Chapter 205 Finally Done

Zhou Suyi held the knife this time without the slightest hesitation, and stabbed it with one knife.

This time, she didn't believe that if she couldn't kill her, she would kill the queen.

But after the stabbing, she felt dizzy, and was pulled into the imaginary space again.

This time Zhou Suyi went a little crazy.

"Fuck, why can't it work? Why can't it work? What the hell should I do?"

The Jingjue Queen next to her looked at her maddened appearance, a little confused.

It seems that I can't figure it out, why did this woman start to go crazy when she first came in instead of being shocked?
Then Zhou Suyi looked at the Jingjue Queen and said angrily: "Come on, hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

The Queen of Essence was stunned.

Zhou Suyi's set of operations made her a little bit incompetent.

But the queen is not a soft-hearted person. Although she wants to talk to someone and tell her all the experiences of these years, since they are in such a hurry, she will naturally not be polite and just take the house away.

After losing the game again, Zhou Suyi calmed down and let out a long sigh.

"Sure enough, the more you get to the back, the more difficult it will be. How do you pass this level?"

She rubbed her aching temples vigorously, but she didn't have a clue in her mind, and then she could only stare at the barrage to find clues.

"There is no solution to this level. Could it be set up on purpose, just because we don't want us to pass the level?"

"There must be a way, but we haven't thought of it yet. After all, this is the last way. It must not be that easy. It's not easy to think of."

"Eyes, eyes, have you forgotten the reward you got? Sister Zhou's eyes."

"What eyes?"


Not to mention that someone really found the key to the problem.

Zhou Suyi stared at the barrage, her eyes brightened.

"You mean the residual eye of the snake god?"

Zhou Suyi thought of the residual eye of the snake god. This thing can open the channel of the imaginary number space with a certain chance. I thought about trying it before, but I was afraid that something might go wrong, so I didn't dare to try it.

Now that she was reminded by netizens, she remembered it.

"In that world, the Essence Queen is the ruler, and no one can escape from that world. But I am different. I can open the channel of the imaginary space. Although I can't kill her, it should be no problem to escape from it. As long as I escape, my mission will be completed."

Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi's eyes became brighter.

Sure enough, this game is interlocking. Although the hidden mission can be completed or not, if you don't complete it, you won't get rewards, and if you don't get rewards, you may not be able to pass this level.

If you don't get rewards and get the remaining eyes of the snake god, you may never be able to pass the final level.

"Hahaha, so that's how it is. Fortunately, you set it up so secretly, I really want to open your little brain and see how your brain grows."

If Lin Mu knew what Zhou Suyi was thinking, he would definitely think that this girl was crazy playing games.

Thinking that Su Yi had no time to delay this week, she entered the game again.

Entering the imaginary space again, Queen Jingjue walked over, she was not in a hurry to think, she wanted to tell her descendants the experience of these thousands of years.

After all, these thousands of years have been too lonely for her, and she really wants to talk to someone, and those slaves are not worthy of her.

But before she opened her mouth, Zhou Shuyi said: "Hurry up and tell me your shit, I'm in a hurry, so don't disturb me, I'll try mine if you say what you say."

The Queen of Essence was stunned again.

Why doesn't this play out according to the routine?
Wait why did I say again?
The Queen Jingjue stared at Zhou Suyi with incomparably weird eyes, always feeling that something went wrong.

Then after thinking about it, I was relieved.

"As expected of my descendants, they are really different." She comforted herself in this way.

If Zhou Suyi knew what she was thinking, if she insisted on saying something, it would be somewhat stinky and shameless.

Zhou Suyi began to communicate with the remaining eyes of the snake god, preparing to open the passage to the imaginary space and escape from here.

[Failed to communicate with the imaginary number space. 】

As a result, the game directly gave a hint.

"Is the probability so low?" She looked at the Queen Jingjue a little depressed, "Hurry up, big sister, I'm really in a hurry, take the house."

Exquisite queen...

Try again and fail again, and fail again and again.

The probability of success for this snake god to open the channel of the imaginary number space is too low.

"Damn, as expected of a bad eye, far worse than the queen of other people." Zhou Shuyi complained.

Finally, after 10 consecutive attempts, she succeeded.

As soon as people entered, Queen Jingjue had an excited expression on her face. She was about to speak, but she saw Zhou Suyi who had just appeared in front of her, and disappeared with a whoosh.

"Where are people?" The Jingjue Queen was stunned, staying where she was as if she had been petrified.

It took her a while to come back to herself, and then she lost her mind.

"Impossible, this is impossible, how could she open the passage to the world, this is impossible, I have waited for thousands of years, and what I have been waiting for is today, did I just miss it like this? No, no!"

The Jingjue Queen yelled angrily, he was really desperate.

Thousands of years of waiting, but now it has failed like this, the last hope in her heart was lost, and she collapsed in an instant, and then the hundreds of thousands of slaves below became the object of her venting.

As soon as Zhou Suyi left the imaginary number space, she heard the prompt of the game.

[Congratulations on completing the main mission. 】

[Congratulations on obtaining the quest reward Qilin Bloodline. 】

[Kirin bloodline: a semi-artificial super bloodline, not only can provide a substantial enhancement to the body's various skills, but also has a super self-healing ability, and has many miraculous effects, please try it yourself. 】

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Shuyi felt warm all over her body, and a warm current swept her whole body instantly, and she felt that her body's various skills had really become much stronger.

Not only the physical fitness, but also the five senses are much sharper.

"Is this the Qilin bloodline? It feels stronger than Faqiu Zhi."

Zhou Suyi was too excited.

Netizens are also boiling.

"Fuck, I finally cleared the level, Ollie, sister Zhou is awesome."

"Hahaha, I've been waiting for you and me for so long, and it's finally here."

"Hey, is this over? I still feel a little bit reluctant."

"Sure enough, this reward is used to deal with the imaginary space of the Essence Queen."

"Isn't the game over? The last big boss, the Queen, has passed. Why haven't you quit the game? There won't be a story, right?"


After chasing this game for so long, I have some feelings. Now that it is over, it really makes people feel a little uncomfortable, but they found that the game did not quit directly, but is still going on. It is a bit unexpected. Is there a follow-up? plot?

For a while, everyone became curious again.


(End of this chapter)

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