Chapter 198
It is an imaginary number space again, and it is a bit difficult to understand.

This is like a paradox, if the corpse-fragrant konjac is in the imaginary space, then the bullet will hit the corpse-fragrant konjac when it enters the imaginary space.

If the corpse-flavored konjac is in reality, why does the bullet enter the imaginary space?
This point is very complicated and difficult to explain clearly.

Zhou Suyi also couldn't understand the reason for this at all. I'm afraid that even the most powerful experts in space physics can't explain the reason.

"If this is the case, then what should we do? Should we go there?" Chu Jian asked.

He was a little scared.

If there is an imaginary number space, will it enter the imaginary number space like the bullet if it gets close, and then never come back.

Everyone didn't speak, and they all looked at Zhou Suyi. It seemed that Zhou Suyi had become the one who made up his mind along the way.

"Miss Yang, what do you think should be done?" Hu Bayi asked.

Zhou Suyi thought about it seriously, then gritted her teeth, "You guys wait here, I'll go over and see the situation myself."

"No, I'll go there with you, one more person and one more care!" Hu Ba said.

Zhou Suyi waved her hand, "Old Hu, you just wait here, I will go there by myself, there will be no problems."

Hu Bayi was still worried, "Miss Yang..."

He also wanted to persuade Zhou Suyi a few words, but Zhou Suyi's attitude was very firm.

"Don't worry, listen to me, I know it well."

"Okay, then you must be careful." Hu Ba said.

Fatty Wang also said worriedly: "Miss Yang, you must be careful, if something happens to you, then our trip will be in vain!"

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes, knowing that Fatty Wang was trying to ease the atmosphere, but she still couldn't help but want to greet this guy.

Immediately, Zhou Suyi took a deep breath and stepped onto the stone beam.

The stone beam is actually not wide, only about one meter wide. The coffin is placed on the top, and both ends are suspended, really like a suspended wooden boat.

Stepping on it was really like walking in the void, Zhou Suyi didn't dare to look down.

This time, the reason why she chose not to bring anyone with her was because she felt that this level probably required players to participate in and complete it in person.

Bringing too many people is of no use. On the contrary, it may affect oneself because of problems with teammates.

step by step...

In the first few steps, Zhou Suyi walked very steadily, not too fast.

Hu Bayi and the others at the back felt nervous for some reason, and sweated for Zhou Suyi.

Halfway through the walk, the corpse-fragrant konjac changed, and the flower bud slowly began to swell, as if it was about to bloom.

Zhou Suyi's expression changed.

She accelerated sharply, as if she wanted to take advantage of the corpse-flavored konjac not paying attention, and run over at an extremely fast speed.

The stone beam was only a hundred and ten meters long, and when she had already walked halfway, Zhou Suyi sprinted quickly and could reach the opposite side in a few seconds. At the same time, she took out the Yin-Detecting Claw in her hand, and threw it over with a swish.

Tanyinpaw flew to Corpse Fragrance Konjac one step faster than her.

And the petals of the corpse-scented konjac have already opened, and a little bit of starlight is falling, and a strange fragrance wafts over.

Red leaves and green flowers, that scene was beautiful, but Zhou Suyi only felt creepy.

Fortunately, before the flowers were fully in full bloom, the Yin-Exploring Claw arrived in front of the Corpse Fragrance Konjac.

But weird things happened again.

The corpse-scented konjac was like a flower in a mirror, and the Yin-penetrating claws passed through it.

"Fuck me!"

A gust of cold air rushed straight to the Tianling Gai, this scene was too weird.

It feels as if the flowers in front of you are not real, but just a virtual projection.

Then, Zhou Suyi saw that the Corpse Fragrance Konjac was in full bloom, and red flowers immediately grew beside it.

The last time I was touched by these red flowers, I was immediately infected. If I encounter them again this time, my hard work will be in vain.

Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth, "Damn it, I'm fighting with you!"

Suddenly there was a ruthlessness in her heart.

Thinking that there is still a chance to do it again if you fail anyway, then you are afraid of a woolen thread.

Immediately, the body flew up directly.

"Kui Xing kicks!"

This time, the speed was extremely fast, and the person flew towards the Corpse Fragrance Konjac like a human-shaped bomb.

"I'll go, it's a bit of a woman's taste."

"This corpse-flavored konjac is too evil. I want to raise one at home. Is there a source of supply?"

"I want to raise one too, please get in the little yellow car."

"You guys are really courageous. Just because of your name, I panicked."

"Sister Zhou, come on."


For a while, netizens also became nervous, sweating for Zhou Suyi.

Those tools can penetrate the corpse-flavored konjac, but they can't hurt the corpse-flavored konjac, even the bullets can't break it, so what will happen when the human body touches it?

Will Zhou Suyi directly penetrate the Corpse Fragrance Konjac, fly out from above, and fall directly into the ghost cave?

Not impossible.

Therefore, Zhou Suyi was fighting, desperately.

Fortunately, this is a game, not reality. Reality will not give people another chance, but games can.

The safflower spread next to the corpse-scented konjac, and the nearby stone beams were almost instantly covered with safflowers. The endless flowers spread virally again at an extremely fast speed, and spread along the stone beams towards Hu Bayi and the others.

Fortunately, Zhou Suyi flew up at this moment and did not touch those red flowers.

At this moment, her mind was blank, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

The next moment, he kicked the corpse-flavored konjac.


This was an instant thought in Zhou Suyi's mind.

Then there is ecstasy.

As long as it can be touched, it means that this flower can be destroyed.


Then, the voice came.

Kuixing kicked with great strength, and kicked firmly on the fully bloomed Konjac Konjac.

How powerful is this.

When I was in the underground palace of Xiye Ancient City before, I could kick the hard carapace of the centipede monster, let alone a flower.


The corpse-flavored konjac was kicked to pieces in an instant, and the red leaves and greenery shattered all over the ground, splashing around.

The safflower that spread out like a virus, disappeared in an instant like a bubble, as if it had never appeared before.

"It's done!"

At this moment, Zhou Suyi's heart was indescribably excited.

This flower cannot be touched by anything, but only the human body can touch it. Obviously, Zhou Suyi met a dead mouse again, and this desperate fight actually won her the prize.


At this moment, Hu Bayi shouted anxiously behind him.

Zhou Suyi recovered from the ecstasy in an instant, and only then did she realize that her kick was too strong, and her body was still flying forward. In the blink of an eye, she flew onto the coffin, and then continued to fly forward.

If you don't control it, people will fly out directly.


(End of this chapter)

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