Chapter 194
Zhou Suyi never dreamed that it was Chu Jian who attacked her this time.

At this moment, Chu Jian's face was full of ferocity, as if he had become his father-killing enemy.

The sapper shovel cut right on his forehead, his head was cut in two, bleeding profusely, but he did not die immediately, but remained conscious for a while.

For a moment, pain, surprise, panic and other feelings swept through my heart instantly.

Fortunately, this feeling didn't last long, and the game was already prompted to end.

Lost again, experienced a new way of dying again.

Zhou Suyi didn't feel calm, but still had a look of surprise.

"Is there really a devil hidden in that corpse-flavored konjac?" Zhou Suyi was really confused by this point.

It's just a plant, is it really that powerful?

Even if there is a ghost, this ghost has been in the corpse fragrant konjac for thousands of years, so it is patient enough.

Moreover, only Sa Dipeng and Chu Jian had problems, and she, Hu Bayi, and Professor Chen had no problems, which is also a bit strange.

"Mom, is there really a saying about ghosts possessing people?"

"This ghost cave is so outrageous, I think it's possible for something weird to happen."

"A ghost possesses the body. How can this be broken? It's so difficult that you really need to bring a Taoist priest in to subdue demons."

"Fart's ghost is possessed. In my opinion, that thing should be poisonous. They may have been poisoned, so they had hallucinations."



Zhou Suyi was thinking about the reason, while looking at the barrage.

The three cobblers are Zhuge Liang, sometimes these barrages can really give her some hints.

"That's right, could it be that the flower will release poisonous gas when it's in full bloom? I did smell a strange fragrance!" Zhou Suyi fell into deep thought.

"Corpse-scented konjac, corpse-scented konjac, hard to come by, is that what it means?"

Zhou Suyi thinks it's very possible. When the game was named, it may have given a hint, so as long as you wear a gas mask, you can avoid it.

Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi was a little excited, and hurriedly entered the game again.

Standing in front of the stone beam, and listening to them finish the legends, Zhou Suyi said: "According to what Professor Chen said, there are ghosts hidden in this corpse-scented konjac. Once it is opened, very bad things will happen. What do you think?" , Could it be that the corpse-scented konjac blooms and releases poisonous gas, which can make people hallucinate or something like that!"

Hu Ba nodded, "Miss Yang's opinion makes sense to me. The word corpse fragrance konjac and corpse fragrance may be a warning."

"Just in case, everyone should wear gas masks," Zhou Suyi said.

"it is good!"

Everyone didn't talk nonsense, even Fatty Wang didn't say much.

Give yourself an extra insurance to prevent danger and avoid accidents, who will question it.

Immediately, everyone put on gas masks and walked up the stone beam again.

Professor Chen and the others are still excited about discovering those ghost cave characters.

Zhou Suyi stared at the corpse-scented konjac in front of her.

Suddenly, the flower changed again.

The flower bud began to slowly open, as if it was an egg, and something was about to hatch in it at this moment.

Rao put on a gas mask, but Zhou Suyi still became nervous.

Suddenly, there was a shout from behind.

It was Sa Dipeng's voice again.

"how is this possible!"

Zhou Suyi's face changed, didn't they all wear gas masks?
How could something happen.

Turning around, I saw Sa Dipeng strangling Professor Chen's neck, as if possessed by a ghost again.

Hu Bayi cursed and hurried over to help.

Zhou Suyi was stunned.

what is the problem?

Then, she heard the whistling of the wind behind her, and her face changed again, but with the lesson from last time, she hurriedly dodged to the side this time.

Sure enough, behind him was Chu Jian holding an engineering shovel, and savagely swung the engineering shovel at her.

Zhou Suyi said heartily, fortunately I was prepared.

However, when he stepped on it, he was stunned again.

There was no feeling of trampling under his feet, and when he stepped on nothing, his body lost his balance in an instant, and he fell down.

"Impossible, how could this happen!"

When Zhou Suyi fell, she was in a daze.

She herself obviously dodged to the side just now, logically speaking, she stepped on the stone beam, but the moment she fell, she found that the position of the stone beam had changed, shifted a little.

I don't know if I remembered it wrong, or if the position of Shiliang changed by myself.

In short, she fell straight down.

However, Zhou Suyi calmed down quickly, and hurriedly imagined that the ghost cave had a bottom, and she could land safely, just like when she jumped down the ghost cave before.

However, this time the situation is different.

After falling, the earth suddenly appeared below, and then she fell heavily on the ground.


She herself heard the sound of something breaking, and then the game failed again.

"Fuck, what's going on, why did the stone beam deviate so much, how did I fall to my death in the ghost cave, what the hell is going on with this shit? Also, I'm wearing a gas mask, why did I still get caught? Now, are there really ghosts?"

Zhou Suyi was a little crazy, she couldn't figure out too many questions.


Zhou Suyi was stuck here, but Director Zhang got good news. "Nuqing Xiangxi" passed the review. With the efforts of netizens, they only asked to delete a little content.

This was beyond Director Zhang's surprise, and then the staff saw that Director Zhang no longer had the serious image of the past, jumping up and down like a child.

The assistant asked curiously: "Director Zhang, this is..."

She wanted to say, are you getting old again, otherwise why are you so excited.

Director Zhang laughed loudly, "Hahaha, the review has passed, hurry up, advance the plan, prepare to set a file, and release it as soon as possible!"

When the assistant heard that the review had passed, his eyes widened, as if he didn't expect it to be so easy.

Originally, I thought that this theme would be subject to many restrictions, and many plots would be blocked. Even, they were all ready to fight a protracted war.

If you can't change it once, you can do it twice, and if you can't change it twice, you can do it three times. But who would have thought that it would pass the review so easily now.

I have to sigh, sometimes the power of netizens is also great.

Then, the news of the finalization of "Nuqing Xiangxi" was officially released.

It will be released in half a month.

Netizens are boiling again.

"Fuck, I thought I would have to wait a year or so, but I didn't expect it to be so soon, Sahua."

"Hahaha, it's enjoyable. I'm so happy in the next month. There will be the ending of "Exquisite Ancient City", "Nuqing Xiangxi" will be released, and "Yunnan Insect Valley" will be released on behalf of me. Haha, I think it's enjoyable after thinking about it."

"I heard that the whole film lasted more than four hours without any cuts. It was so enjoyable."

"Big blockbuster movie, I hope that domestically produced blockbusters can really produce a worldwide blockbuster. Director Zhang must not let us down."


Netizens are so excited, for them, the next month is like celebrating the new year.


(End of this chapter)

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