Chapter 196 Becoming a Flower Fertilizer
Hu Bayi was confused by Zhou Suyi's question.

What do you mean who am I?
She wondered if Hu Bayi was also obsessed with ghosts.

"What are you talking about? Old Hu, are you okay?" Zhou Suyi looked at Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi's expression was still ugly.

He pointed forward sharply, "Look for yourself!"

Zhou Suyi subconsciously turned her head to look, and saw a figure slowly sitting up in the coffin.

With a veil on her face, she could not see her face clearly, her long hair was coiled up, elegant and elegant.

She gently raised her arm, the sleeves slipped off, revealing her slender hands, her white arms were like lotus root, if a man saw it, just one arm would be enough to make people dream about.

Under the background of the corpse-scented konjac, it looks a bit sacred.

"I waited for you a long time!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Zhou Suyi's ear, it was hazy, but it made Zhou Suyi's brain as if a thunder exploded.

It's so familiar, I feel like I've heard this voice somewhere before.

Suddenly, her eyes widened suddenly, and she remembered where she had heard it before.

That was when I was in the canyon, when I failed for the first time, I vaguely heard a voice.

It was a woman's voice, so unreal, it made her wonder if she had heard it wrong.

And that voice is the same as the voice that appears now.

While being dazed, the veil fell off the female corpse's face, revealing a delicate and flawless face.

It's so familiar again.

and many more……

Zhou Suyi's eyes widened again.

It's so familiar there, this is clearly her appearance in the game, and it is also Shirley Yang's appearance.

The faces of the two are almost carved out of the same mold, but their temperaments are very different.

"how can that be!"

Zhou Suyi suddenly understood what Hu Bayi asked.

"How could it be exactly the same? Shirley Yang is not the clone of Queen Jingjue?"

"Mom, I'm a little confused, this is too similar."

"Except for the huge difference in temperament, they are all exactly the same. In addition, is the queen so rare that she really didn't die? How is it possible?"

"It's an illusion, I don't think it's real."

"Strictly speaking, Shirley Yang is the descendant of Queen Jingjue, but after so many generations, how could she be exactly the same!"


Netizens are also in a state of bewilderment, completely unaware of what is going on.

Just as Zhou Suyi was in a daze, those flowers had already spread over.

It was really like a virus, it climbed up the thighs of Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi in an instant, and then climbed up along their bodies.

"No, run first!" This time Hu Bayi grabbed Zhou Suyi and prepared to escape.

But it was too late.

The weird flowers quickly covered the whole body.

"Old Hu, Miss Yang!"

In the distance, Fatty Wang shouted in horror.

From his point of view, Hu Bayi and Zhou Suyi, at this moment, formed a human silhouette composed of two flowers, which looked dazzling, but seemed extremely strange.

Zhou Suyi only felt as if steel needles had been inserted into her body, and then felt her body weaken rapidly, as if the flowers were all vampires.

The body seemed to be drained of strength and fell to the ground.

The same is true for Hu Bayi, who pulled Zhou Suyi and staggered a few steps forward, before also falling to the ground.

When Fatty Wang saw this, he immediately went crazy.

Those who are afraid of heights but not afraid of heights, gritted their teeth and rushed over.

However, he is undoubtedly a moth to the flame.

The flowers enveloped him in an instant, and after running two steps forward, he fell headfirst to the ground.

Chu Jian didn't run away either, being eroded by flowers.

They seem to have all become the nourishment of the flowers, and all the nutrients in their bodies have been drained.

"Hiss... I don't dare to look at the flowers in my house."

"This is a bit evil. Is this corpse-flavored konjac so powerful? It's a fart pass."

"Sure enough, the further you get to the back, the harder it is."

"Can the lethality of flowers be so great? If the research makes it clear, it will definitely be a biochemical weapon."

"When you say that, it's really awesome. One flower can destroy an army."

"Fortunately, this flower is extinct, otherwise it would be worth it!"


Everyone has seen the strangeness of this flower. It has spread so far in such a short period of time. If it can continue to spread, it will be fine.

The official had just dealt with the big guy, the Death Worm. Before they had time to explore the ghost cave, they saw the content related to this flower. For a while, their internal shocks were once again caused.

The government attaches great importance to it, and many biologists have been brought in to study this flower together.


【game over】

Undoubtedly, the game is down again.

Zhou Suyi opened her eyes, the feeling of weakness seemed to be still fresh in her memory.

It was as if a lot of tubes were connected to my body, and all the blood in my body was drained little by little, the feeling was indescribably uncomfortable.

Moreover, the feeling lasted for a long time, unlike the previous death, which was completed in one step.

So, after Zhou Suyi finished the game, she was really scared.

What is soft knife killing, this is it.

In the past, if the method of death was to shoot directly, it would be to be shot after being tortured.

"Hey, this level is much more difficult than I thought, what should I do to pass it!"

Zhou Suyi rubbed her temples, racking her brains to think of a solution.

I had no idea, and then thought of the levels I had gone through before, and suddenly, a flash of light flashed in my head, and I thought of the key.

"Did I think it was complicated, just like the gate of the ancient city of Jingjue before, in fact, the difficulty is not other than the direction of opening the door, don't be bound by the stereotype of thinking, what about the corpse-flavored konjac, I have been thinking about it. Avoid being affected, but if you destroy it, don't you need to avoid it!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi's eyes became brighter.

From her experience in these few attempts, it is indeed during the flowering process that the corpse fragrant konjac can cause those strange things to happen.

Then as long as you destroy it before it blooms, maybe you really have a chance.

Just do it.

Zhou Suyi was tireless and entered the game again.

As soon as I went in, I came to the stone beam. After listening to them tell the legends, I immediately said to Fatty Wang, "Fatty, break that flower for me."

"Ah? What?" Fatty Wang was a little confused, thinking what happened to Ms. Yang.

How come it's so good, suddenly it's hard to get along with a flower.

Professor Chen hurriedly tried to persuade him: "Xue Li, what are you doing? If this flower is really a konjac with corpse fragrance, then it is probably the only one left in the whole world. It can't just be destroyed like this."

Zhou Suyi had expected their reaction.

"Fatty, listen to me!" Zhou Suyi's attitude was very tough this time.

Fatty Wang nodded immediately, "Okay, then I will listen to you!"

As he said that, he took out the gun and aimed at the flower bone of the corpse-scented konjac.


(End of this chapter)

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