Chapter 195
"Nuqing Xiangxi" has been finalized, "The Ancient City of Essence" is coming to an end, and "Yunnan Insect Valley" may be launched at any time. These news have directly dominated the screen recently.

The news that the officials brought back the giant creatures from the ancient city of Jingjue was drowned out, and the officials were naturally happy about it.

And the biggest beneficiary of this matter is undoubtedly Lin Mu.

Now he is really not short of money.

How much box office Longling Miku can get, how much money he can get, really don't care much.

Because the game is really making money.

Just the money from selling the game, and all kinds of copyright peripherals, have made a lot of money.

Now, what Lin Mu cares most about is the word-of-mouth of the movie.

Director Zhang let Lin Mu watch the whole film in advance. For more than four hours, Lin Mu felt that he was nervous most of the time, as if he had experienced the scene and was also trapped in the ancient tomb.

That feeling is thrilling.

I have to admit that Director Zhang's ability is really strong.

Through the senses such as audio-visual, people have a kind of empathy, as if they are in the same place.

The whole film has no urine points, fast pace, suspenseful plot, top-notch special effects, top-notch soundtrack, and the acting skills of the actors are online throughout. There is really nothing to complain about.

"This movie is released, it's hard to think it will be popular!" This is Lin Mu's comment.

It is estimated that for a long time to come, "Longling Miku" will become a domestic benchmark, and its status cannot be shaken.


Zhou Suyi was also very excited when she saw the news that "Angry in Xiangxi" was about to be released.

"No, I have to work harder, and try to win the Jingjue Ancient City before it is released!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi clenched her small fist.

"Damn it!"

Although I haven't figured out the situation of Shixiang Konjac yet, I still directly entered the game.

This time I did not wear a gas mask, but said to Professor Chen: "Professor Chen, you stay here for now, I will go to check the situation alone, if there is no danger, it will not be too late for you to come back!"

"This... alright!" Professor Chen was impatient.

But Zhou Suyi said that, so he naturally couldn't say anything more.

"I'll go there with you. If there is anything, I can take care of you!" Hu Ba said.

Zhou Suyi nodded, after all, Hu Bayi was quite reliable in her heart.

When the two stepped onto the stone beam, Zhou Suyi began to feel nervous.

She stared at her feet this time, with the corpse-scented konjac out of the corner of her eye, and walked very slowly, for fear that the stone beam under her feet would suddenly move again.

This time there was no Sa Dipeng and Chu Jian, but nothing went wrong. Judging from Hu Bayi's face, there seemed to be nothing unusual.

"Strange, why are Lao Hu and I fine, but Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng have problems as soon as they come up?" Zhou Suyi thought about the reason.

If there is a difference between them, perhaps, it can only be the mind.

Those two people are mentally unstable, so they are easy to get tricked.

But she and Hu Bayi have both experienced a lot and their minds are as strong as iron, so there is no problem.

Zhou Suyi thought it might be the reason.

Seeing that the two of them were getting closer and closer to the coffin.

The hearts of the netizens followed suit.

Then I saw that the flower bone of the corpse-scented konjac had changed.

The huge green petals spread out quickly, and a strong and strange fragrance spread towards the surroundings.

The smell is indescribably weird.

It is very fragrant and has an intoxicating feeling, but it seems to be mixed with some bad smells. If you taste it carefully, you will feel nausea and vomiting.

"Be careful!" Hu Bayi seemed to have a premonition that something was wrong, so he hurriedly reminded him.

Zhou Suyi nodded.

The two continued to move forward.

But the opening speed of the corpse fragrant konjac suddenly became faster, and the huge flower buds spread out towards the surroundings.

"Fuck, what the hell are you flying!" Suddenly, Fatty Wang shouted from behind.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly looked back, and saw that Sa Dipeng was strangling Professor Chen's neck again, and Fatty Wang and Chu Jian were beside him rushing to rescue him.

Finally, he broke away from Sa Dipeng's hand, but Chu Jian pushed hard, and Sa Dipeng couldn't stand still, he staggered a few steps backwards, and fell headlong into the ghost cave.

"Xiao Sa!" Professor Chen's eyes turned red when he saw this scene.

Originally, Hao Aiguo's death had dealt him a huge blow, but now that Sa Dipeng fell into the ghost hole, he could bear it, rolled his eyes, and passed out immediately.

"Fuck!" Seeing this scene, Hu Bayi's face changed drastically.

Then he turned his head and saw that there was a figure in the coffin sitting up slowly.

It was a woman with a veil on her head, slowly raised her hand, and beckoned to Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi's face changed drastically, and then he saw the breeze blowing the woman's veil, and when he saw the woman's face, Hu Bayi's eyes widened instantly.

"how is this possible!"

Zhou Suyi's face also became extremely ugly. She really didn't expect that there would be something wrong with those people who were so far away.

And when looking forward again, the corpse-scented konjac has been fully bloomed, with green petals and red leaves with a little light, above this dark ghost cave, it looks a little dreamy!
If there were no strange things happened, this would be a beautiful scenery, which makes people have the urge to check in and take pictures.

But now, no one wants to appreciate it!
The beautiful flowers in front of me are not at all beautiful, it only makes people feel scalp numb, and even feel weird.

Not only that, but with the blooming of the corpse-scented konjac, many strange flowers grew instantly on the coffin. These flowers were red, and the petals were as bright red as blood, but there were no leaves.

Like a virus, these weird flowers spread along the stone beam towards Zhou Suyi and the others!

"Mom, do you feel that this flower is beautiful?"

"The more beautiful the more dangerous, this is the law of nature."

"No puppet is called Corpse Fragrance Konjac, it's really evil."

"Sister Zhou, hurry up, I feel that the situation is not good!"


At this moment, even netizens felt that the situation was not good.

"Fuck, what's going on?" Zhou Suyi's face was extremely ugly.

No matter how strong the growth ability of this flower is, it is impossible to grow so fast.

"Old Hu, run!"

She had a very bad premonition in her heart, and felt that once these flowers overtook her, something very bad would definitely happen.

And Hu Bayi next to him didn't know what was wrong, he stood there in a daze, his face turned green and pale for a while, and he didn't know what was wrong.

Before he had time to think about it, he hurriedly pulled Hu Bayi and prepared to run.

However, after pulling it, Hu Bayi did not move.

"Fuck, it's time, don't make trouble." Zhou Suyi pulled again, and saw Hu Bayi suddenly turned his head and looked at her angrily, "Who the hell are you?"

This question directly confused Zhou Suyi.

What the hell, Hu Bayi is also obsessed with ghosts?

(End of this chapter)

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