Chapter 197

Zhou Suyi was very straightforward this time and asked Fatty Wang to shoot and destroy the Konjac Konjac.

The method is simple and crude, as to whether it is useful or not, it is unknown.

"Oh!" Professor Chen slapped his thigh, but he had no choice but to let Zhou Suyi mess around.

Hu Bayi has no objection.

It's just a flower, although it's a rare species, it's a pity to destroy it directly, but he believes that Zhou Suyi, if there is no reason, Zhou Suyi will not act recklessly.

Along the way, many things are proof.

Fatty Wang pointed his gun at it, and the distance was only a few tens of meters. To him, it was nothing at all.


The flames suddenly appeared, the gunfire sounded, and the bullets quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Zhou Suyi's eyes were fixed on the flower buds of the Corpse Fragrance Konjac.

However, what was imagined did not happen.

The Corpse Fragrance Konjac was safe and sound, not to mention it was directly smashed by bullets, it didn't even move, and there were no bullet holes on it.

Zhou Suyi frowned slightly, "Fatty, your marksmanship is outrageous!"

Fatty Wang was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head in embarrassment, "Ahem, that, maybe, it's too high here, I'm not at ease, don't worry, don't worry, I'll do it again!"

Immediately, Fatty Wang aimed again.

The aiming time this time was slightly longer than last time, obviously he was serious.


There was another gunshot, and under the dumbstruck eyes of everyone, the corpse-scented konjac was still intact.

"I said Fatty, the bragging is all over the sky, why is it broken at this time, what is the situation, such a big goal, you are a bit too biased!" Hu Bayi joked.

"Ahem, that, yes, it's a bit dark, you put on a flashlight for me so I can see it better!"

It is said that the marksmanship is perfect, but now he missed the target with two shots. Fatty Wang only felt that his cheeks were burning with shame.


Zhou Suyi frowned, faintly feeling that something was wrong.

The last time Fatty Wang was able to hit the unexpected and fast-moving strange snake with one shot, let alone a target as big as the corpse-flavored konjac.

"Fatty Master's marksmanship still fluctuates from high to low."

"Such a big target, the distance is not too far, I think I can hit it."

"I can easily hit it with a stone, believe it or not."

"Sure enough, Fatty Wang will lose the chain at a critical moment."


Fatty Wang found an excuse for himself and aimed again.

Hu Bayi, on the other hand, used a flashlight to illuminate the corpse-scented konjac.

"Fatty, it's been three shots. If you miss it again, it's unreasonable. From now on, don't brag!" Hu Bayi teased with a smile.

Fatty Wang gritted his teeth, "Don't worry, if the gun misses, Fatty will write my surname upside down."

Zhou Suyi couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

This time the aim took a little longer, and it took a long time before Fatty Wang pulled the trigger.


Then, he himself widened his eyes, watching that the corpse-flavored konjac wasn't even hurt.

"Fuck, is it really Xiemen? Holding Xiemen and crying, Xiemen is dead, no, no, there must be something wrong with this gun, I aimed right, how could I miss it!" Fatty Wang looked left and right with the gun in his hand. look.

Hu Bayi snatched the gun, "Okay, don't look at it, if you can't do it, you can't do it, what are you doing, come on, come on, let Master Hu show you what is marksmanship!"

"No, Hu, it's definitely a problem with the gun, it's definitely not my problem!" Fatty Wang wanted to explain.

As a result, Hu Bayi had aimed his gun and shot directly.


The sound of the gunshot shocked everyone, and they stared at Shixiang Konjac again.

Then I saw that the corpse-flavored konjac was still there in good condition, nothing happened.

"Look, look, let me tell you that there is something wrong with this gun!" Fatty Wang was relieved when he saw that Hu Bayi missed.

"I'm going!" Hu Bayi frowned, and checked the gun carefully, "No problem."

The face of Zhou Suyi next to her was extremely ugly.

Others may not see clearly, but she has the residual eye of the snake god and can see everything in the dark.

After these few shots were fired, she could see clearly.

It's not that the marksmanship of the two of them was not good and they missed.

Instead, when the bullet hit the Corpse Fragrance Konjac, it suddenly disappeared.

That's right, it just disappeared, disappeared out of thin air.

"I'll try again!" Hu Bayi wanted to try again.

But Zhou Suyi said: "There's no need to try, it's not about the gun, nor about you."

"What's the problem? Could it be that the flower can dodge the attack by itself? That's not really a spirit." Fatty Wang said.

Zhou Suyi smiled wryly, "I don't know if the flower has become a flower or not, but the bullet you fired just now disappeared when it got close to the flower!"

"What, disappeared?" Fatty Wang obviously didn't believe it. "Miss Yang, what kind of international joke are you making? That bullet disappeared out of thin air? Why do I not believe it?"

Hu Bayi obviously didn't believe it, but seeing Zhou Suyi's ugly face, he felt that she might have seen something.

"Miss Yang, are you serious?"

Zhou Suyi nodded.

"It really disappeared out of thin air."

"How is it possible? I would rather believe that there is a problem with the marksmanship than that the bullets will disappear out of thin air. This is too outrageous." Fatty Wang still didn't believe it.

Professor Chen and Chu Jian didn't believe it even more.

Zhou Suyi said: "I think it might be the imaginary number space. We have heard so many things about the imaginary number space, but we have never seen it. We only saw a place similar to the imaginary number space in the canyon."

"What exactly is the imaginary space? Is there really a space independent of this world?"

"An imaginary number space again?" Hu Bayi frowned.

This kind of thing beyond the current scientific cognition and beyond their thinking is indeed difficult to understand, but it seems to really exist.

"You mean, there is an imaginary number space there, so after the bullet hits it, it directly enters the imaginary number space?" Hu Bayao!
Zhou Suyi nodded.

"No, no, if the flower is also in the imaginary space, we can see it. If the bullet enters the imaginary space, it should hit it!" Fatty Wang shook his head directly.

"Unless, the flowers are in reality, and the coffin is also in reality, but there is indeed an imaginary space there. Do you still remember the mural we saw in Xiye Ancient City before, the eyes of Queen Jingjue opened, all Everyone is gone, perhaps, the eyes of the Jingjue Queen can really open the passage to the imaginary space, even though the Jingjue Queen is dead, this ability may be preserved!"

Hu Bayi expressed his conjecture.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and they all fell into deep thought.


(End of this chapter)

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