Chapter 211

Hu Bayi was caught off guard by Fatty Wang and slapped him hard.

The force of this slap was not small, Hu Bayi turned around half a circle on the spot, his face was swollen, and he looked confused and confused.

"Fatty, what the hell are you doing?" He was a little annoyed.

Fatty Wang pointed to the stone box, "Old Hu, look again."

"What are you looking at?" Hu Bayi glanced inside again, his eyes suddenly became strange.

Seeing that both of them were so weird, Zhou Suyi walked over curiously, and looked into the stone box, but nothing changed.

"Miss Yang, you didn't find the problem?" Hu Bayi looked at Zhou Suyi again.

Zhou Suyi shook her head, but at least the hostility of these two people was not so strong, she was very relieved, and felt that this big pussy pocket was really easy to use.

The last time I was in the canyon, I was able to escape safely by relying on a big hand. Now, it has such a miraculous effect.

It seems that these two people will be dishonest in the future, and they will still have to be forced to serve them.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang looked at each other, and they nodded to each other. Fatty Wang was rude and slapped Zhou Suyi in the face.

However, Zhou Suyi's reaction is so sensitive now, she dodges with a whoosh.

Fatty Wang's slap was quite strong, and he didn't hit anyone, so he turned around on the spot.

"Fuck, you fucking want to beat me to death with such force!" Zhou Suyi was furious.

Fatty Wang turned a little dizzy, a little embarrassed, "Ahem, that, I'm afraid that it will be useless if you hit it lightly."

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes.

She saw what the two of them meant, as if after being slapped, she looked at the stone box and found something extraordinary.

"I will do it myself!"

Zhou Suyi gritted her teeth and slapped herself in the face.

Of course, the beating was not serious this time, who could hit him so hard, and then, she leaned over to look again, and immediately there was a difference.

There are no stone carvings on the stone box.

"I said, Ms. Yang, have you seen it clearly? If there is no change, I'll help you so that you don't have to do it yourself." Fatty Wang was obviously brooding over the slap he just received, and wanted to I'm still going back.

"Get out, I saw it!" Zhou Suyi cursed angrily!

Hu Bayao: "It's really weird. There were stone carvings on it just now, but they all disappeared. It's so weird."

Zhou Suyi said: "It seems that my guess is correct. Although the Corpse Fragrance Konjac has been destroyed, it still affects us subtly. It not only makes us emotionally excited, but also produces hallucinations."

Fatty Wang had lingering fears in his heart, "The dead man's flower is really amazing. Fortunately, we are closely united, so we won't fall into its tricks of alienation, and there will be no tragedy of cannibalism. Now that I think about it, I'm really afraid, but at last I can't help it." Holy bless, no blunder was made."

Zhou Suyi didn't get angry when she heard this. Damn it, you forgot that you shot and killed my old lady last time.

"I said, Ms. Yang, how do I feel? There's something wrong with my eyes!" Fatty Wang was stared at by Zhou Suyi, feeling a little guilty, always felt that Zhou Suyi's eyes seemed to kill him.

Zhou Suyi rolled her eyes and ignored him, "Now open it and see what's inside."

Immediately, everyone opened the stone box on the second floor and found a sheepskin booklet inside.

Zhou Suyi took out the sheepskin booklet.

Fatty Wang hurriedly said: "Look quickly, does it say how to get out of here?"

Zhou Suyi opened the sheepskin booklet and found some simple paintings on it, and read them one by one.

"What are you drawing?" Fatty Wang really couldn't understand.

Zhou Suyi saw it clearly, "It's basically about the situation around this ghost cave!"

Zhou Suyi recounted the above content, which is actually similar to the background story, that is, the nearby Zagrama tribe created jade eyeballs to spy on the ghost cave, and then caused the snake disaster and became infected with the curse.

"That's it? Didn't you say how we should leave?" Fatty Wang was a little anxious.

This sheepskin book is simply the last hope for them.

"Don't worry, come slowly!" Zhou Suyi continued to look through.

But at this moment, Professor Chen suddenly yelled, "Don't read the following content."

The voice was sharp and piercing, not at all like Professor Chen's voice.

Everyone was startled by his sudden voice.

"Fuck, you old guy, what's the name of the ghost, I don't know how scary people are." Fatty Wang cursed dissatisfied.

"Don't go out, don't go out, don't go out at all!" Professor Chen danced and danced. The scalps of those watching this scene felt a little numb.

Then he suddenly rushed towards Zhou Suyi.

Zhou Suyi dodged to the side, but Professor Chen grabbed the sheepskin booklet, turned to the last page, tore off the last page, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Hahaha, I can't get out, I can't get out, hahaha, I have to stay here, let's stay!" Professor Chen laughed wildly while rejecting the parchment.

The laughter was vague, not like a man's voice, but like a woman's voice.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang only felt that it was very evil, and their scalps were numb, but Zhou Suyi felt that this laughter was very familiar, it was the laughter of the Queen of Excellence.

"Fuck me!"

She felt like her scalp was about to explode.

"I ruined the hope of Queen Jingjue's rebirth, she let us all be buried here, so vicious!" Zhou Suyi cursed in her heart.

"Hurry up, take out the last page, it probably records the way we left!" Hu Bayi was the first to react.

Immediately, Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi quickly pinched Professor Chen's mouth open, snatching the parchment out.

However, when he opened it, the expressions of the three of them changed.

This piece of paper turned out to be blank, with nothing on it.

"What's going on, why is there nothing, can't it be licked by him?" Fatty Wang was anxious.

Hu Bayi observed it carefully and shook his head, "It's not right, there is no trace on it, this piece of paper was originally blank!"

"Blank!" Zhou Suyi's eyes became brighter, "Could it be that Xiansheng had predicted this scene a long time ago, so the last piece of paper intentionally didn't write anything."

"Fuck, if that's the case, it's awesome!"

"No, no, no, I won't lose!" Professor Chen became even crazier when he heard these words, and he jumped on it again.

"Fatty, tie him up!"

The two of them worked together, tied up Professor Chen, and gagged his mouth.

On the contrary, Professor Chen calmed down, stopped struggling, and just looked at them with extremely strange eyes.

When he made such a fuss, everyone felt chills down their spines, a little horrified.

It's so evil, it's as if Professor Chen has been possessed by a ghost.


(End of this chapter)

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