Chapter 207
Zhou Suyi, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang, although the three of them have extraordinary skills, they can do it for a while, but if it continues like this, they will die in the wheel battle.

"No, I have to think of a way!" Zhou Suyi shouted.

"There is still a fart way, unless there are other passages here, otherwise, we will definitely not be able to get out of this door." Fatty Wang was depressed.

"Other channels!" Zhou Suyi's eyes lit up.

"Look for it quickly, there may be other ways to leave here." Hu Bayi did not give up.

Immediately, the three of them spread out to the side, looking for other exits.

"Fuck, old Hu, Miss Yang, come here quickly, there is a crack here, maybe you can really escape." Fatty Wang suddenly shouted.

Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi hurried over.

I saw a huge crack appearing on the wall at some point.

"It seems that the cracks in the mountain caused by the earthquake may not be able to get out, but now I have no other choice, so I can only gamble, go, go in!" Hu Bayao!

Zhou Suyi couldn't think so much, so she hurried in together.

No sooner had they entered than the crack behind them collapsed again.


There was a loud noise, smoke and dust rose up everywhere, and the crack was instantly sealed.

The three of them stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Old Hu, Miss Yang, are you all right?" Fatty Wang shouted, scratching his neck.

"I'm fine!"

"I'm fine too!"

Zhou Suyi got up from the ground.

After they entered, the earthquake stopped temporarily, but there was still the sound of boulders falling outside.

Zhou Suyi glanced back, the way in was completely blocked.

"Hey, if there is no road ahead, then we will really be trapped to death here." Zhou Suyi sighed, feeling completely hopeless.

Hu Bayi is optimistic, "At least, those strange snakes should not be able to get in now. Even if there is no way, we can survive for a while."

"That's right!" Zhou Suyi smiled bitterly.

She thought in her heart, if there is no way, then what's the use of staying there for a long time, maybe she can really dig a hole and escape.

There are rocks all around here, they are even pangolins, it is difficult to pass through.

Hu Bayi took a flashlight and took a photo towards the front, "There is still a road ahead, let's keep going and see the situation."

Both Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang nodded, and they walked forward along the crack in the mountain.

The cracks are very irregular, wide in some places and narrow in some places, which should be caused by mountain activities such as earthquakes.

After walking about tens of meters, everyone's eyes lit up, and a stone room appeared in front of them.

"Fuck, it's saved, it's saved, the stone room here proves that someone must have been there before, and if someone has been here, there must be a way out!" Fatty Wang immediately ran over happily.

"Fatty, be careful!" Hu Bayi hurriedly reminded and chased after him.

Zhou Suyi's eyes also lit up, "Fuck me, is this the f*cking saying that there is no way out, and there is another village in the dark?"

Several people quickly stepped into the secret room.

In the middle of the stone room, there is a stone box!

And at the end of the stone room, there are two figures!

Fatty Wang didn't see clearly either, and was startled.

"Oh my god, two zongzi." He reacted quickly, and directly touched the black donkey's hoof.

Zhou Suyi could see the surroundings clearly, and hurriedly said, "Don't talk nonsense, it's just two corpses!"

The two corpses seemed to have been dead for a long time, and the bones had already been calcified!

Two people, one old and one young!
The bones had been calcified long ago. The old man still had a beard on his chin, and his body was wrapped in sheepskin. The other one was obviously a child, about five or six years old, sitting cross-legged on a big rock.

"There is actually a secret room in this place, it really is a chain."

"Who are these two people? It doesn't feel easy."

"It's definitely not simple. They definitely didn't come here for no reason."

"How can you be an ordinary person who can live next to the Jingjue Queen."


For a while, netizens also became interested in the two people in the secret room.

"Hehe, grandma, I'm going to scare the fat man!" Fatty Wang was not interested in the two corpses, so he turned around inside, looking for an exit, but unfortunately he couldn't find it, and was immediately disappointed.

"I said Lao Hu, it's really strange. You said, why did you build a secret room here? What's the relationship between these two people and the Jingjue Queen? Otherwise, how could the Jingjue Queen allow someone Building a secret room around her tomb!" Fatty Wang asked.

Hu Bayi shook his head, "I don't know!"

He took a look and found nothing. In the whole secret room, the stone box seemed to be a bit unusual.

He walked over.

Zhou Suyi and Fatty Wang also moved to the side of the stone box.

"Hey, there seems to be something painted on it!" Fatty Wang saw the lines on the stone box with sharp eyes.

Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi hurriedly looked at it carefully. There were many simple lines drawn on it. Although it was a bit rough, they could roughly understand the artistic conception above at a glance.

"What is this painting? I'm not as good as Fat Master!" Fatty Wang looked at those simple lines, feeling disgusted for a while, feeling unable to understand.

Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi glanced at each other, both of them were a little surprised because they both saw something.

Zhou Suyi even thought of the background story.

"It is said that near Mount Zagrama, there is a saint. This is not the tomb of the saint, right?"

In the background story, Xiansheng predicted many things, and even asked the Zagrama tribe to look for Muchen Bead. Zhou Suyi was deeply impressed by this.

Fatty Wang didn't believe it, "How is it possible? If it is a sage, the status should be very high. Then, even if it is not a rich burial, it must not be bad. Look at the secret room we are in now. It is too simple. Even a decent There are no funeral objects."

Hu Bayi glared at him, "Don't talk nonsense, since you are a saint, how can you be as superficial as ordinary people, pursuing those imaginary things."

"Um, it seems, yes!"

Zhou Suyi stared at the stone box for a while, and frowned.

"I said Miss Yang, what did you see?" Fatty Wang asked seeing Zhou Suyi's expression was wrong.

Zhou Suyi said: "If my guess is correct, the painting on it seems to be a prophecy."

"Prophecy map? What is predicted?"

"According to the meaning above, after they died, no one came here until one day, four people came here through a crack." Zhou Suyi said.

Fatty Wang subconsciously counted, "One, two, three, four, five, that's not right, we are five people, the way of the saints is not very good, and the prophecy is not accurate!"

Fatty Wang didn't take it seriously.

However, both Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi's expressions became ugly.


(End of this chapter)

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