Chapter 201 The Truth of History

Listening to Queen Jingjue's answer, Zhou Suyi frowned slightly.

To die is to die or not to die or not to die, what kind of word games are you playing with me here, are you really not afraid of being beaten?
After thinking about it, Zhou Suyi didn't dare to act rashly.

What a joke.

This is the queen of excellence.

Although she is only the king of a small country, there are too many legends about her.

Every legend seems to prove how cruel, vicious, and powerful this Her Lady Queen is.

"What do you mean?" Zhou Suyi asked honestly.

Queen Jingjue sighed, "As a member of the Zagrama clan, you should understand the curse that our clan has suffered, right?"

Zhou Suyi frowned and said, "You mean, the curse in the shape of the eyes behind it?"

"That's right!" Queen Jingjue nodded.

She walked to the side slowly and looked down at the people below.

Those people below seemed to have noticed the Queen Jingjue and immediately bowed down.

For a moment, the mountains below were roaring and tsunami, and everyone was shouting for Her Lady Queen.

And Zhou Suyi saw that those people were all trembling.

She really couldn't figure out what method the Jingjue Queen used to control these people into obedience, but if she didn't want to suffer some unforgettable pain, these people would never be so honestly enslaved by the Jingjue Queen More than 2000 years.

"How did this curse come about?" Zhou Suyi asked again.

Although the background story says that the Muchen Bead can break the curse, but I can’t find the Muchen Bead now. According to the plot of the game, I have to find the Muchen Bead in the future. Therefore, knowing the curse in advance will definitely be useful by the time.

The Jingjue Queen seems to have not spoken for a long time, so whatever she asked, the Jingjue Queen answered patiently.

"Anyone who wants to obtain the power of the snake god will pay a certain price, and this curse is the price paid by our ancestors!"

Zhou Suyi didn't speak, she thought of what happened in the ghost cave.

Both Professor Chen and Hu Bayi used the power of the ghost cave to concretize their dead friends and relatives, but they also summoned eight monsters.

Come to think of it, this is also one of the costs.

"However, the power of the snake god is too tempting. No one can refuse it. Therefore, there is the current curse of our family, and this king is amazing. Back then, this king entered the ghost cave alone. , finally, Huangtian paid off, allowing me to find the item that can break the curse, Muchen Bead!"

Speaking of this, the Jingjue Queen was a little excited.

"You got Muchen Bead, so you solved the curse?" Zhou Suyi asked hastily.

Then, the Jingjue Queen became a little lonely again.

"No, the power of Muchen Bead alone cannot reverse the curse. In the end, I got some information. The snake god, not only the eyes of the snake god remain in the world, but also the bones of the snake god. The Eye of the Snake God and the Bone of the Snake God can reverse this curse and let this power that does not belong to this world return to its original place!"

"And the bone of the snake god? Where is the bone of the snake god?" Zhou Suyi asked hurriedly.

These are the keys to cracking the game in the future, so you have to keep them in mind.

"Evil Luohai City." Queen Jingjue spat out a few words.

"Evil Luohai City!"

Zhou Suyi hurriedly engraved these four words in her mind.

"Back then, a great war broke out in Eluohai City. Some members of the Reincarnation Sect secretly took the Eye of the Snake God and came to Mount Zagrama. Using the power of the Eye of the Snake God, they concretized the birthplace of the Snake God. Ghost cave, in order to revive the snake god and restore the glory of the reincarnation sect." Queen Jingjue continued.

Here came out another reincarnation sect, Zhou Suyi hurriedly remembered it.

"If this theory is followed, then the theory of the snake shadow falling from the sky does not exist. It was the arrival of the Muchen Bead before the ghost cave was discovered, and then it was discovered by the local Zagrama tribe. , the current Zagrama people still have a certain connection with the original Eluohai city people." Zhou Suyi analyzed in her heart.

"Only in Eluohai City can there be a complete altar. Only there can the full power of the snake god's eyes and snake god's bone be activated to reverse everything. Unfortunately, the Zagrama people did not know this at the time. All the remnants of the reincarnation sect were killed, trying to snatch the power of the snake god, but unfortunately, there was no correct method, which caused the curse to spread."

"Then, didn't you find Eluo Haicheng?" Zhou Suyi continued to ask.

From the outside, the appearance of the Jingjue Queen's corpse was no more than 30 years old at most, which was much earlier than the time when the curse occurred.

Now that she knows this, if she can live until the curse occurs, maybe she can really find E Luo Haicheng.

So, what's going on here?

"Hey, no, back then, I accumulated endless treasures and wanted to form an unrivaled army to help the king find Eluohai City, but I didn't expect that people from those small countries would be so despicable. In the name of this, I presented a treasure to this king."

Speaking of this, the Jingjue Queen became a little agitated. Although she couldn't see her face through the veil, Zhou Suyi could feel that the Jingjue Queen should be out of breath at this moment.

"Damn ants, I killed them lightly. At the beginning, they should all be wiped out of the country!" These few words were said through gritted teeth.

Zhou Suyi had goosebumps all over her body.

She could feel the strong murderous aura on Queen Jingjue.

"Good guy, it's really cruel to destroy the country at every turn. You exploit people, and you don't allow them to resist!" Zhou Suyi cursed in her heart.

"Uh... this woman is a bit ruthless."

"How can it be possible to be a queen if you don't have any wrists."

"There are a few high-ranking people who are not ruthless. In the eyes of those emperors, ordinary people are nothing but ants."

"This is somewhat unreasonable. You are allowed to set fire to the state officials, but not to allow the common people to light lamps."


Just these few words can make netizens feel how cruel and ruthless the Jingjue Queen was back then.

They have a basic understanding of the Jingjue Queen.

"And then?" Zhou Suyi asked again.

The Essence Queen clenched her fists, as if she hated it, and then the slaves below became her venting tools.


Zhou Suyi saw that the bodies of countless people below suddenly swelled strangely, and suddenly exploded, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

The shrill screams were endless.

This weird ability and that miserable cry made Zhou Suyi's hair stand on end.


What kind of power is this? It's terrifying.

It's really just like what Queen Jingjue said, in this world, she is the absolute master.


(End of this chapter)

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