Chapter 209 Cannibalism
From Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang's point of view, Zhou Suyi's problem is the biggest, most likely the devil in the stone carving.

"Old Hu, don't hesitate, let's do it." Fatty Wang urged.

Hu Bayi looked at him, "Miss Yang has been with us for so long and has saved us so many times. If you can do it, you can do it. Anyway, I can't do it."

Hearing this, Fatty Wang also wilted.

It's okay for him to be tough, but if he is really asked to do it, he won't be able to do it. After all, Zhou Suyi has really saved them many times along the way.

"No, old Hu, one thing is another thing. Miss Yang has saved us many times, but the current Miss Yang is not necessarily Miss Yang?" Fatty Wang still wanted to persuade Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi said in a bad mood: "It's worth it, don't persuade me, didn't I say it? You do what you want, and you do it."

"Well, I can't do it, so tell me, what should we do now? We can't know that Ms. Yang has a problem, so we should do nothing, or, let's tie her up, just in case. " Fatty Wang made another trick.

Hu Bayi shook his head, "Don't act recklessly, we're just skeptical but not sure, if you make a move, you'll be in trouble if you make a mistake."

"Oh, what are you going to do after all!" Fatty Wang was very depressed.

The two of them were whispering, and Zhou Suyi was also wary of them.

She was also thinking about it.

"Professor Chen and the two of them were out of my sight before, so it's hard to say who has the problem, Professor Chen? Although the behavior is indeed a bit abnormal, it seems too simple if the devil can be found so easily So, the probability of the devil being Professor Chen is actually much smaller."

"Then who is it? Fatty Wang? Hu Bayi?"

She looked at the two of them, her brows were tightly furrowed, it was really hard to be sure.

"Choose one of the four, first exclude Sister Zhou herself, then choose one of the three remaining, or try them one by one and you're done."

"Brother, you have a problem with your thinking. Although it's a game, is it really okay to kill people casually?"

"Anyway, I can't do it. In the game, these people are flesh and blood. If they really kill people, they will probably have psychological shadows."

"That's troublesome, how can the devil show up?"

"In my opinion, there is something wrong with Professor Chen, he is crazy, and he is deliberately pretending to be crazy."


Zhou Suyi and the others are confused, and so are the netizens. It's like playing with who is an undercover agent. Everyone has suspicions, but this suspicion cannot be used as evidence, it can only be guessed.

This is hard.

Just as Zhou Suyi was thinking, Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi suddenly sang two lines.

Then the two looked at each other trustingly, as if the song they just sang was matching slogans.

This quiet secret room, with two corpses there, was already weird. The two suddenly sang, which startled Zhou Suyi.

"What's wrong with you two?"

Fatty Wang waved his hand, "It's nothing, I just want to hear you sing a song, and you can sing "President Lin's Order to Pass Down" to listen to it."

"??? Crazy!" Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes.

She has never heard of this song.

Hu Bayi said next to him, "This question is a bit biased. People from abroad may have never heard of this song. Why don't you tell me who the president of the beautiful country is now? Forget it. Mother is not sure who it is."

Zhou Suyi finally understood, "Aren't you fucking suspecting that I'm a devil?"

Seeing that Zhou Suyi saw it, the two of them didn't hide it anymore.

Fatty Wang cut to the chase, "Miss Yang, I don't want to hide any more. Old Hu told me that in front of Shiliang's coffin, Old Hu once saw you disappear for a while and then reappear. So, your Most suspect."

Zhou Suyi clenched her fist, a little mad.

Nima, I am a player, how could something go wrong.

But when I think about it, I feel helpless. I know that I am a player, but the two of them don't know. At that time, I entered the imaginary number space. It is really difficult to explain this matter.

"At that time, I entered a mysterious space!" Zhou Suyi briefly talked about entering the imaginary space and communicating with Queen Jingjue.

As a result, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang looked at each other, and the suspicion in their eyes became stronger.

Obviously, this outrageous and supernatural thing is hard to believe.

It's fine to enter the mysterious space, but it's too hard to accept if you have communicated so much with Queen Jingjue and saw hundreds of thousands of slaves helping Queen Jingjue build a statue.

"Fuck, what are you two looking at, you still doubt me?" Zhou Suyi squeezed her waist angrily, feeling her stomach ache from anger.

Fatty Wang scratched his head, "This...Miss Yang, after you say that, I think you have more problems."


Zhou Suyi was so angry that she wanted to hit someone.

Then I saw Fatty Wang take out the black donkey's hoof, "Miss Yang, if you want to prove that you are fine, that's easy, just take a bite of this black donkey's hoof, if it's okay, we will believe that you are not a devil."

Zhou Suyi looked at the black donkey's hoof.

It's black, long, and hard. Maybe it's been stuffed into the mouth of some rice dumpling before. It makes me feel sick just thinking about it.

Let her take a bite of this, it is better to let her die.

"Get out, I won't eat it if you kill me!" Zhou Suyi took two steps back.

Hu Bayi also said: "Miss Yang, just take a bite, it's only good for you, not bad."

"Fuck off, why don't you two eat it?" Zhou Suyi was about to be pissed off by these two.

These two were quite normal before, why do they feel so unreliable now?

And myself, I feel very excited, very excited, very irritable, and want to hit someone very much, and even have a thought in my heart that I will fight with these two people.

"Hey, didn't the two of us match the code just now, it's all right!" Hu Bay said.

Fatty Wang said: "Old Hu, this is going to be called fuck off. How can a foreign girl say fuck off? There must be something wrong. She dare not eat this black donkey's hoof, she is probably a devil!"

"Fatty Wang, your uncle!"

Zhou Suyi was really in a hurry. Fatty Wang's cleverness was all used on her.

"Miss Yang, if you don't take a bite, then we won't be polite!" Hu Bayi narrowed his eyes, and took two steps closer to Zhou Suyi.

Fatty Wang also took the black donkey's hoof and approached step by step.

The two had fierce eyes, as if they were two gangsters who wanted to do something wrong to Zhou Suyi.

Zhou Suyi directly took out the knife, "Don't come here, come again, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Draw out the sword, draw out the sword, and say you are not a devil!" Fatty Wang stared fiercely.

Hu Bayi's eyes also gradually turned red, and there was a ruthlessness in his body.


(End of this chapter)

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