Chapter 200 The Living Queen

When Hu Bayi walked halfway, he froze there and rubbed his eyes, as if he suspected that his eyes were wrong.

But after rubbing and blinking, it's still the same.

Zhou Suyi, who was still in the coffin just now, has disappeared.

Yep, it just disappeared.

It seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

If he hadn't been looking at Zhou Suyi all the time, Hu Bayi would have felt that Zhou Suyi had fallen down suddenly.

And Zhou Suyi was even more confused at this moment.

The complicated emotions just now flooded my mind, tears flowed down my face, and then I saw the Jingjue Queen in front of me suddenly opened his eyes.

At that time, she was so frightened that she was about to fly out of her wits.

But before she could escape, she saw that the eyes of the Jingjue Queen seemed to have turned into a whirlpool.

She only felt dizzy for a while, and she became dizzy. Before she opened her eyes, she suddenly heard a commotion around her, as if many people were shouting slogans loudly.

what's the situation?
Zhou Suyi was a little dazed, and slowly opened her eyes, and saw that she was standing on a high place, condescending, and she could see the densely packed shirtless men below, pulling the rope.

While pulling, shouting slogans.

Moving his eyes slightly forward, he saw that what these people were pulling was a huge statue.

Even if you look from a high place, you can see that the statue is at least 80 meters high, and it can only be pulled up by countless people.

It was a statue of a woman, with a dark body and a mysterious veil on her face, but it was very familiar.

"This is, Queen Jingjue?" Zhou Suyi recognized it at a glance, the statue was Queen Jingjue.

Just, where am I?

"Aren't I above the ghost cave? Why did I suddenly appear here? Also, why are there so many people? What's the situation?" Zhou Suyi looked confused, completely confused about the situation.

"You finally came!"

Suddenly, a woman's voice came from behind.

The voice was majestic and excited. The voice was beautiful, like the sounds of nature, but Zhou Suyi could understand what he was clearly speaking in Mandarin.


Zhou Suyi was startled, she quickly turned around to look at it, and at the same time subconsciously took two steps back, creating a little distance.

Then, he saw a woman who looked exactly like Shirley Yang standing behind him.

This woman was wearing gorgeous and noble clothes, a golden crown on her head, and a veil of white sand on her face, giving people an extremely dignified feeling.

"Damn it, you are, the Queen of Essence!"

Zhou Suyi's eyes widened instantly.

If I was a little shocked when I saw the corpse of the Jingjue Queen before, now I saw the Jingjue Queen standing in front of me alive, I felt an indescribable shock and fear.

what's the situation?
The Jingjue Queen is not dead?

Still standing in front of yourself?

Netizens were also dumbfounded.

"What's going on, why did you come here all of a sudden, where is this, is this the living Jingjue Queen?"

"Oh my god, I saw the living Jingjue Queen. I feel like kneeling at the queen's feet and singing conquest. What should I do?"

"It's not all hallucinations."

"This must be the imaginary number space. Sister Zhou must have been pulled into the imaginary number space."

"Oh my god, this Jingjue ancient city is amazing. I wonder if this kind of power really exists?"


Netizens are all excited.

Everyone thought that if the queen's coffin could be found, the game would be over, but now it seems that this is not the case, there are still a series of plots in this game that are not over yet.

Zhou Suyi's heart was beating wildly. Facing the living Jingjue Queen in front of her, she felt Alexander.

After a short period of shock and confusion, she suddenly thought of something.

"This is, imaginary number space?"

The Queen of Excellence looked at Zhou Suyi through the veil, and seemed to smile, "I don't understand what the imaginary space you are talking about is, but, just as you think, here is an independent world, one that belongs only to My world, here, I am the master."

"Sure enough, although Queen Jingjue is dead, her eyes can still communicate with the channel of the imaginary space, and here, her consciousness seems to be able to survive forever!"

Zhou Suyi looked around carefully, and found that she was in a huge palace at the moment.

This palace is too grand, it is no exaggeration to say that it is countless times more magnificent than the Forbidden City.

This doesn't look like a palace that people can build, it's clearly a temple.

In front of her were the slaves who were pulling the statue, but there was no soldier guarding them around, and these people were working obediently.

Around the temple, there are also huge palaces, which look magnificent.

If this scene were placed in the outside world, it would definitely be called a world miracle again.

Even every temple is enough to cause a sensation.

But here, it seems commonplace.

But if you look further away, you can see something is wrong.

This is an ancient city, the size is almost the same as the entire Jingjue ancient city, but outside the ancient city, it is nothingness, as if it is a chaos, nothing exists.

Looking at these, Zhou Suyi already thought of something in her heart.

"In the ancient city before, although we saw traces of the battle, we didn't see a single corpse. Now it seems that these people were all dragged here?" Zhou Suyi asked.

The Queen Jingjue smiled, "You are very smart, that's right, just as you thought, all the enemies this king conquered were drawn into this world, and they will pay for the wrong things they did, and will forever Become the king's slave."

Zhou Suyi glanced down, there were at least tens of 10 people down there.

If it is said that these people will not grow old and die here, then they have been enslaved by the Jingjue Queen day and night for more than 2000 years, which is really miserable.

These seemingly magnificent temples are obviously built by these people with time.

More than 2000 years, enough time to build anything.

Zhou Suyi shook her head, thinking what she was doing to pity these people.

If I can't get out, I will definitely be trapped here.

It's just, why was he dragged here in a daze.

She looked at Queen Jingjue. As a modern person, she didn't have much awe of kings and kings in her heart, but the coercion of the superior made her very uncomfortable.

"You are the Queen of Essence, and you are still here, so you have not died?" Zhou Suyi asked the doubts in her heart.

"Wrong, this king is dead, but he is not dead!"

Zhou Suyi was confused by the Queen's words.

To die is to die, to not die is to not die, so what is going on if you are dead and you are not dead.


(End of this chapter)

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