Chapter 206

Although the main mission was completed, the game did not end directly, which made netizens curious.

Zhou Suyi is still experiencing the benefits brought by the Qilin blood.

Hu Bayi in the distance was stunned.

Just now, he was about to come over to check on Zhou Suyi's condition, but when he walked halfway, he found that she disappeared.

He rubbed his eyes, wondering if there was something wrong with his eyes and he misread.

Then he opened his eyes again and saw Zhou Suyi appearing again, standing there with a surprised face.

"It seems that I am too tired, and my eyes are not working well!" Hu Bayi shook his head to wake himself up.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

The whole cave began to shake.

There are boulders falling from above, as if the end of the world is coming.

"It's not good, old Miss Hu Yang, come back quickly and something serious will happen." Fatty Wang's horrified cry came from a distance.

Zhou Suyi came back to her senses, her expression changed.

"what happened?"

Hu Bayao: "I don't know, it seems to be an earthquake, we have to get out of here quickly."

The current stone beam also began to shake violently, with several huge cracks appearing on it, and it looked like it was about to break.

"Go, go back first!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly ran back.

The two of them stumbled and ran to the next steps. Finally, the stone beam couldn't hold on anymore and broke directly, and the coffin on it fell from the sky.


Vaguely, Zhou Suyi seemed to hear an unwilling roar.

There was anger, despair, and unwillingness in this voice.

[Main task: Escape]

[Task Reward: Little God Front]

Suddenly the game gave another hint, and a new mission appeared, just two words to escape, it sounds very simple, but Zhou Suyi knew that this might be the last mission of the game, it was definitely not that simple.

"Quick, get out of here!" Zhou Suyi shouted hastily.

Fatty Wang pointed to the steps when he came, "Old Hu, Miss Yang, you can see for yourself!"

Only then did Zhou Suyi look over, her face suddenly changed.

Countless strange snakes appeared from nowhere, blocking their way, not only on the steps when they came, but also on the surrounding rock walls, densely packed strange snakes rushed towards them.

This time, it seemed that he had really entered the snake's den.

"I just said, this game won't end that easily. Sure enough, it's almost over, and there will be another wave of moths." Zhou Suyi thought to herself.

"Old Hu, quickly get the flare gun."

Without Zhou Suyi's reminder, Hu Bayi had already taken out the flare gun and shot directly at the sky.


For a moment, the surroundings were illuminated like daylight.

The strange snakes were stimulated by the strong light, and they all stopped moving, but they did not die.

It can be seen that these snakes are real, not the power of the ghost hole. Therefore, the strong light can only temporarily disable them, but it cannot kill them.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone ran desperately, along the steps they came from, and ran towards the intersection where they came from.

But the vibration became more and more violent, and boulders continued to fall, as if the landslide had split in half, everyone was staggering, and they might fall off the cliff if they didn't pay attention.

The light of the flare gun disappeared quickly, and the strange snakes lost their ability to move again and attacked them.

Zhou Suyi held the vajra umbrella to block the attacks of many strange snakes.

Both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang swung their engineering shovels, and kept smashing towards the side, smashing the strange snakes that were rushing towards them into the air.


Suddenly there was a scream.

Zhou Suyi turned her head and saw a snake biting Sa Dipeng's neck.

His face turned black in an instant, and he fell back and fell off the cliff.

"Xiao Sa!"

When Professor Chen saw this scene, he let out a scream, and then his eyes became dazed, as if he had lost his soul.

"Damn, fainted at this time, you are messing with something." Fatty Wang cursed.

Immediately, Chu Jian also let out a scream.

In front of so many strange snakes, ordinary people like them have long been frightened. How can they resist like Hu Bayi and the others? Death is only a matter of time.

Zhou Suyi's face was ugly.

Two people died like this one after another, which made her feel powerless.

Although she just got the Qilin bloodline and her strength has improved again, there are too many strange snakes around, endless.


Hu Bayi sent out a flare again, and the strange snakes lost their ability to move again.

"Put Professor Chen on your back and leave quickly!"

It was too late for the crowd to take care of Chu Jian's body. With Ye Yixin and Professor Chen on their backs, they finally arrived at the entrance of the cave.

However, when I saw people, I was dumbfounded.

The entrance of the cave has collapsed and is blocked firmly.

"It's over, it's over, Lao Hu, today, it seems that we really have to explain here!" Fatty Wang kicked twice unwillingly, but how could he kick it away.

"Miss Yang, do you still have grenades?" Hu Ba said.

Zhou Suyi smiled wryly, there are no more grenades, they were all used up below.

They thought they could escape and ascend to heaven, but who would have thought that now that they are in a desperate situation again, and cannot leave here, all of them will be bitten to death by snakes.

"Damn it, damn it, I've passed the 80th difficulty, so I won't fall on this No.[-]th difficulty!" Zhou Suyi was really depressed.

Seeing that you can completely clear the level by escaping, but being stuck here again, it is very uncomfortable.

"Hahaha, let me just say, this game is not so easy to pass."

"What should I do, unless there are explosives and grenades, but they are all used up, unless, go back down, do it again, and save a grenade."

"It's almost impossible. When the firepower is full, that level is very difficult, let alone save a grenade."

"Hey, it's just so close to the door, it's uncomfortable."


For a while, netizens also felt a little scratchy.

"Everyone hold on, there will be a solution!" Zhou Suyi shouted loudly. Although she was a little annoyed, she still firmly believed that every level of this game is not unsolvable, and there must be a solution to the problem.

"Grandma, even if Fatty I die, I have to kill these snake bastards!"

Fatty Wang picked up the engineering shovel and smashed it hard.

The strange snakes were smashed into meat paste by him.

Zhou Suyi used the diamond umbrella in one hand to help everyone and herself block the sudden attack, and with the dagger in the other hand, he chopped off the heads of the strange snakes steadily and ruthlessly.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang didn't notice that Zhou Suyi had already resisted several fatal attacks for them in such a dark environment.

It can be said that the two of them are still alive, half of the credit is due to Zhou Suyi.

This is enough to show that the unicorn blood has greatly improved the body, and the reaction ability and sensitivity have been improved several times.

It is really possible to see all directions and listen to all directions.


(End of this chapter)

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