Chapter 199 Empathy
Zhou Suyi rushed too fast just now, and her inertia was too great. Although she kicked Konjac Konjac Corpse to pieces, Konjac Konjac Corpse is just a plant. How hard can it be? Flying forward.

"Damn it, but he can't die like this!"

Zhou Suyi suddenly became anxious.

After finally getting the corpse-flavored konjac, if it flies over the head and falls directly, then I will be very depressed.

Fortunately, Hu Bayi reminded her immediately, and she still had time to react immediately.

Immediately, he hurriedly grabbed the coffin.

Fortunately, the coffin was in the shape of a boat, with a high protrusion on both sides, and Zhou Suyi just grabbed one side of the bow.

bang bang bang...

The coffin was shaken a few times by her huge strength, but fortunately the coffin seemed to be very heavy, so it didn't fall with her.

Zhou Suyi pulled the bow of the boat, turned her body half a circle, and just landed in the coffin.

The coffin was not covered.

A female corpse in exquisite Chinese clothes lay in the coffin.

The female corpse folded her hands together and put them on her lower abdomen, with a veil on her face.

Although he couldn't see his face, it gave people a strange feeling of being overwhelmed by the country.

Even Zhou Suyi lying on the body of the female corpse did not feel cold, but rather warm, as if the corpse had warmth.

Zhou Suyi was almost face to face with the female corpse, separated only by a veil, which felt weird.

Moreover, she didn't have much fear in her heart, and she seemed to subconsciously feel that this was not a corpse, but a big sleeping person.

Hu Bayi and the others in the distance were relieved to see that Zhou Suyi was fine.

"It's risky, it's risky, sister Zhou, you are really the best."

"Let go of Queen Jingjue, let me do it."

"Mom, why is she covered with a veil, I still think she is so beautiful."

"Queen Jingjue, it's too incredible to just leave it like this, without being isolated from the air, and without rotting."

"There are so many incredible things in this world. Besides, this is in the game. In reality, the bones are probably gone. Unfortunately, the live broadcast of the archaeological team can no longer be watched."


Netizens felt a little regretful when they thought that the live broadcast of the archaeological team had been suspended.

Otherwise, I have been watching the two live broadcasts in comparison before, and I feel very enjoyable, and even feel like I have spied on the secrets of this world.

But in the face of official power, some things obviously cannot be made public.

Zhou Suyi panted heavily, the shocking scene just now made her heart beat wildly, and she didn't slow down for a while.

Although not afraid, but feel very nervous.

It seems that even though the queen is dead, she still maintains the coercion that belongs to the superior.

Her being here means that she is still a king, and she has to accept the worship of her subjects.


Zhou Suyi swallowed and sat up quickly.

She was sitting on the body of the Essence Queen, and this posture was really ambiguous.

But luckily she is a woman.

After hesitating for a moment, she first lightly touched the exposed hand of Queen Jingjue.

After touching it, there is really no coldness of a corpse, but it feels soft and warm.

"As expected of the Kunlun Shenmu, it seems that the old nonsense is right. The Kunlun Shenmu can not only keep the corpse from decomposing, but also keep the corpse alive. It is really miraculous. If I can get this piece of Kunlun Shenmu, that would be great! "

But after thinking about it, Zhou Suyi smiled wryly.

Now they are all cremated, even if they get it, it's useless.

She looked at the face of the Jingjue Queen.

Up to now, if the reminder of task completion has not appeared, it means that I have not completed the task, and there must be some steps missing.

"It seems that we have to lift her veil!"

Thinking of the weird scene she saw through the veil last time, she felt a little panicked, but she still raised her hand to lift the veil of the Queen of Excellence.

When the veil was taken off, Zhou Suyi's eyes widened and she didn't dare to blink.

Then I saw that this face was really very similar to her Shirley Yang's face, almost carved out of the same mold.

It's just that the Queen Jingjue looks more noble with makeup and clothing, and has a superior temperament.

Even if she didn't open her eyes, it gave people a feeling of calmness and prestige.

"No way, why does it look so similar, and I have an urge to kneel down in my heart, what's the matter?" Zhou Suyi's eyes were extremely strange!
That kind of impulse from the heart, even if you want to restrain it, you can't restrain it.

"I said, Miss Yang, what's the matter, are there any treasures in it?" Fatty Wang's expectant shout came from a distance.

This guy didn't dare to come over by himself, but if Zhou Suyi really said that there was some treasure inside, this guy would really dare to rush over.

Zhou Suyi looked to the side, but she really didn't see any funeral objects.

It seemed that the Queen Jingjue at that time no longer felt that there was anything precious, only she was lying alone in the coffin.

Thinking of this, a strange feeling rose in her heart for no reason.

Lonely, lonely, cold, helpless, angry...

Then inexplicably, tears fell uncontrollably.

tick tock...

Tears just fell on the hands of the Jingjue Queen.

"I, I, why are you still crying, fuck, what's going on, why, I'm so sad."

Zhou Suyi herself was stunned, completely unable to understand what was going on.

Her emotions seemed to be controlled by an invisible force, and it seemed that it was not her own emotions at this moment, but other people's emotions.

This feels so weird.

It was as if he had been possessed by a ghost.

"What's the matter, why is Miss Zhou still crying?"

"??? What are you doing? I'm too involved in the game. I can't bear the end of the game, can't bear it?"

"Something feels wrong."

"Warning, warning, warning, high-energy warning ahead."

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. It feels like something is going to happen!"


Netizens burst into tears when they saw Zhou Suyi's well-behaved behavior, and they couldn't figure out what happened.

Hu Bayi and the others were also dumbfounded.

Fatty Wang muttered: "I said, Lao Hu, why is this Miss Yang still crying? What did you see? Even if there is not a single funeral object in it, it is not enough. That big eyeball, It can be sold for a lot of money.”

"Don't talk nonsense, you think Miss Yang is just thinking about money like you, something must have happened, you guys wait here, I'll go over and have a look!" Hu Bayi was still worried about Zhou Suyi.

Let a woman go on an adventure, and they old men are waiting here.

"Old Hu, you have to be careful!"

"Do not worry!"

Immediately, Hu Bayi walked over quickly, but halfway through the walk, he was completely stunned, and even rubbed his own eyes suspiciously, not knowing what he saw. things.


(End of this chapter)

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