Chapter 204 The Correct Way
Zhou Suyi entered the game again, this time she saw the Queen Jingjue, she immediately showed excitement.

"Are you the Queen of Essence?"

Queen Jingjue looked at Zhou Suyi and smiled slightly.

"That's right, this king is the Queen of Essence!"

As soon as she finished answering, Zhou Suyi rushed over excitedly.

"Oh, my lord queen, I am your loyal subject, it is my honor to see you alive!"

Zhou Suyi's performance was so excited, as if she was really a fanatical follower of Queen Jingjue, but her acting skills were a little exaggerated.

Queen Jingjue was slightly satisfied when she heard these words.

Then, Zhou Suyi threw herself down in front of the queen, and hugged the queen's thigh with both hands.

"My lord, I'm so excited to see you, can I hug you?" Zhou Suyi blinked with big eyes, her face full of anticipation.

The Queen Jingjue was even happier. How could she refuse such a fanatical believer?

"Okay, my king agrees!"

Queen Jingjue was overjoyed immediately, "Thank you, Your Majesty Queen!"

Immediately, she got up and hugged the Essence Queen, at the same time, she quietly took out the dagger with one hand.

While embracing the Jingjue Queen, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he stabbed at the back of the Jingjue Queen.


This stab was firm, and the knife directly sank into the body of Queen Jingjue.

"Hahaha, it's done, it's done!"

Zhou Suyi was extremely excited.

She was really excited, she actually killed Queen Jingjue, even she herself couldn't believe it.

"Damn it, you dare to deceive this king!" Queen Jingjue's angry voice came.

"Hehe, go to hell!"

She was afraid that the Jingjue Queen would not die, so she stabbed the Jingjue Queen's back a few more times to confirm that these cuts could pierce the heart into a sieve, and she was satisfied.

"Fuck, it worked? It's a good trick, no, what's it called?"

"It's called killing you while you're not being caught."

"Beautiful job, such a surprise move, awesome, sister Zhou is amazing, yyds."

"Hahaha, it's finally done, my Worm Valley, waiting for me."


No one expected that Zhou Suyi would succeed so rarely. First, she paralyzed the opponent, let the opponent relax their guard, and then caught him by surprise and killed her with one blow.

So much fun.

too excited.


There's no after that.

The Jingjue Queen's body suddenly turned into a piece of starlight and disappeared. Immediately afterwards, countless stars gathered in front of Zhou Suyi, and a new Jingjue Queen appeared.

"Fuck me!"

Zhou Suyi, who was very excited just now, suddenly widened her eyes.

"How is it possible, you, how are you okay?"

She was really dumbfounded.

That's more than a dozen knives. For an ordinary person, one knife is enough to kill.

The Queen Jingjue mocked, "Hehe, this king is the ruler of this world, this world is me, and I am this world. If the world is not destroyed, this king will never die."

"Fuck me!"

Zhou Suyi chopped off her feet angrily, "I almost forgot, what's in it is just the consciousness of Queen Jingjue, so how could she be killed, I was fundamentally wrong."

"Wait, if the consciousness can't be killed, what about the body? She said that her body can only live forever if her body is in a dying state. Then, as long as I destroy her body, can I destroy her body?" Got it?"

Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi suddenly became excited, thinking that she might have thought of the key.

Queen Jingjue looked at Zhou Suyi first with annoyed expression, and then laughed loudly, frowning tightly.

"Could it be that my offspring is a fool?" She seriously suspected that Zhou Suyi must have some serious mental illness.

"Hahaha, come on, come to Duoshe, I have a way to deal with you!" Zhou Suyi directly closed her eyes and opened her arms, as if you were going to kill me quickly.

Queen Jingjue looked at her with weird eyes, and felt more and more in her heart that there was something wrong with this person's mind.

If you take the home by yourself, there won't be any sequelae, right?
Netizens were excited at first, but when they saw that Queen Jingjue had nothing to do, they suddenly became dumbfounded.

But then they saw Zhou Suyi laughing out loud, which made them all bewildered. They seriously doubted whether Zhou Suyi couldn't accept the reality, and they just went stupid.

Game failed again.

"Hahaha, brothers, I've figured out a way, you just wait and see the good news of my customs clearance!"

Zhou Suyi said excitedly, and entered the game again.

"It's over, sister Zhou doesn't know how to play games and be silly."

"Maybe it's because I have been robbed so many times that my brain is not working well."

"Pfft...they may have really thought of a way."

"Waiting for good news!"


Coming to the game again, Zhou Suyi skillfully handled the corpse-flavored konjac and dropped it into the coffin.

Seeing the lying Jingjue Queen, she immediately took out the dagger.

"Hehe, since you haven't died yet, I'll help you!" Immediately, a dagger was about to be stabbed into the Queen's heart.

It's useless to kill the Jingjue Queen in the imaginary space, that's not the real body, but the outside world is her body, there's no mistake about that.

After a few stabs in the heart, she couldn't believe that she couldn't die.

and many more.

"If Queen Jingjue hasn't died yet, then me, does this count as murder? However, does killing a person who lived more than 2000 years ago count as murder?"

Zhou Suyi thought wildly.

Netizens couldn't fix her problem.

"It shouldn't be counted. People from more than 2000 years ago are not protected by law."

"I think it counts. A person is a person, and he is a person without death."

"Here, please Zhang San, an outlaw lunatic, to popularize science."

"Oh, what nonsense, this is a game, not reality."


"Forget it, it's a game, not reality, do it!"

Zhou Suyi shook her head to get rid of these distracting thoughts, then she gritted her teeth and stabbed directly with the dagger in her hand.

However, before the dagger touched the corpse's heart, she felt dizzy for a while, and then came to the imaginary space again.

"What's the situation? I didn't fucking look into her eyes, and I didn't take off the veil!" Zhou Suyi was a little depressed.

"No, it must have been not decisive enough just now, come again!"

Zhou Suyi was taken away again, and then entered the game again.

This time, she was very decisive. As soon as she fell into the coffin, she took out the dagger. Without further ado, she held the dagger in both hands and stabbed the corpse's chest with all her strength.

"This time, I don't believe it's not enough, if not, I'll just let him..."

Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth, her face was ferocious, she really looked a bit like a murderous maniac, it can be seen that this repeated failure really wanted to break her mentality.

For a while, the netizens also became nervous, and they all prayed in their hearts that the knife could be inserted firmly.


(End of this chapter)

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