Chapter 210 The Horror of Corpse Fragrant Konjac

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang pressed forward step by step, wanting to attack Zhou Suyi, as if they believed in their hearts that Zhou Suyi was the devil.

And Zhou Suyi also drew out her knife, looking as if she was going to fight the two of them.

"How do you feel, there is something wrong with these people's emotions?"

"I also feel that something is wrong. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. The trust level was so high before, so I shouldn't just doubt it so easily."

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, calm down, calm down."

"We call on all parties to exercise restraint and resolve the issue calmly."


The authorities are confused by the onlookers, and netizens can see that the emotions of these people seem to be a little abnormal.

"Don't force me to do it!" Zhou Suyi's eyes were also red, holding the dagger firmly, there seemed to be only one thought in her mind, and that was to fight them.

"Hahaha, flowers, red and green, hahaha..." Suddenly, Professor Chen laughed wildly, crazy.

However, the three of them ignored him.

"Old Hu, do it!" Fatty Wang yelled, and the two rushed forward.

Zhou Suyi narrowed her eyes, she was not polite, and directly stabbed with the dagger in her hand.

If Zhou Suyi's force value was above average before, then he is above average now that he has the Qilin blood, which belongs to the highest level in the game. Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang are really no match.

After just a few rounds of fighting, a wound was drawn on the two of them.

However, this not only did not stop the two of them, but even stimulated their ferocity.

"Kill him."

The two rushed forward again, even more fiercely.

Zhou Suyi kicked Fatty Wang's chest, but although Fatty Wang's force value was not as good as hers, his physical fitness was really good, so he kicked Zhou Suyi back in a daze.

Hu Bayi took the opportunity to jump up and threw Zhou Suyi to the ground.

Fatty Wang in the distance is completely on top.

"Damn it, the devil, I'll kill you."

He found the gun and aimed it at Zhou Suyi's forehead, without hesitation, he shot it directly.


Zhou Suyi only felt a pain between her eyebrows.

【game over】

When he opened his eyes, he was still a little confused.

"Fuck, what's going on, how could these two people kill me?"

During the game, I was in it, and my mind was whirling, but after the game was over, my mind immediately woke up.

"It's not right, it's very wrong, why did the two of them become so hostile, and myself, it seems that my hostility has also become much stronger!"

Zhou Suyi discovered the problem by herself, and felt that it was very abnormal.

"It stands to reason that we have a high degree of affection for each other. Even if we suspect that there is something wrong with the other party, we will never fight, let alone kill people directly. There must be something wrong, but, what is wrong? Woolen cloth?"

Zhou Suyi tried hard to recall, but she had no clue.

So, she found the replay and watched it carefully.

Gradually, some discoveries were made.

"These stone carvings seem to be deliberately guiding our emotions. There is a problem!"

Continuing to look down, Zhou Suyi frowned again when she saw Professor Chen laughing madly.

"Flowers, red ones, green ones!" She suddenly widened her eyes, "It's so hard, it's corpse-fragrant konjac!"

"I'll go, no way, isn't the Corpse Fragrance Konjac destroyed, so difficult that it can still affect us? These words of Professor Chen are actually hints given by the game."

Zhou Suyi felt that it was very possible.

She has verified before that the corpse-flavored konjac does not affect them through taste, and she is not clear about the specific method.

Although the corpse-fragrant konjac was finished before it bloomed, who can guarantee that the corpse-fragrant konjac will be invalid.

"This flower is really evil."

Zhou Suyi felt the horror of Corpse Fragrant Konjac.


archaeological team.

After getting rid of the earth dragon, they successfully entered the top of the ghost cave. Since they didn't find the jade pendant, they couldn't remove the jade eyeballs. Therefore, no one was in a hurry to go down to the ghost cave to check the situation. They just used drones to investigate.

However, it was pitch black below, and nothing was found.

Therefore, the archaeological team set their sights on the exquisite queen's coffin above.

Above the ghost cave, there was indeed a stone beam, on which was the coffin of Queen Jingjue. After everyone went up, they saw the boat-shaped coffin made of Kunlun Shenmu, and the budding corpse-scented konjac.

Professor Zhong was so excited that he wanted to go over to have a look, but was stopped.

"No one can get close, everyone, get out!" Team Li received the instructions from above, and everyone immediately cleaned up the ancient city, obviously aware of the seriousness of the problem.

Although this corpse-scented konjac is only one plant, it is highly valued.

After they withdrew, a team in protective suits entered and took full protection. However, shortly after they entered, everything went wrong when they approached the Corpse Fragrance Konjac.

Those people were all insane, they started to attack each other, and finally they were rescued with great difficulty, but even after leaving, these people didn't recover, they still looked crazy.


Zhou Suyi entered the game again, facing the stone carvings on the second floor, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang discussed again, took out the black donkey's hoof, and let Zhou Suyi eat whatever they said.

Zhou Suyi bit the tip of her tongue to keep herself awake.

She looked at the two, "Sure enough, their emotions have been affected."

"Old Hu, Fatty, calm down, we are all affected by the corpse-flavored konjac, what we see may be just hallucinations." Zhou Suyi expressed her guess.

"Hallucinations? How is it possible?" Fatty Wang didn't believe it.

"Illusion?" Hu Bayi frowned slightly and calmed down a little.

"Old Hu, don't listen to her nonsense. She kicked the konjac to pieces. How could it affect us? This guy must be a devil. He wants us to relax our vigilance so that he can attack us." Fatty Wang road.

"Fatty Wang!"

Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth angrily.

Last time, this guy killed himself with a single shot, and now he did it again.

I want to hit someone, I really want to hit someone.

She couldn't control that much anymore, she raised her hand and pointed at Fatty Wang's face like a big pussy.


The beating was crisp and clear, with some personal grievances in it.

Fatty Wang staggered from the beating and fell beside the stone box. He was momentarily dazed, but strangely, he was not angry.

"Fuck, Miss Yang, what are you doing?" Hu Bayi became angry immediately, staring at Zhou Suyi fiercely.

However, Fatty Wang stared at the inside of the stone box, not knowing what he saw, "Old Hu, Lao Hu, something is wrong, something is wrong, look!"

"What's the matter?" Hu Bayi's tone was hostile, and he turned his head to look inside the stone box, but he didn't see anything unusual.

"Didn't see it?" Fatty Wang looked at Hu Bayi suspiciously.

"See what?" Hu Bayi said impatiently.

Fatty Wang had strange eyes, "Old Hu, don't blame me, this trick really works!"

What he said made Hu Bayi a little confused, and then he heard a slap, and his face was greeted by Fatty Wang, who beat Hu Bayi and turned around half a circle, making him dumbfounded.


(End of this chapter)

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