Chapter 203 The Queen Is Confused

No one expected that not only did Queen Jingjue not die, but she was also thinking of seizing the descendants who came in, which made everyone sweat for Zhou Suyi.

Zhou Suyi herself was also nervous.

After all, I just witnessed the god-like power of Queen Jingjue here.

Now that I think about it, this is not venting anger, it is clearly showing off my wrists and making myself cooperate obediently.

"Fuck you, you are the one who scolded you, shitty queen, you still want to be resurrected, so go dreaming!" Zhou Suyi cursed.

I really don't have any good feelings for my cheap ancestor.

Not to mention cruelty and viciousness, she even wants to plot against her own descendants. Tiger poison doesn't even eat its offspring, this queen is more ruthless than a tiger.

Based on the principle of attacking first, Zhou Suyi made a sudden attack, drew out her dagger, and rushed over at an extremely fast speed.

The distance between the two was only five or six meters, and they arrived in front of the Jingjue Queen almost instantly. Zhou Suyi clenched the dagger tightly and stabbed the Jingjue Queen in the chest.

"Don't fucking dream of your Spring and Autumn Dream, go to hell!"

The Essence Queen didn't move, nor did she dodge and resist, but stood there quietly, with a disdainful chuckle from her mouth.

"It is worthy of being the descendants of this king, but there is a bit of this king's staunchness. Unfortunately, this world belongs to this king, and this king is the ruler here."

As soon as the Jingjue Queen's voice fell, Zhou Suyi felt as if she had been cast a hold on her body, and instantly lost control of her body, and she froze there.

The dagger in his hand almost touched the clothes of Queen Jingjue, but he couldn't move forward even a little bit.

"Damn, almost, almost!"

She gritted her teeth and wanted to go further, but it was useless.

"Hahaha, very good, very good, this king is also very satisfied with your body!" Queen Jingjue suddenly raised her hand and took off the scarf on her face.

Zhou Suyi saw that face.

It was exactly the same as the face of the corpse seen outside, except that the Jingjue Queen who opened her eyes gave off an aggressive feeling that made people dare not look at her.

"Let me go!" Zhou Suyi exhausted all her strength, but it was still useless.

"Hehe, don't struggle, don't resist, you will feel honored that this king can enter your body." The Jingjue Queen stared into Zhou Suyi's eyes.

Zhou Suyi only felt dizzy for a while, and her head started to feel dizzy.

"It's over, sister Zhou is over."

"This is being taken away? How can this nima pass, this level is almost unsolvable."

"In this world, the Queen of Excellence is the ruler, and even the 10 people below dare not resist, let alone Zhou Suyi alone."

"Hey, it's too difficult. It's impossible to pass this level. My Worm Valley. When will we meet again?"


Netizens felt a sense of suffocation and powerlessness.

This level is too difficult.

If the previous levels can be easily passed by relying on skills and methods, those without skills can also pass through hard resistance.

But the ultimate boss of this level, the Queen, is an unsolvable existence.

In this world, she is a god.

Although there is a saying that mortals can stand shoulder to shoulder with gods, but that is all nonsense, what can be compared shoulder to shoulder, relying on words?It still depends on who dares to put their feet up and fight.

【You have been seized, the game failed】

There is no doubt that the game fails.

Zhou Suyi opened her eyes, panting heavily.

Although I have experienced so many ways to die, the process of being taken away just now is the most uncomfortable, as if something was forced into my mind.

Instead of being able to drive him out, it was as if he was being held tightly by a big hand and then thrown out.

"Damn it, what kind of ancestor is this? Is there such an ancestor who deceived future generations? The people of the Zagrama tribe really suffered from bad luck." Zhou Suyi was furious.

But there was nothing I could do, I could only complain a few words.

"What should I do? It's too difficult to deal with the Jingjue Queen!"

Zhou Suyi pressed her temple hard, feeling a little tricky.

"One more time, I'll try again, try more, there will always be a way!"

Therefore, Zhou Suyi did not give up and entered the game again.

This time, after entering the imaginary number space, I was busy looking for the Jingjue Queen, and saw the Jingjue Queen standing behind her.

Zhou Suyi didn't say a word, just pulled out the dagger, and rushed over, trying to kill the Jingjue Queen while she was not paying attention.

This time, the Jingjue Queen was obviously a little surprised.

It seemed that she didn't expect Zhou Suyi to attack her suddenly just after arriving here, which made her feel something was wrong.

Because, in the past, after being dragged here by her, those people were in a state of confusion first, and had to spend some time getting used to the environment they were in.

Who would be like Zhou Suyi, without the slightest surprise or surprise, and directly attack her.

So freaking, so eccentric.

The queen of excellence can become a queen, she is naturally very smart.

The next moment, the dagger was on his chest.

However, there was still no accident, Zhou Suyi's body was frozen, unable to move any further.

"Why did you attack me directly?" Queen Jingjue asked.

Her voice was full of doubts.

"Bah, why did you say, you want to take away my old lady, but my old lady can't kill you?" Zhou Suyi said angrily.

This unexpected method failed, which made her a little annoyed.

"How do you know that this king wants to take you away?"

The Jingjue Queen was even more confused.

Only she knows this secret. How could the descendants of her in front of her know it?
"Hahaha, 666, I won't be able to fix it for the Jingjue Queen."

"Tell me, after coming down again and again, will the NPC Jingjue Queen have any changes?"

"If there is any change, the data will be deleted when it is finished. Will she really survive?"

"That's not okay, my God, this level is really unsolvable."


Such a direct sneak attack was unsuccessful, and the netizens really couldn't think of any good way to deal with the Jingjue Queen.

There is no solution to this issue.

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, if you want to seize the house, go ahead!" Zhou Suyi directly closed her eyes, and directly accepted her fate.

Queen Jingjue frowned tightly, she really couldn't understand this matter.

"Hehe, well, since you already know this king's intention, then this king will fulfill your wish!" As he spoke, he directly seized the house.

Game failed again.

"Damn, come again!"

Zhou Suyi was also furious, and entered the game again without taking a break.

She doesn't believe in that evil anymore today, and she also got into a fight with Queen Jingjue, so she doesn't believe that this test is really unsolvable.

If there is no solution, wouldn't Lin Mu ruin his job by himself, who would play the next game?

Therefore, she is sure that there must be a way to pass this level, but she has not discovered it yet.


(End of this chapter)

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