Chapter 202
Zhou Suyi was shocked by Queen Jingjue's tricks.

Sure enough, this woman is not bragging. In this mysterious imaginary space, she is the absolute master, and can easily control the life and death of everyone here.

It's no wonder that these people now honestly help her build so many temples and statues.

Here, they really can't survive but not die.

Only the elite queen can control their life and death.

At the same time, she also saw the cruelty and ruthlessness of the Jingjue Queen, and she was afraid of her from the bottom of her heart.

"Is there something wrong with that treasure?" Zhou Suyi continued to ask.

She could vaguely hear the voice of Queen Jingjue gnashing her teeth, "Back then, that nasty guy sent a treasure, but the treasure was fed with a kind of poison, and the king was poisoned and was on the verge of death. So, those despicable guys They united and entered the king's country."

Zhou Suyi wanted to say that you did a good job, you oppressed and exploited so hard, it's not normal for people to resist.

But I dare not say this.

Not to mention anything else, this is also her nominal ancestor in the game.

"and then……"

"Hmph, even if this king is poisoned, how could they be able to humiliate me? I locked them all here, and before I was about to die, I used the power of the ghost hole to hold my last breath. With this breath, my consciousness can live forever in this world." The Jingjue Queen was a little proud.

He seemed proud of himself for being able to think of such a way.

Zhou Suyi was surprised, there is such an operation, it is simply unheard of.

"So, your body is really not completely dead, and you still have a breath?"

She said why she didn't feel cold when she met the queen's body before, it turned out that she was really still alive.

It's just that this is simply shocking.

A person's body has survived for more than 2000 years, which in itself is a shocking enough thing.

It can also be seen how strange the power of the snake god is.

"Wait, this is a game, not reality!" Zhou Suyi shook her head, almost getting too involved in the drama, and took it as reality.

"That's right, with the help of the power of the ghost cave and the magical effects of Kunlun Shenmu and Corpse Konjac, this king's physical body was frozen at the moment before he died, and I was also trapped here forever." Jing Jue The queen suddenly became lonely.

sad, angry, lonely...

All kinds of emotions began to spread.

Zhou Suyi's tears fell down again, she suddenly understood.

The emotion I experienced before should belong to the Queen Jingjue, and I was just infected.

No wonder though.

In this world, although Queen Jingjue is the absolute ruler, at least from her point of view, the world is so big, and being trapped here for thousands of years and unable to leave is indeed enough.

and many more……

Zhou Suyi suddenly thought of something, her expression changed.

"You, you said you've been waiting for me for a long time. What do you mean?" She suddenly took a few steps back vigilantly to distance herself from the Jingjue Queen.

The Jingjue Queen slowly turned her head to look at Zhou Suyi. Although she couldn't see her face, Zhou Suyi could feel that the Jingjue Queen seemed to be smiling, and the smile was very strange.

Goose bumps all over her body rose, and she took a few steps back again.

"Hehe, thousands of years ago, this king saw a corner of the future through Muchen Bead, and this king knew that after thousands of years, there would be a descendant with the bloodline closest to this king coming here. This person, It's you, I've been waiting for you for more than 2000 years!" The voice of Queen Jingjue became more and more excited.

Even her calmness that has been cultivated for more than 2000 years seems to be unable to suppress the excitement in her heart.

"What do you want to do?"

Zhou Suyi became more vigilant, and quietly held a dagger in her hand.

"Damn, if you dare to do anything to me, no matter what ancestor you are, I will fight with you!" She was thinking in her heart.

The Jingjue Queen suddenly burst out laughing.

"More than 2000 years, hahaha, more than 2000 years, do you know how I spent these 2000 years? However, everything is coming to an end, hahaha, you, come, this king, you can leave Already!"

Zhou Suyi only felt that her scalp was about to explode.

Although the laughter was like the sound of nature, it made Zhou Suyi feel uncomfortable all over.

"Fuck, stop laughing, what the hell do you mean?" Zhou Suyi's tone also became tough.

The big deal is to tear your face and fight.

"You are close to this king's blood. This is your glory. This king's consciousness can perfectly integrate into your body, replace you, and return to your original world!" Queen Jingjue took a step forward, as if she couldn't wait .

Zhou Suyi retreated again.

"Damn it, you fucking want to take my mother away!"

Zhou Suyi suddenly became anxious.

Queen Jingjue frowned slightly, as if she was very dissatisfied with Zhou Suyi's attitude.

"It is your honor to dedicate your body to this king!"

"Glory, you uncle, what the hell age is it? You really think that you can fool people like before by just drawing a big cake casually. Pooh, come on, give it a try. If you dare to take it away, I will give it a try." Dare to fight with you!" Zhou Suyi directly took out the dagger.

Now that you've ripped your face apart, let's not worry about that.

"You dare to insult this king!" Queen Jingjue seemed to be even more angry, and stepped forward again.

Every step she took, Zhou Suyi felt Alexander.

This woman has been the king for thousands of years, and the aura she cultivated on her body is truly invincible.

"Damn it, Queen Jingjue actually has such a backhand, and she still wants to win the house. It won't really let her succeed."

"The Muchen Bead can predict the future, is it so awesome?"

"It seems that it was said in the previously released Yunnan Insect Valley that King Xian saw a corner of the future through Muchen Bead."

"If this thing really exists, it will be powerful, a proper supernatural power."

"Can you help me predict how many female netizens I will have in the future?"

"Brother, wake up, you want to be single for the rest of your life, where can you find a girlfriend?"


No one expected that, not only did Queen Jingjue not die, she even wanted to take Zhou Suyi away.

This wait spanning more than 2000 years is really surprising.

All the netizens became worried for Zhou Suyi.

After all, the ability that Queen Jingjue showed in this world before was too terrifying. With a squeeze of her hand, countless slaves could be crushed to death. This is almost a god-like power.

Can Zhou Suyi bear it?

Although, during this period of time, Zhou Suyi has almost perfectly suited the role of Shirley Yang, her strength has been greatly improved, and she still has the strength to deal with some monsters.

But people are people, can they really fight against the queen who is like a god at the moment?

(End of this chapter)

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