Zhou Suyi on his back.

Zhou Suyi suddenly felt happy.

Immediately, Fatty Wang carried Ye Yixin on his back, and Hu Bayi carried Zhou Suyi on his back, and the group started to walk back.

This time, they soon reached the entrance of the cave where they came, which further verified Zhou Suyi's conjecture that this ghost cave can visualize everything people think of.

If you think he has a bottom, he has a bottom, but if you think he has a bottom, then he has no bottom.

If you think about going up quickly, then you can go up quickly.

They were about to return the same way, but Zhou Suyi's eyes suddenly lit up, and she saw the scene above the ghost cave.

There was something suspended in mid-air.

"Wait a minute!" She immediately beckoned people to stop.

There was no residual eye of the snake god before, and the top was pitch black, so they couldn't see anything. Moreover, their attention was all on the bottom, so they didn't observe the top carefully.

But now with the residual eyes of the snake god, he can see something on it at a glance.

"What's wrong?" Hu Bayi asked.

Zhou Suyi's eyes were strange, "We seem to have made a mistake. The coffin of Queen Jingjue is not below, but above."

Fatty Wang laughed immediately, "Hahaha, Ms. Yang, what are you kidding, can the coffin of this exquisite queen still fly?"

Hu Bayi immediately looked up, seeing that it was pitch black.

"Old Hu, take the flare gun!"

"it is good!"

Hu Bayi didn't talk nonsense, he quickly took out the flare gun and fired a shot at it.

When the light dispelled the darkness again, everyone's eyes widened.

About a hundred meters above them, there was really something.

It was a long stone beam that protruded from the edge and extended to the middle of the ghost hole in the middle.

"Damn it, this shit, it's amazing!" Fatty Wang was amazed.

Who would have thought that such a magical place existed in this ghost cave.

"Hurry up, let's go and have a look!" Professor Chen also became excited, urging everyone to go up and have a look.

Everyone hurriedly walked up the steps.

Not long after, they came to the position of Shiliang.

The light of the flashlight converged in the past, and he could see clearly.

The stone beam protrudes above the ghost cave, as if hanging there, it is very spectacular.

And at the end of the stone beam, there is a huge piece of wood.

This wood is more than three meters long, like a section of a tree trunk, with boats on both sides, like a small wooden boat floating above the cave!
There are still some green buds growing on the trunk, and there is a huge strange plant growing beside it!
The plant is like a big bucket, with a small mouth and a big belly, the petals are rolled together, the whole body is green, but there is a big blood-red leaf around it.

Its rhizome is like a chain, tightly wrapped around the trunk, as if rooted in it!
"Oh my god, I found it, I really found it. This should be the coffin of Queen Jingjue, but the shape of this coffin is a bit strange."

"Good guy, it's amazing, how did Queen Jingjue find such a magical place."

"From a distance, it really looks like a wooden boat floating on the ghost cave, so amazing."

"What kind of plant is that? It's still alive. It's amazing."

"Is that a flower bone? It looks so weird. Is there any biologist out there to popularize the science? If not, I'm going to spread rumors."


Netizens were amazed.

Just the spectacle in front of you is simply invisible to the outside world.

Not to mention the strange plants that can survive in this dark world, everything is enough to arouse strong curiosity.

Zhou Suyi was overjoyed, "It seems that it must be the queen's coffin!"

As long as you go up and have a look, you can complete the final main task.

I feel excited just thinking about it.

Chu Jian said: "The wood is too weird. It has no roots and no nutrition input, but it can still grow. This is very unscientific."

Hu Bayi stared at the piece of wood, as if thinking of something, "If my guess is correct, this should be the Kunlun Shenmu!"

"Kunlun Shenmu? What is it?" Zhou Suyi looked curious.

This thing sounds like a powerful name.

The others also looked at Hu Bayi curiously.

Hu Bayao: "It is said that the Kunlun Shenmu is as old as Kunlun Mountain. It is an ancient sacred tree. The coffin made of it has spiritual energy and can warm and nourish the corpse. Not only will the corpse not rot, but it can also maintain the vitality of the corpse. Qin Shihuang I just wanted to find this kind of sacred wood as his coffin, but unfortunately I couldn't find it, I really didn't expect it to be found by Queen Jingjue."

Fatty Wang rolled his eyes, "You said, this thing can keep the corpse from rotting and keep it alive. If this is the case, then the Queen of Essence inside is really not rotten!"

"So, we can see the Queen's true face?" Chu Jian looked excited.

"It's so amazing!" Zhou Suyi also looked surprised.

This is the first time I have heard of such a miraculous thing.

Hu Ba nodded, "It's all rumors, I don't know the details, but the Kunlun sacred tree is the Kunlun sacred tree, but the flower bone on it should not be one with this sacred tree!"

"Hey, what are you doing so much, let's go over and have a look!" Although Fatty Wang is afraid of heights, he is eager to try it at the moment, as if he can't wait to see if there are any precious treasures around Queen Jingjue.

"Wait a minute!" But Professor Chen suddenly stopped everyone, "I seem to have thought of what that is!"

"Professor Chen, isn't it just a flower? Why are you so excited?" Fatty Wang said.

Zhou Suyi felt that something might be wrong.

If the coffin of Queen Jingjue is in front of her, then based on her understanding of the game, there must be danger waiting for them.

The more this time comes, the less impulsive it is.


(End of this chapter)

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