Chapter 208 The Devil Is Inside
Fatty Wang was careless, but he didn't think much about it, but Zhou Suyi and Hu Bayi's expressions turned slightly ugly.

Hu Bayao: "If the first sage is not a liar, then maybe this prophecy is not about us, but another wave of people, or, there is another possibility!"

Hu Bayi did not continue to talk about this.

Fatty Wang saw that Hu Bayi was still playing tricks, so he asked: "Old Hu, what else is possible, you just say it."

"There is another possibility that one of us may not be human!"


As soon as these words came out, a chill came to my heart.

Fatty Wang trembled, "I said, Lao Hu, it's already this time, don't scare people."

Hu Bayi smiled wryly, he wanted to say that he didn't want to, but there was no other possibility.

"No, take a closer look, this stone box has been kept here for so long, is it peeling from the place!" Fatty Wang also felt a little faint.

After all, we have seen many strange things along the way.

It is not impossible that one of these people is not human.

This has happened before.

Zhou Suyi stared at the stone carvings and said: "It shouldn't be wrong. Although these lines are simple, they are very clear and the meaning is obvious. The stone box is well preserved and there is no sign of falling off."

"That means his prediction was wrong. After all, how could the prediction be accurate for thousands of years!" Fatty Wang said.

Zhou Suyi's eyes were very strange.

Because she knew that this prophecy ability was real, Queen Jingjue accurately predicted that a descendant with the closest bloodline to her would come here in more than 2000 years.

"I hope!" Hu Ba said.

"Look carefully, what else is there?" Fatty Wang said.

Zhou Suyi looked around and saw the end, and said: "Look at the last part, there are obviously four people on it, and one of them opened the stone box."

When Fatty Wang heard it, he immediately said: "Let me see, what is the use of guessing and guessing? Such a big kid can fucking predict the size. Look at me, isn't it just a broken box?" , and it’s not locked... By the way, didn’t he prophesy that one of the four people reached out to open the stone box? Let’s call him on this board, Lao Hu, come over and reach out, and we will open the box together. He opened it."

Although Fatty Wang's words were not very pleasant to hear, Zhou Suyi thought it made sense.

Since he predicted that one person would open the box, if the two of them open it together, even if the prophecy is broken, there is nothing to worry about.

"Well, it's also a way!" Hu Ba nodded in agreement.

The two of them prepared to open the stone box together.

For some reason, Zhou Suyi suddenly became inexplicably nervous.

At this moment, Ye Yixin's body suddenly twitched violently.

"what happened?"

Immediately, everyone gathered around.

Ye Yixin's body twitched violently, foaming from his mouth, and then he kicked his legs, and there was no movement.

"Sister Yixin!" Fatty Wang felt a little sad when he saw this scene.

All this way, he carried Ye Yixin behind his back, and he showed his feelings.

Hu Bayi raised his hand to test Ye Yixin's breathing, his face was gloomy, "It's already dead!"

Zhou Suyi also felt a little uncomfortable.

Although it's just a game, people are emotional creatures. Watching a film or television drama will affect their emotions, not to mention spending so long together in the game.

Thinking about the group of them, there are many dead now, only Professor Chen is left in the entire archaeological team, which is somewhat sad.

And just when everyone was sad, they heard a bang behind them.

Everyone hurriedly looked back subconsciously, and their faces changed instantly.

I saw that Professor Chen, who was originally in a daze, walked to the side of the stone box, opened the lid of the stone box, and threw it aside.

At this moment, Zhou Suyi only felt that her scalp was about to explode.

Is everything a coincidence?
But, this shit is too coincidental, why did things happen at the same time, why is it so small.

"Fuck, you old bastard, can't you be honest for a while!" Fatty Wang was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

Although Hu Bayi's face was also very ugly, he still held back Fatty Wang, "Okay, this is the end, let's see what's inside."

Three people came closer and looked inside.

Inside the stone box, there is another layer with three stone carvings on it.

"Grandma, you're fucking opening a blind box with me here!" Fatty Wang was a little annoyed and agitated.

Zhou Suyi looked at it, her face became even uglier.

"What does this mean?" Fatty Wang asked.

Hu Bayi said in a deep voice: "It probably means that one of the people who opened the second stone box was a devil."

"What do you mean?"

"In the first stone carving, three of them are obviously people, and the other one with a snake body and a human head is clearly the monster we saw under the ghost cave!" Hu Bayao said.

"What about the other two pictures?"

Hu Bayi continued: "The second and third stone paintings show two different results. One result is that three people and a ghost with long eyes opened the stone box together. The ghost will attack suddenly and take out the guts of the remaining three people."

"The second situation is that the evil spirit fell on the ground, separated from its head, and was killed. Three people opened the second stone box, and a passage appeared in the tomb, allowing them to escape and ascend to heaven."

For a moment, several people looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, with a trace of vigilance in their eyes.

One of the four was a devil, but no one knew who it was.

The thing pretended to be Hao Aiguo before, and almost got everyone tricked, but now it's doing this trick again, which really makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

If Professor Chen hadn’t opened the stone box by himself, no one would believe the prophecy inside. However, now that Professor Chen opened the stone box by himself and just verified the prophecy, no one would dare to take this prophecy for granted. It's over.

"Old Hu, what should we do now?" Fatty Wang was out of ideas. He looked at Zhou Suyi, then at Professor Chen, and felt that everyone was suspect.

He secretly pulled Hu Bayi aside.

"I said, Lao Hu, the two of us have been together all the time, so there must be no problem. Now, the two of them are the most suspected. Professor Chen has escaped our sight in the ghost cave, and we are guaranteed to be switched. Miss Yang will go and see." The coffin of Queen Jingjue will not be allowed to be possessed by ghosts, let me see, let's just kill them all if we don't do it!" Fatty Wang gritted his teeth, his eyes turned fierce.

When he said this, Hu Bayi suddenly thought of everything he saw on the stone beam.

At that time, he saw Zhou Suyi's figure suddenly disappear for a moment, and then reappear again.

I suspected that I was wrong before, but now that I think about it, I feel wrong, so I told Fatty Wang about it again.

"I'm stupid, I can't run away, it's probably because Ms. Yang has been dropped, Hu, let's do it!"

For a moment, the two looked at Zhou Suyi, their eyes became a little strange.


(End of this chapter)

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